blob: 4e1407085d204b46c13226deda3657a577fe90b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`derrors accessibility tree 1`] = `
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"name": "// HasIncompletePackages indicates a module containing packages that",
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"name": "// NotFound indicates that a requested entity was not found (HTTP 404).",
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"name": "// NotFetched means that the proxy returned \\"not found\\" with the",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// Disable-Module-Fetch header set. We don't know if the module really",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// doesn't exist, or the proxy just didn't fetch it.",
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"name": "// InvalidArgument indicates that the input into the request is invalid in",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// some way (HTTP 400).",
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"name": ".",
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"name": "(\\"invalid argument\\")",
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"name": "// BadModule indicates a problem with a module.",
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"name": "BadModule =",
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"name": "(\\"bad module\\")",
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"name": "// Excluded indicates that the module is excluded. (See internal/postgres/excluded.go.)",
"role": "text",
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"name": "Excluded =",
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"name": "// AlternativeModule indicates that the path of the module zip file differs",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// from the path specified in the go.mod file.",
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"name": "AlternativeModule =",
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"name": "// ModuleTooLarge indicates that the module is too large for us to process.",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// This should be temporary: we should obtain sufficient resources to process",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// any module, up to the max size allowed by the proxy.",
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"name": "ModuleTooLarge =",
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"name": "// SheddingLoad indicates that the server is overloaded and cannot process the",
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"name": "// module at this time.",
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"name": "// ProxyTimedOut indicates that a request timed out when fetching from the Module Mirror.",
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"name": "ProxyTimedOut =",
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"name": "// ProxyError is used to capture non-actionable server errors returned from the proxy.",
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"name": "// package is not supported.",
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"name": "(\\"package build context not supported\\")",
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"name": "// PackageMaxImportsLimitExceeded indicates that the package has too many",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// imports.",
"role": "text",
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"name": "PackageMaxImportsLimitExceeded =",
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"name": "(\\"package max imports limit exceeded\\")",
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"name": "// PackageMaxFileSizeLimitExceeded indicates that the package contains a file",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// that exceeds fetch.MaxFileSize.",
"role": "text",
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"name": "PackageMaxFileSizeLimitExceeded =",
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"name": ".",
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"name": "New",
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"name": "(\\"package max file size limit exceeded\\")",
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"name": "// HTML size exceeded the specified limit for dochtml.RenderOptions.",
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"name": "PackageDocumentationHTMLTooLarge =",
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"name": "// PackageBadImportPath represents an error loading a package because its",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// contents do not make up a valid package. This can happen, for",
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"name": "// example, if the .go files fail to parse or declare different package",
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"name": "// names.",
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"name": "// Go files were found in a directory, but the resulting import path is invalid.",
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"name": "(\\"package bad import path\\")",
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"name": "// PackageInvalidContents represents an error loading a package because",
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"name": "// its contents do not make up a valid package. This can happen, for",
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"name": "// example, if the .go files fail to parse or declare different package",
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"name": "// names.",
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"name": ".",
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"name": "(\\"package invalid contents\\")",
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"name": "// DBModuleInsertInvalid represents a module that was successfully",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// fetched but could not be inserted due to invalid arguments to",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// postgres.InsertModule.",
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"name": "DBModuleInsertInvalid =",
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"name": ".",
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"name": "(\\"db module insert invalid\\")",
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"name": "// ReprocessStatusOK indicates that the module to be reprocessed",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// previously had a status of http.StatusOK.",
"role": "text",
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"name": "ReprocessStatusOK =",
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"name": "// ReprocessHasIncompletePackages indicates that the module to be reprocessed",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// previously had a status of 290.",
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"name": "ReprocessHasIncompletePackages =",
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"name": "(\\"reprocess has incomplete packages\\")",
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"name": "// ReprocessBadModule indicates that the module to be reprocessed",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// previously had a status of derrors.BadModule.",
"role": "text",
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"name": "ReprocessBadModule =",
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"name": ".",
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"name": "// ReprocessAlternativeModule indicates that the module to be reprocessed",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// previously had a status of derrors.AlternativeModule.",
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"name": "// that was successfully fetched but could not be inserted due to invalid",
"role": "text",
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"name": "// arguments to postgres.InsertModule.",
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"name": "func Add(errp *",
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"name": "Add adds context to the error. The result cannot be unwrapped to recover the original error. It does nothing when *errp == nil.",
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"name": "Example:",
"role": "text",
Object {
"name": "defer derrors.Add(&err, \\"copy(%s, %s)\\", src, dst)",
"role": "text",
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"name": "See Wrap for an equivalent function that allows the result to be unwrapped.",
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"name": "FromStatus generates an error according for the given status code. It uses the given format string and arguments to create the error string according to the fmt package. If format is the empty string, then the error corresponding to the code is returned unwrapped.",
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"name": "If code is http.StatusOK, it returns nil.",
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"name": "Report uses the errorreporting API to report an error.",
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"name": "func SetReportingClient(c *",
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"name": "SetReportingClient sets an errorreporting client, for use by Report.",
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"name": "ToReprocessStatus returns the reprocess status code corresponding to the provided status.",
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"name": "func ToStatus(err",
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"name": "ToStatus returns a status code corresponding to err.",
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"name": "Wrap adds context to the error and allows unwrapping the result to recover the original error.",
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