blob: c14ab21a71fdf66a5328f7caec8f7f2b5c5a9709 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
// MainDetails contains data needed to render the unit template.
type MainDetails struct {
// NestedModules are nested modules relative to the path for the unit.
NestedModules []*NestedModule
// Subdirectories are packages in subdirectories relative to the path for
// the unit.
Subdirectories []*Subdirectory
// Directories are packages and nested modules relative to the path for the
// unit.
Directories []*UnitDirectory
// Licenses contains license metadata used in the header.
Licenses []LicenseMetadata
// NumImports is the number of imports for the package.
NumImports int
// CommitTime is time that this version was published, or the time that
// has elapsed since this version was committed if it was done so recently.
CommitTime string
// Readme is the rendered readme HTML.
Readme safehtml.HTML
// ReadmeOutline is a collection of headings from the readme file
// used to render the readme outline in the sidebar.
ReadmeOutline []*Heading
// ReadmeLinks are from the "Links" section of this unit's readme file, and
// are displayed on the right sidebar.
ReadmeLinks []link
// DocLinks are from the "Links" section of the Go package documentation,
// and are displayed on the right sidebar.
DocLinks []link
// ModuleReadmeLinks are from the "Links" section of this unit's module, if
// the unit is not itself a module. They are displayed on the right sidebar.
// See
ModuleReadmeLinks []link
// ImportedByCount is the number of packages that import this path.
// When the count is > limit it will read as 'limit+'. This field
// is not supported when using a datasource proxy.
ImportedByCount int
DocBody safehtml.HTML
DocOutline safehtml.HTML
MobileOutline safehtml.HTML
IsPackage bool
// DocSynopsis is used as the content for the <meta name="Description">
// tag on the main unit page.
DocSynopsis string
// SourceFiles contains .go files for the package.
SourceFiles []*File
// RepositoryURL is the URL to the repository containing the package.
RepositoryURL string
// SourceURL is the URL to the source of the package.
SourceURL string
// ExpandReadme is holds the expandable readme state.
ExpandReadme bool
// ModFileURL is an URL to the mod file.
ModFileURL string
// IsTaggedVersion is true if the version is not a psuedorelease.
IsTaggedVersion bool
// IsStableVersion is true if the major version is v1 or greater.
IsStableVersion bool
// File is a source file for a package.
type File struct {
Name string
URL string
// NestedModule is a nested module relative to the path of a given unit.
// This content is used in the Directories section of the unit page.
type NestedModule struct {
Suffix string // suffix after the unit path
URL string
// Subdirectory is a package in a subdirectory relative to the path of a given
// unit. This content is used in the Directories section of the unit page.
type Subdirectory struct {
Suffix string
URL string
Synopsis string
IsModule bool
// UnitDirectory is the union of nested modules and subdirectories for a
// unit organized in a two level tree structure. This content is used in the
// directories section of the unit page.
type UnitDirectory struct {
// Prefix is the prefix of the unit path for the subdirectories.
Prefix string
// Root is the package located at prefix, nil for a directory.
Root *Subdirectory
// Subdirectories contains subdirectories with prefix trimmed from their suffix.
Subdirectories []*Subdirectory
func fetchMainDetails(ctx context.Context, ds internal.DataSource, um *internal.UnitMeta, expandReadme bool, bc internal.BuildContext) (_ *MainDetails, err error) {
defer middleware.ElapsedStat(ctx, "fetchMainDetails")()
unit, err := ds.GetUnit(ctx, um, internal.WithMain)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
subdirectories := getSubdirectories(um, unit.Subdirectories)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nestedModules, err := getNestedModules(ctx, ds, um, subdirectories)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
readme, err := readmeContent(ctx, unit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var (
docParts = &dochtml.Parts{}
docLinks, modLinks []link
files []*File
synopsis string
doc := internal.DocumentationForBuildContext(unit.Documentation, bc)
if doc != nil {
synopsis = doc.Synopsis
end := middleware.ElapsedStat(ctx, "DecodePackage")
docPkg, err := godoc.DecodePackage(doc.Source)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, godoc.ErrInvalidEncodingType) {
// Instead of returning a 500, return a 404 so the user can
// reprocess the documentation.
log.Errorf(ctx, "fetchMainDetails(%q, %q, %q): %v", um.Path, um.ModulePath, um.Version, err)
return nil, errUnitNotFoundWithoutFetch
return nil, err
docParts, err = getHTML(ctx, unit, docPkg)
// If err is ErrTooLarge, then docBody will have an appropriate message.
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, dochtml.ErrTooLarge) {
return nil, err
for _, l := range docParts.Links {
docLinks = append(docLinks, link{Href: l.Href, Body: l.Text})
end = middleware.ElapsedStat(ctx, "sourceFiles")
files = sourceFiles(unit, docPkg)
// If the unit is not a module, fetch the module readme to extract its
// links.
