blob: 24ecf52b8f0b3a78a06b1c5f41816de23cd5b1d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
// UnitPage contains data needed to render the unit template.
type UnitPage struct {
Unit *internal.Unit
NestedModules []*internal.ModuleInfo
Packages []*Package
// Breadcrumb contains data used to render breadcrumb UI elements.
Breadcrumb breadcrumb
// Title is the title of the page.
Title string
// CanonicalURLPath is the representation of the URL path for the details
// page, after the requested version and module path have been resolved.
// For example, if the latest version of /my.module/pkg is version v1.5.2,
// the canonical url for that path would be /my.module@v1.5.2/pkg
CanonicalURLPath string
// Licenses contains license metadata used in the header.
Licenses []LicenseMetadata
// Elapsed time since this version was committed.
LastCommitTime string
// The version string formatted for display.
DisplayVersion string
// LinkVersion is version string suitable for links used to compute
// latest badges.
LinkVersion string
// LatestURL is a url pointing to the latest version of a unit.
LatestURL string
// PageType is the type of page (pkg, cmd, dir, etc.).
PageType string
// CanShowDetails indicates whether details can be shown or must be
// hidden due to issues like license restrictions.
CanShowDetails bool
// UnitContentName is the display name of the selected unit content template".
UnitContentName string
// Readme is the rendered readme HTML.
Readme safehtml.HTML
// ExpandReadme is holds the expandable readme state.
ExpandReadme bool
// Tabs contains data to render the varioius tabs on each details page.
Tabs []TabSettings
// Settings contains settings for the selected tab.
SelectedTab TabSettings
// PackageDetails contains data used to render the
// versions, licenses, imports, and importedby tabs.
PackageDetails interface{}
DocBody safehtml.HTML
DocOutline safehtml.HTML
MobileOutline safehtml.HTML
// SourceFiles contains .go files for the package.
SourceFiles []*File
type File struct {
Name string
URL string
var (
unitTabs = []TabSettings{
Name: tabDetails,
DisplayName: "Details",
TemplateName: "unit_details.tmpl",
Name: tabVersions,
AlwaysShowDetails: true,
DisplayName: "Versions",
TemplateName: "unit_versions.tmpl",
Name: tabImports,
AlwaysShowDetails: true,
DisplayName: "Imports",
TemplateName: "unit_imports.tmpl",
Name: tabImportedBy,
AlwaysShowDetails: true,
DisplayName: "Imported By",
TemplateName: "unit_importedby.tmpl",
Name: tabLicenses,
DisplayName: "Licenses",
TemplateName: "unit_licenses.tmpl",
unitTabLookup = make(map[string]TabSettings, len(unitTabs))
func init() {
for _, t := range unitTabs {
unitTabLookup[t.Name] = t
// serveUnitPage serves a unit page for a path using the paths,
// modules, documentation, readmes, licenses, and package_imports tables.
func (s *Server) serveUnitPage(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request,
ds internal.DataSource, um *internal.UnitMeta, requestedVersion string) (err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "serveUnitPage(ctx, w, r, ds, %v, %q)", um, requestedVersion)
unit, err := ds.GetUnit(ctx, um, internal.AllFields)
if err != nil {
return err
nestedModules, err := ds.GetNestedModules(ctx, unit.ModulePath)
if err != nil {
return err
dir, err := createDirectory(unit.Path, moduleInfo(unit), unit.Subdirectories, nestedModules, unit.Licenses, false)
if err != nil {
return err
readme, err := readmeContent(ctx, unit)
if err != nil {
return err
var (
docBody, docOutline, mobileOutline safehtml.HTML
files []*File
if unit.Documentation != nil {
docHTML := getHTML(ctx, unit)
// TODO: Deprecate godoc.Parse. The sidenav and body can
// either be rendered using separate functions, or all this content can
// be passed to the template via the UnitPage struct.
b, err := godoc.Parse(docHTML, godoc.BodySection)
if err != nil {
return err
docBody = b
o, err := godoc.Parse(docHTML, godoc.SidenavSection)
if err != nil {
return err
docOutline = o
m, err := godoc.Parse(docHTML, godoc.SidenavMobileSection)
if err != nil {
return err
mobileOutline = m
files, err = sourceFiles(unit)
if err != nil {
return err
tab := r.FormValue("tab")
if tab == "" {
// Default to details tab when there is no tab param.
