| <!-- |
| Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. |
| Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
| license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| --> |
| |
| {{define "title"}}<title>Style Guide ยท pkg.go.dev</title>{{end}} |
| |
| {{define "pre-content"}} |
| <link href="/static/frontend/unit/unit.css" rel="stylesheet"> |
| <link href="/static/frontend/styleguide/styleguide.css" rel="stylesheet"> |
| {{end}} |
| |
| {{define "post-content"}} |
| <script type="module"> |
| loadScript("/static/frontend/unit/unit.js", {async: true}) |
| loadScript("/static/frontend/styleguide/styleguide.js", {async: true}) |
| </script> |
| {{end}} |
| |
| {{define "main"}} |
| <main class="go-Main"> |
| <header class="go-Main-header js-mainHeader"> |
| {{- block "main-header" .}}{{end -}} |
| </header> |
| <aside class="js-mainAside"></aside> |
| <nav class="go-Main-nav go-Main-nav--sticky js-mainNav" aria-label="Outline"> |
| {{- block "main-nav" .}}{{end -}} |
| </nav> |
| <article class="go-Main-article js-mainContent"> |
| {{- block "main-content" .}}{{end -}} |
| </article> |
| </main> |
| {{end}} |
| |
| {{define "main-header"}} |
| <nav class="go-Main-headerBreadcrumb go-Breadcrumb" aria-label="Breadcrumb"> |
| <ol> |
| <li><a href="/" data-gtmc="breadcrumb link">Discover Packages</a></li> |
| <li> |
| <a href="#breadcrumb" data-gtmc="breadcrumb link" aria-current="location">Style Guide</a> |
| </li> |
| </ol> |
| </nav> |
| <div class="go-Main-headerContent"> |
| <div class="go-Main-headerTitle"> |
| <a class="go-Main-headerLogo" href="https://go.dev/" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" data-gtmc="header link" |
| aria-label="Link to Go Homepage"> |
| <img height="78" width="207" src="/static/shared/logo/go-blue.svg" alt="Go"> |
| </a> |
| <h1>Style Guide</h1> |
| </div> |
| <div class="go-Main-headerDetails"> |
| <fieldset class="go-Main-headerDetailItem go-Label go-Label--inline MainHeader-toggle"> |
| <legend>Theme</legend> |
| <div class="go-InputGroup"> |
| <button class="go-Button go-Button--inverted js-toggleTheme" data-value="light" title="Light" |
| aria-label="Set light theme"> |
| <img class="go-Icon" height="24" width="24" src="/static/shared/icon/light_mode_gm_grey_24dp.svg" |
| alt=""> |
| </button> |
| <button class="go-Button go-Button--inverted js-toggleTheme" data-value="dark" title="Dark" |
| aria-label="Set dark theme"> |
| <img class="go-Icon" height="24" width="24" alt="" |
| src="/static/shared/icon/brightness_2_gm_grey_24dp.svg"> |
| </button> |
| </div> |
| </fieldset> |
| <fieldset class="go-Main-headerDetailItem go-Label go-Label--inline MainHeader-toggle"> |
| <legend>Layout</legend> |
| <div class="go-InputGroup"> |
| <button class="go-Button go-Button--inverted js-toggleLayout" data-value="responsive" |
| title="Responsive" aria-label="Set responsive layout"> |
| <img class="go-Icon" height="24" width="24" src="/static/shared/icon/responsive_layout_gm_grey_24dp.svg" |
| alt=""> |
| </button> |
| <button class="go-Button go-Button--inverted js-toggleLayout" data-value="stacked" |
| title="Stacked" aria-label="Set stacked layout"> |
| <img class="go-Icon" height="24" width="24" src="/static/shared/icon/table_rows_gm_grey_24dp.svg" |
| alt=""> |
| </button> |
| <button class="go-Button go-Button--inverted js-toggleLayout" data-value="compact" |
| title="Compact" aria-label="Set compact layout"> |
| <img class="go-Icon" height="24" width="24" src="/static/shared/icon/toolbar_gm_grey_24dp.svg" |
| alt=""> |
| </button> |
| </div> |
| </fieldset> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| {{end}} |
| |
| {{define "main-nav"}} |
| <div class="go-Main-navDesktop"> |
| {{template "tree-nav" .Outline}} |
| </div> |
| <div class="go-Main-navMobile js-mainNavMobile"> |
| <!-- Generated --> |
| </div> |
| {{end}} |
| |
| {{define "main-content"}} |
| <div class="StyleGuide"> |
| {{range .Sections}} |
| <section class="{{.Title}}"> |
| {{.Content}} |
| </section> |
| {{end}} |
| </div> |
| {{end}} |