// In the unlikely event that the module is redistributable but the unit is
// not, we will not show the module links on the unit page.
if unit.Path != unit.ModulePath && unit.IsRedistributable {
modReadme, err := ds.GetModuleReadme(ctx, unit.ModulePath, unit.Version)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, derrors.NotFound) {
return nil, err
if err == nil {
rm, err := processReadme(modReadme, um.SourceInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
modLinks = rm.Links
versionType, err := version.ParseType(um.Version)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
isTaggedVersion := versionType != version.TypePseudo
return &MainDetails{
ExpandReadme: expandReadme,
NestedModules: nestedModules,
Subdirectories: subdirectories,
Directories: unitDirectories(subdirectories, nestedModules),
Licenses: transformLicenseMetadata(um.Licenses),
CommitTime: absoluteTime(um.CommitTime),
Readme: readme.HTML,
ReadmeOutline: readme.Outline,
ReadmeLinks: readme.Links,
DocLinks: docLinks,
ModuleReadmeLinks: modLinks,
DocOutline: docParts.Outline,
DocBody: docParts.Body,
DocSynopsis: synopsis,
SourceFiles: files,
RepositoryURL: um.SourceInfo.RepoURL(),
SourceURL: um.SourceInfo.DirectoryURL(internal.Suffix(um.Path, um.ModulePath)),
MobileOutline: docParts.MobileOutline,
NumImports: unit.NumImports,
ImportedByCount: unit.NumImportedBy,
IsPackage: unit.IsPackage(),
ModFileURL: um.SourceInfo.ModuleURL() + "/go.mod",
IsTaggedVersion: isTaggedVersion,
IsStableVersion: semver.Major(um.Version) != "v0",
}, nil
// readmeContent renders the readme to html and collects the headings
// into an outline.
func readmeContent(ctx context.Context, u *internal.Unit) (_ *Readme, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "readmeContent(%q, %q, %q)", u.Path, u.ModulePath, u.Version)
defer middleware.ElapsedStat(ctx, "readmeContent")()
if !u.IsRedistributable {
return &Readme{}, nil
return ProcessReadme(ctx, u)
// unitDirectories zips the subdirectories and nested modules together in a two
// level tree hierarchy.
func unitDirectories(dirs []*Subdirectory, mods []*NestedModule) []*UnitDirectory {
var merged []*Subdirectory
for _, d := range dirs {
merged = append(merged, &Subdirectory{Suffix: d.Suffix,
Synopsis: d.Synopsis, URL: d.URL, IsModule: false})
for _, m := range mods {
merged = append(merged, &Subdirectory{Suffix: m.Suffix, URL: m.URL, IsModule: true})
// Organize the subdirectories into a two level tree hierarchy. The first part of
// the unit path suffix for a subdirectory becomes the prefix under which matching
// subdirectories are grouped.
mappedDirs := make(map[string]*UnitDirectory)
for _, d := range merged {
prefix := strings.Split(d.Suffix, "/")[0]
if _, ok := mappedDirs[prefix]; !ok {
mappedDirs[prefix] = &UnitDirectory{Prefix: prefix}
d.Suffix = strings.TrimPrefix(d.Suffix, prefix+"/")
if prefix == d.Suffix {
mappedDirs[prefix].Root = d
} else {
mappedDirs[prefix].Subdirectories = append(mappedDirs[prefix].Subdirectories, d)
var sorted []*UnitDirectory
for _, p := range mappedDirs {
sorted = append(sorted, p)
sort.Slice(sorted, func(i, j int) bool { return sorted[i].Prefix < sorted[j].Prefix })
return sorted
func getNestedModules(ctx context.Context, ds internal.DataSource, um *internal.UnitMeta, sds []*Subdirectory) ([]*NestedModule, error) {
nestedModules, err := ds.GetNestedModules(ctx, um.ModulePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Build a map of existing suffixes in subdirectories to filter out nested modules
// which have the same suffix.
excludedSuffixes := make(map[string]bool)
for _, dir := range sds {
excludedSuffixes[dir.Suffix] = true
var mods []*NestedModule
for _, m := range nestedModules {
if m.SeriesPath() == internal.SeriesPathForModule(um.ModulePath) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(m.ModulePath, um.Path+"/") {
suffix := internal.Suffix(m.SeriesPath(), um.Path)
if excludedSuffixes[suffix] {
mods = append(mods, &NestedModule{
URL: constructUnitURL(m.ModulePath, m.ModulePath, internal.LatestVersion),
Suffix: suffix,
return mods, nil
func getSubdirectories(um *internal.UnitMeta, pkgs []*internal.PackageMeta) []*Subdirectory {
var sdirs []*Subdirectory
for _, pm := range pkgs {
if um.Path == pm.Path {
sdirs = append(sdirs, &Subdirectory{
URL: constructUnitURL(pm.Path, um.ModulePath, linkVersion(um.Version, um.ModulePath)),
Suffix: internal.Suffix(pm.Path, um.Path),
Synopsis: pm.Synopsis,
sort.Slice(sdirs, func(i, j int) bool { return sdirs[i].Suffix < sdirs[j].Suffix })
return sdirs
const missingDocReplacement = `<p>Documentation is missing.</p>`
func getHTML(ctx context.Context, u *internal.Unit, docPkg *godoc.Package) (_ *dochtml.Parts, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "getHTML(%s)", u.Path)
if len(u.Documentation[0].Source) > 0 {
return renderDocParts(ctx, u, docPkg)
log.Errorf(ctx, "unit %s (%s@%s) missing documentation source", u.Path, u.ModulePath, u.Version)
return &dochtml.Parts{Body: template.MustParseAndExecuteToHTML(missingDocReplacement)}, nil