blob: 073a7594848c96f0bcc06b1987c677cbd55f7c25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
// TabSettings defines tab-specific metadata.
type TabSettings struct {
// Name is the tab name used in the URL.
Name string
// DisplayName is the formatted tab name.
DisplayName string
// AlwaysShowDetails defines whether the tab content can be shown even if the
// package is not determined to be redistributable.
AlwaysShowDetails bool
// TemplateName is the name of the template used to render the
// corresponding tab, as defined in Server.templates.
TemplateName string
// Disabled indicates whether a tab should be displayed as disabled.
Disabled bool
var (
packageTabSettings = []TabSettings{
Name: tabDoc,
DisplayName: "Doc",
TemplateName: "pkg_doc.tmpl",
Name: tabOverview,
AlwaysShowDetails: true,
DisplayName: "Overview",
TemplateName: "overview.tmpl",
Name: tabSubdirectories,
AlwaysShowDetails: true,
DisplayName: "Subdirectories",
TemplateName: "subdirectories.tmpl",
Name: tabVersions,
AlwaysShowDetails: true,
DisplayName: "Versions",
TemplateName: "versions.tmpl",
Name: tabImports,
DisplayName: "Imports",
AlwaysShowDetails: true,
TemplateName: "pkg_imports.tmpl",
Name: tabImportedBy,
DisplayName: "Imported By",
AlwaysShowDetails: true,
TemplateName: "pkg_importedby.tmpl",
Name: tabLicenses,
DisplayName: "Licenses",
TemplateName: "licenses.tmpl",
packageTabLookup = make(map[string]TabSettings)
directoryTabSettings = make([]TabSettings, len(packageTabSettings))
directoryTabLookup = make(map[string]TabSettings)
moduleTabSettings = []TabSettings{
Name: tabOverview,
AlwaysShowDetails: true,
DisplayName: "Overview",
TemplateName: "overview.tmpl",
Name: "packages",
AlwaysShowDetails: true,
DisplayName: "Packages",
TemplateName: "subdirectories.tmpl",
Name: tabVersions,
AlwaysShowDetails: true,
DisplayName: "Versions",
TemplateName: "versions.tmpl",
Name: tabLicenses,
DisplayName: "Licenses",
TemplateName: "licenses.tmpl",
moduleTabLookup = make(map[string]TabSettings)
// validDirectoryTabs indicates if a tab is enabled in the directory view.
var validDirectoryTabs = map[string]bool{
tabLicenses: true,
tabOverview: true,
tabSubdirectories: true,
func init() {
for i, ts := range packageTabSettings {
// The directory view uses the same design as the packages view
// for visual consistency, but some tabs don't make sense, so
// we disable them.
if !validDirectoryTabs[ts.Name] {
ts.Disabled = true
directoryTabSettings[i] = ts
for _, d := range packageTabSettings {
packageTabLookup[d.Name] = d
for _, d := range directoryTabSettings {
directoryTabLookup[d.Name] = d
for _, d := range moduleTabSettings {
moduleTabLookup[d.Name] = d
const (
tabDetails = "details"
tabDoc = "doc"
tabOverview = "overview"
tabSubdirectories = "subdirectories"
tabVersions = "versions"
tabImports = "imports"
tabImportedBy = "importedby"
tabLicenses = "licenses"
// fetchDetailsForPackage returns tab details by delegating to the correct detail
// handler.
func fetchDetailsForPackage(r *http.Request, tab string, ds internal.DataSource, um *internal.UnitMeta) (interface{}, error) {
ctx := r.Context()
switch tab {
case tabDoc:
return fetchDocumentationDetails(ctx, ds, um)
case tabOverview:
return fetchPackageOverviewDetails(ctx, ds, um, urlIsVersioned(r.URL))
case tabSubdirectories:
return fetchDirectoryDetails(ctx, ds, um, false)
case tabVersions:
return fetchVersionsDetails(ctx, ds, um.Path, um.ModulePath)
case tabImports:
return fetchImportsDetails(ctx, ds, um.Path, um.ModulePath, um.Version)
case tabImportedBy:
return fetchImportedByDetails(ctx, ds, um.Path, um.ModulePath)
case tabLicenses:
return fetchLicensesDetails(ctx, ds, um)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("BUG: unable to fetch details: unknown tab %q", tab)
// fetchDetailsForModule returns tab details by delegating to the correct detail
// handler.
func fetchDetailsForModule(r *http.Request, tab string, ds internal.DataSource, um *internal.UnitMeta) (interface{}, error) {
ctx := r.Context()
switch tab {
case tabOverview:
return fetchOverviewDetails(ctx, ds, um, urlIsVersioned(r.URL))
case "packages":
return fetchDirectoryDetails(ctx, ds, um, true)
case tabVersions:
return fetchModuleVersionsDetails(ctx, ds, um.ModulePath)
case tabLicenses:
return fetchLicensesDetails(ctx, ds, um)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("BUG: unable to fetch details: unknown tab %q", tab)
// fetchDetailsForDirectory returns tab details by delegating to the correct
// detail handler.
func fetchDetailsForDirectory(r *http.Request, tab string, ds internal.DataSource, um *internal.UnitMeta) (interface{}, error) {
ctx := r.Context()
switch tab {
case tabOverview:
return fetchOverviewDetails(ctx, ds, um, urlIsVersioned(r.URL))
case tabSubdirectories:
return fetchDirectoryDetails(ctx, ds, um, false)
case tabLicenses:
return fetchLicensesDetails(ctx, ds, um)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("BUG: unable to fetch details: unknown tab %q", tab)
func urlIsVersioned(url *url.URL) bool {
return strings.ContainsRune(url.Path, '@')