blob: 9e7db806fa628215602ad4a3fe93107696c8e458 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package internal
// A BuildContext describes a build context for the Go tool: information needed
// to build a Go package. For our purposes, we only care about the information
// that affects documentation generated from the package.
type BuildContext struct {
// All represents all values for a build context element (GOOS or GOARCH).
const All = "all"
// BuildContexts are the build contexts we check when loading a package (see
// internal/fetch/load.go).
// We store documentation for all of the listed contexts.
// The order determines which environment's docs we will show as the default.
var BuildContexts = []BuildContext{
{"linux", "amd64"},
{"windows", "amd64"},
{"darwin", "amd64"},
{"js", "wasm"},
// CompareBuildContexts returns a negative number, 0, or a positive number depending on
// the relative positions of c1 and c2 in BuildContexts.
func CompareBuildContexts(c1, c2 BuildContext) int {
if c1 == c2 {
return 0
// We should never see a BuildContext with "all" here.
if c1.GOOS == All || c1.GOARCH == All || c2.GOOS == All || c2.GOARCH == All {
panic("BuildContext with 'all'")
pos := func(c BuildContext) int {
for i, d := range BuildContexts {
if c == d {
return i
return len(BuildContexts) // unknowns sort last
return pos(c1) - pos(c2)
// BuildContext returns the BuildContext for d.
func (d *Documentation) BuildContext() BuildContext {
return BuildContext{GOOS: d.GOOS, GOARCH: d.GOARCH}
// DocumentationForBuildContext returns the first Documentation the list that
// matches the BuildContext, or nil if none does. A Documentation matches if its
// GOOS and GOARCH fields are the same as those of the BuildContext, or if the
// Documentation field is "all", or if the BuildContext field is empty. That is,
// empty BuildContext fields act as wildcards. So the zero BuildContext will
// match the first element of docs, if there is one.
func DocumentationForBuildContext(docs []*Documentation, bc BuildContext) *Documentation {
for _, d := range docs {
if (bc.GOOS == "" || d.GOOS == All || bc.GOOS == d.GOOS) && (bc.GOARCH == "" || d.GOARCH == All || bc.GOARCH == d.GOARCH) {
return d
return nil