tab = tabDetails
tabSettings, ok := unitTabLookup[tab]
if !ok {
// Redirect to clean URL path when tab param is invalid.
http.Redirect(w, r, r.URL.Path, http.StatusFound)
return nil
title, pageType := pageInfo(unit)
basePage := s.newBasePage(r, title)
basePage.AllowWideContent = true
canShowDetails := unit.IsRedistributable || tabSettings.AlwaysShowDetails
_, expandReadme := r.URL.Query()["readme"]
page := UnitPage{
basePage: basePage,
Unit: unit,
Packages: dir.Packages,
NestedModules: nestedModules,
Breadcrumb: displayBreadcrumb(unit, requestedVersion),
Title: title,
Tabs: unitTabs,
SelectedTab: tabSettings,
CanonicalURLPath: constructPackageURL(
Licenses: transformLicenseMetadata(unit.Licenses),
LastCommitTime: elapsedTime(unit.CommitTime),
DisplayVersion: displayVersion(unit.Version, unit.ModulePath),
LinkVersion: linkVersion(unit.Version, unit.ModulePath),
LatestURL: constructPackageURL(unit.Path, unit.ModulePath, middleware.LatestMinorVersionPlaceholder),
PageType: pageType,
CanShowDetails: canShowDetails,
UnitContentName: tabSettings.DisplayName,
Readme: readme,
ExpandReadme: expandReadme,
DocOutline: docOutline,
DocBody: docBody,
SourceFiles: files,
MobileOutline: mobileOutline,
if tab != tabDetails {
packageDetails, err := fetchDetailsForPackage(r, tab, ds, &unit.UnitMeta)
if err != nil {
return err
page.PackageDetails = packageDetails
s.servePage(ctx, w, tabSettings.TemplateName, page)
return nil
func getHTML(ctx context.Context, u *internal.Unit) safehtml.HTML {
if experiment.IsActive(ctx, internal.ExperimentFrontendRenderDoc) && len(u.Documentation.Source) > 0 {
dd, err := renderDoc(ctx, u)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "render doc failed: %v", err)
// Fall through to use stored doc.
} else {
return dd.Documentation
return u.Documentation.HTML
// moduleInfo extracts module info from a unit. This is a shim
// for functions ReadmeHTML and createDirectory that will be removed
// when we complete the switch to units.
func moduleInfo(unit *internal.Unit) *internal.ModuleInfo {
return &internal.ModuleInfo{
ModulePath: unit.ModulePath,
Version: unit.Version,
CommitTime: unit.CommitTime,
IsRedistributable: unit.IsRedistributable,
SourceInfo: unit.SourceInfo,
// readmeContent renders the readme to html.
func readmeContent(ctx context.Context, unit *internal.Unit) (safehtml.HTML, error) {
if unit.IsRedistributable && unit.Readme != nil {
mi := moduleInfo(unit)
readme, err := ReadmeHTML(ctx, mi, unit.Readme)
if err != nil {
return safehtml.HTML{}, err
return readme, nil
return safehtml.HTML{}, nil
// pageInfo determines the title and pageType for a given unit.
func pageInfo(unit *internal.Unit) (title string, pageType string) {
if unit.Path == stdlib.ModulePath {
return "Standard library", pageTypeStdLib
if unit.IsCommand() {
return effectiveName(unit.Path, unit.Name), pageTypeCommand
if unit.IsPackage() {
return unit.Name, pageTypePackage
return unit.Path, pageTypeDirectory
// displayBreadcrumbs appends additional breadcrumb links for display
// to those for the given unit.
func displayBreadcrumb(unit *internal.Unit, requestedVersion string) breadcrumb {
bc := breadcrumbPath(unit.Path, unit.ModulePath, requestedVersion)
if unit.ModulePath == stdlib.ModulePath && unit.Path != stdlib.ModulePath {
bc.Links = append([]link{{Href: "/std", Body: "Standard Library"}}, bc.Links...)
bc.Links = append([]link{{Href: "/", Body: "Discover Packages"}}, bc.Links...)
return bc