blob: 275cf044289ba4bb271c130dccb9071f2de319f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
const defaultSearchLimit = 10
// SearchPage contains all of the data that the search template needs to
// populate.
type SearchPage struct {
Pagination pagination
Results []*SearchResult
// SearchResult contains data needed to display a single search result.
type SearchResult struct {
Name string
PackagePath string
ModulePath string
ChipText string
Synopsis string
DisplayVersion string
Licenses []string
CommitTime string
NumImportedBy int
Approximate bool
Symbols *subResult
SameModule *subResult // package paths in the same module
OtherMajor *subResult // package paths in lower major versions
SymbolName string
SymbolKind string
SymbolSynopsis string
SymbolGOOS string
SymbolGOARCH string
SymbolLink string
type subResult struct {
Heading string
Links []link
// fetchSearchPage fetches data matching the search query from the database and
// returns a SearchPage.
func fetchSearchPage(ctx context.Context, db *postgres.DB, query string, pageParams paginationParams, searchSymbols bool) (*SearchPage, error) {
maxResultCount := maxSearchOffset + pageParams.limit
offset := pageParams.offset()
if experiment.IsActive(ctx, internal.ExperimentSearchGrouping) {
// When using search grouping, do pageless search: always start from the beginning.
offset = 0
dbresults, err := db.Search(ctx, query, postgres.SearchOptions{
MaxResults: pageParams.limit,
Offset: offset,
MaxResultCount: maxResultCount,
SearchSymbols: searchSymbols,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var results []*SearchResult
for _, r := range dbresults {
// For commands, change the name from "main" to the last component of the import path.
chipText := ""
name := r.Name
if name == "main" {
chipText = "command"
name = effectiveName(r.PackagePath, r.Name)
moduleDesc := "module " + r.ModulePath
if r.ModulePath == stdlib.ModulePath {
moduleDesc = "the standard library"
chipText = "standard library"
sr := &SearchResult{
Name: name,
PackagePath: r.PackagePath,
ModulePath: r.ModulePath,
ChipText: chipText,
Synopsis: r.Synopsis,
DisplayVersion: displayVersion(r.ModulePath, r.Version, r.Version),
Licenses: r.Licenses,
CommitTime: elapsedTime(r.CommitTime),
NumImportedBy: int(r.NumImportedBy),
SameModule: packagePaths("Other packages in "+moduleDesc+":", r.SameModule),
// Say "other" instead of "lower" because at some point we may
// prefer to show a tagged, lower major version over an untagged
// higher major version.
OtherMajor: modulePaths("Other module versions:", r.OtherMajor),
if searchSymbols {
sr.SymbolName = r.SymbolName
sr.SymbolKind = strings.ToLower(string(r.SymbolKind))
sr.SymbolSynopsis = symbolSynopsis(r)
sr.SymbolGOOS = r.SymbolGOOS
sr.SymbolGOARCH = r.SymbolGOARCH
// If the GOOS is "all" or "linux", it doesn't need to be
// specified as a query param. "linux" is the default GOOS when a
// package has multiple build contexts, since it is first item
// listed in internal.BuildContexts.
if r.SymbolGOOS == internal.All || r.SymbolGOOS == "linux" {
sr.SymbolLink = fmt.Sprintf("/%s#%s", r.PackagePath, r.SymbolName)
} else {
sr.SymbolLink = fmt.Sprintf("/%s?GOOS=%s#%s", r.PackagePath, r.SymbolGOOS, r.SymbolName)
results = append(results, sr)
var (
numResults int
approximate bool
if len(dbresults) > 0 {
numResults = int(dbresults[0].NumResults)
if dbresults[0].Approximate {
// 128 buckets corresponds to a standard error of 10%.
numResults = approximateNumber(numResults, 0.1)
approximate = true
numPageResults := 0
for _, r := range dbresults {
// Grouping will put some results inside others. Each result counts one
// for itself plus one for each sub-result in the SameModule list,
// because each of those is removed from the top-level slice. Results in
// the LowerMajor list are not removed from the top-level slice,
// so we don't add them up.
numPageResults += 1 + len(r.SameModule)
pgs := newPagination(pageParams, numPageResults, numResults)
pgs.Approximate = approximate
sp := &SearchPage{
Results: results,
Pagination: pgs,
return sp, nil
func symbolSynopsis(r *postgres.SearchResult) string {
switch r.SymbolKind {
case internal.SymbolKindField:
return fmt.Sprintf(`
type %s struct {
`, strings.Split(r.SymbolName, ".")[0], r.SymbolSynopsis)
case internal.SymbolKindMethod:
if !strings.HasPrefix(r.SymbolSynopsis, "func (") {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
type %s interface {
`, strings.Split(r.SymbolName, ".")[0], r.SymbolSynopsis)
return r.SymbolSynopsis
// approximateNumber returns an approximation of the estimate, calibrated by
// the statistical estimate of standard error.
