blob: 463b66e58ae15cd0f5997f23dd44773a54f09f7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package symbol
import (
// CompareAPIVersions returns the differences between apiVersions and
// inVersionToNameToUnitSymbol.
func CompareAPIVersions(path string, apiVersions pkgAPIVersions,
inVersionToNameToUnitSymbol map[string]map[string]*internal.UnitSymbol) []string {
versionToNameToUnitSymbol := IntroducedHistory(inVersionToNameToUnitSymbol)
// Create a map of name to the first version when the symbol name was found
// in the package.
nameToVersion := map[string]string{}
for version, nts := range versionToNameToUnitSymbol {
for name := range nts {
if _, ok := nameToVersion[name]; !ok {
nameToVersion[name] = version
// Track the first version when the symbol name is added. It is
// possible for the symbol name to appear in multiple versions if
// it is introduced at different build contexts. The godoc
// logic that generates apiVersions does not take build
// context info into account.
if semver.Compare(version, nameToVersion[name]) == -1 {
nameToVersion[name] = version
var errors []string
shouldSkip := func(name string) bool {
if strings.HasSuffix(name, "embedded") {
// The Go api/goN.txt files contain a Foo.embedded row when a new
// field is added. pkgsite does not currently handle embedding, so
// skip this check.
// type UnspecifiedType struct, embedded BasicType in
// is an example.
// cmd/api code at
return true
if methods, ok := pathToEmbeddedMethods[path]; ok {
if _, ok := methods[name]; ok {
return true
if exceptions, ok := pathToExceptions[path]; ok {
if _, ok := exceptions[name]; ok {
return true
return false
check := func(name, wantVersion string) {
if stdlib.Contains(path) && shouldSkip(name) {
got, ok := nameToVersion[name]
delete(nameToVersion, name)
if !ok {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("not found: (want %q) %q \n", wantVersion, name))
} else if got != wantVersion {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("mismatch: (want %q | got %q) %q\n", wantVersion, got, name))
for _, m := range []map[string]string{
} {
for name, version := range m {
check(name, version)
for typ, method := range apiVersions.methodSince {
for name, version := range method {
typ = strings.TrimPrefix(typ, "*")
check(typ+"."+name, version)
for typ, field := range apiVersions.fieldSince {
for name, version := range field {
check(typ+"."+name, version)
for name, version := range nameToVersion {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("extra symbol: %q %q\n", name, version))
return errors