// i.e., a number that isn't misleading when we say '1-10 of approximately N
// results', but that is still close to our estimate.
func approximateNumber(estimate int, sigma float64) int {
expectedErr := sigma * float64(estimate)
// Compute the unit by rounding the error the logarithmically closest power
// of 10, so that 300->100, but 400->1000.
unit := math.Pow(10, math.Round(math.Log10(expectedErr)))
// Now round the estimate to the nearest unit.
return int(unit * math.Round(float64(estimate)/unit))
func packagePaths(heading string, rs []*postgres.SearchResult) *subResult {
if len(rs) == 0 {
return nil
var links []link
for _, r := range rs {
links = append(links, link{Href: r.PackagePath, Body: internal.Suffix(r.PackagePath, r.ModulePath)})
return &subResult{
Heading: heading,
Links: links,
func modulePaths(heading string, mpaths map[string]bool) *subResult {
if len(mpaths) == 0 {
return nil
var mps []string
for m := range mpaths {
mps = append(mps, m)
sort.Slice(mps, func(i, j int) bool {
_, v1 := internal.SeriesPathAndMajorVersion(mps[i])
_, v2 := internal.SeriesPathAndMajorVersion(mps[j])
return v1 > v2
links := make([]link, len(mps))
for i, m := range mps {
links[i] = link{Href: m, Body: m}
return &subResult{
Heading: heading,
Links: links,
// Search constraints.
const (
// maxSearchQueryLength represents the max number of characters that a search
// query can be. For PostgreSQL 11, there is a max length of 2K bytes:
// No valid
// searches on will need more than the maxSearchQueryLength.
maxSearchQueryLength = 500
// maxSearchOffset is the maximum allowed offset into the search results.
// This prevents some very CPU-intensive queries from running.
maxSearchOffset = 90
// maxSearchPageSize is the maximum allowed limit for search results.
maxSearchPageSize = 100
// serveSearch applies database data to the search template. Handles endpoint
// /search?q=<query>. If <query> is an exact match for a package path, the user
// will be redirected to the details page.
func (s *Server) serveSearch(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ds internal.DataSource) error {
if r.Method != http.MethodGet && r.Method != http.MethodHead {
return &serverError{status: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed}
db, ok := ds.(*postgres.DB)
if !ok {
// The proxydatasource does not support the imported by page.
return proxydatasourceNotSupportedErr()
ctx := r.Context()
query := searchQuery(r)
if !utf8.ValidString(query) {
return &serverError{status: http.StatusBadRequest}
if len(query) > maxSearchQueryLength {
return &serverError{
status: http.StatusBadRequest,
epage: &errorPage{
messageTemplate: template.MakeTrustedTemplate(
`<h3 class="Error-message">Search query too long.</h3>`),
if query == "" {
http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusFound)
return nil
pageParams := newPaginationParams(r, defaultSearchLimit)
if pageParams.offset() > maxSearchOffset {
return &serverError{
status: http.StatusBadRequest,
epage: &errorPage{
messageTemplate: template.MakeTrustedTemplate(
`<h3 class="Error-message">Search page number too large.</h3>`),
if pageParams.limit > maxSearchPageSize {
return &serverError{
status: http.StatusBadRequest,
epage: &errorPage{
messageTemplate: template.MakeTrustedTemplate(
`<h3 class="Error-message">Search page size too large.</h3>`),
if path := searchRequestRedirectPath(ctx, ds, query); path != "" {
http.Redirect(w, r, path, http.StatusFound)
return nil
searchSymbols := shouldSearchSymbols(r)
page, err := fetchSearchPage(ctx, db, query, pageParams, searchSymbols)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("fetchSearchPage(ctx, db, %q): %v", query, err)
page.basePage = s.newBasePage(r, fmt.Sprintf("%s - Search Results", query))
if searchSymbols {
page.SearchMode = "identifiers"
tmpl := "legacy_search"
if experiment.IsActive(ctx, internal.ExperimentSearchGrouping) {
tmpl = "search"
s.servePage(ctx, w, tmpl, page)
return nil
// searchRequestRedirectPath returns the path that a search request should be
// redirected to, or the empty string if there is no such path. If the user
// types an existing package path into the search bar, we will redirect the
// user to the details page. Standard library packages that only contain one
// element (such as fmt, errors, etc.) will not redirect, to allow users to
// search by those terms.
func searchRequestRedirectPath(ctx context.Context, ds internal.DataSource, query string) string {
urlSchemeIdx := strings.Index(query, "://")
if urlSchemeIdx > -1 {
query = query[urlSchemeIdx+3:]
requestedPath := path.Clean(query)
if !strings.Contains(requestedPath, "/") {
return ""
_, err := ds.GetUnitMeta(ctx, requestedPath, internal.UnknownModulePath, version.Latest)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, derrors.NotFound) {
log.Errorf(ctx, "searchRequestRedirectPath(%q): %v", requestedPath, err)
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("/%s", requestedPath)
// searchQuery extracts a search query from the request.
func searchQuery(r *http.Request) string {
return strings.TrimSpace(r.FormValue("q"))
// shouldSearchSymbols reports whether the search mode is to search for symbols.
func shouldSearchSymbols(r *http.Request) bool {
return strings.TrimSpace(r.FormValue("m")) == "identifiers"
// elapsedTime takes a date and returns returns human-readable,
// relative timestamps based on the following rules:
// (1) 'X hours ago' when X < 6
// (2) 'today' between 6 hours and 1 day ago
// (3) 'Y days ago' when Y < 6
// (4) A date formatted like "Jan 2, 2006" for anything further back
func elapsedTime(date time.Time) string {
elapsedHours := int(time.Since(date).Hours())
if elapsedHours == 1 {
return "1 hour ago"
} else if elapsedHours < 6 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d hours ago", elapsedHours)
elapsedDays := elapsedHours / 24
if elapsedDays < 1 {
return "today"
} else if elapsedDays == 1 {
return "1 day ago"
} else if elapsedDays < 6 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d days ago", elapsedDays)
return absoluteTime(date)