blob: 2b8f045801058e0f00ae1732f0316d03d9bec795 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package config provides the definition of the configuration for the
// frontend.
package config
import (
// AppVersionFormat is the expected format of the app version timestamp.
const AppVersionFormat = "20060102t150405"
const (
// BypassQuotaAuthHeader is the header key used by the frontend server to know
// that a request can bypass the quota server.
BypassQuotaAuthHeader = "X-Go-Discovery-Auth-Bypass-Quota"
// BypassCacheAuthHeader is the header key used by the frontend server to
// know that a request can bypass cache.
BypassCacheAuthHeader = "X-Go-Discovery-Auth-Bypass-Cache"
// BypassErrorReportingHeader is the header key used by the ErrorReporting middleware
// to avoid calling the errorreporting service.
BypassErrorReportingHeader = "X-Go-Discovery-Bypass-Error-Reporting"
// AllowDebugHeader is the header key used by the frontend server that allows
// serving debug pages.
AllowDebugHeader = "X-Go-Discovery-Debug"
// Config holds shared configuration values used in instantiating our server
// components.
type Config struct {
// AuthValues is the set of values that could be set on the AuthHeader, in
// order to bypass checks by the cache.
AuthValues []string
// Discovery environment variables
ProxyURL, IndexURL string
// Ports used for hosting. 'DebugPort' is used for serving HTTP debug pages.
Port, DebugPort string
// AppEngine identifiers
ProjectID, ServiceID, VersionID, ZoneID, InstanceID, LocationID string
// ServiceAccount is the email of the service account that this process
// is running as when on GCP.
ServiceAccount string
// QueueURL is the URL that the Cloud Tasks queue should send requests to.
// It should be used when the worker is not on AppEngine.
QueueURL string
// QueueAudience is used to allow the Cloud Tasks queue to authorize itself
// to the worker. It should be the OAuth 2.0 client ID associated with the
// IAP that is gating access to the worker.
QueueAudience string
// GoogleTagManagerID is the ID used for GoogleTagManager. It has the
// structure GTM-XXXX.
GoogleTagManagerID string
// MonitoredResource represents the resource that is running the current binary.
// It might be a Google AppEngine app, a Cloud Run service, or a Kubernetes pod.
// See for more
// details:
// "An object representing a resource that can be used for monitoring, logging,
// billing, or other purposes. Examples include virtual machine instances,
// databases, and storage devices such as disks.""
MonitoredResource *MonitoredResource
// FallbackVersionLabel is used as the VersionLabel when not hosting on
// AppEngine.
FallbackVersionLabel string
DBSecret, DBUser, DBHost, DBPort, DBName, DBSSL string
DBSecondaryHost string // DB host to use if first one is down
DBPassword string `json:"-" yaml:"-"`
// Configuration for redis page cache.
RedisCacheHost, RedisBetaCacheHost, RedisCachePort string
// UseProfiler specifies whether to enable Stackdriver Profiler.
UseProfiler bool
Quota QuotaSettings
// Minimum log level below which no logs will be printed.
// Possible values are [debug, info, error, fatal].
// In case of invalid/empty value, all logs will be printed.
LogLevel string
// DynamicConfigLocation is the location (either a file or gs://bucket/object) for
// dynamic configuration.
DynamicConfigLocation string
// DynamicExcludeLocation is the location (either a file or gs://bucket/object) for
// dynamic exclusion file.
DynamicExcludeLocation string
// ServeStats determines whether the server has an endpoint that serves statistics for
// benchmarking or other purposes.
ServeStats bool
// DisableErrorReporting disables sending errors to the GCP ErrorReporting system.
DisableErrorReporting bool
// VulnDB is the URL of the Go vulnerability DB.
VulnDB string
// MonitoredResource represents the resource that is running the current binary.
// It might be a Google AppEngine app, a Cloud Run service, or a Kubernetes pod.
// See for more
// details:
// "An object representing a resource that can be used for monitoring, logging,
// billing, or other purposes. Examples include virtual machine instances,
// databases, and storage devices such as disks."
type MonitoredResource struct {
Type string `yaml:"type,omitempty"`
Labels map[string]string `yaml:"labels,omitempty"`
// AppVersionLabel returns the version label for the current instance. This is
// the AppVersionID available, otherwise a string constructed using the
// timestamp of process start.
func (c *Config) AppVersionLabel() string {
if c.VersionID != "" {
return c.VersionID
return c.FallbackVersionLabel
// StatementTimeout is the value of the Postgres statement_timeout parameter.
// Statements that run longer than this are terminated.
// 10 minutes is the App Engine standard request timeout,
// but we set this longer for the worker.
const StatementTimeout = 30 * time.Minute
// SourceTimeout is the value of the timeout for source.Client, which is used
// to fetch source code from third party URLs.
const SourceTimeout = 1 * time.Minute
// TaskIDChangeIntervalFrontend is the time period during which a given module
// version can be re-enqueued to frontend tasks.
const TaskIDChangeIntervalFrontend = 30 * time.Minute
// DBConnInfo returns a PostgreSQL connection string constructed from
// environment variables, using the primary database host.
func (c *Config) DBConnInfo() string {
return c.dbConnInfo(c.DBHost)
// DBSecondaryConnInfo returns a PostgreSQL connection string constructed from
// environment variables, using the backup database host. It returns the
// empty string if no backup is configured.
func (c *Config) DBSecondaryConnInfo() string {
if c.DBSecondaryHost == "" {
return ""
return c.dbConnInfo(c.DBSecondaryHost)
// dbConnInfo returns a PostgresSQL connection string for the given host.
func (c *Config) dbConnInfo(host string) string {
// For the connection string syntax, see
// Set the statement_timeout config parameter for this session.
// See
timeoutOption := fmt.Sprintf("-c statement_timeout=%d", StatementTimeout/time.Millisecond)
return fmt.Sprintf(
"user='%s' password='%s' host='%s' port=%s dbname='%s' sslmode='%s' options='%s'",
c.DBUser, c.DBPassword, host, c.DBPort, c.DBName, c.DBSSL, timeoutOption,
// HostAddr returns the network on which to serve the primary HTTP service.
func (c *Config) HostAddr(dflt string) string {
if c.Port != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf(":%s", c.Port)
return dflt
// DebugAddr returns the network address on which to serve debugging
// information.
func (c *Config) DebugAddr(dflt string) string {
if c.DebugPort != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf(":%s", c.DebugPort)
return dflt
// DeploymentEnvironment returns the deployment environment this process
// is in: usually one of "local", "exp", "dev", "staging" or "prod".
func (c *Config) DeploymentEnvironment() string {
if c.ServiceID == "" {
return "local"
before, _, found := strings.Cut(c.ServiceID, "-")
if !found {
return "prod"
if before == "" {
return "unknownEnv"
return before
// Application returns the name of the running application: "worker",
// "frontend", etc.
func (c *Config) Application() string {
if c.ServiceID == "" {
return "unknownApp"
before, after, found := strings.Cut(c.ServiceID, "-")
var svc string
if !found {
svc = before
} else {
svc = after
switch svc {
case "default":
return "frontend"
return svc
// QuotaSettings is config for internal/middleware/quota.go
type QuotaSettings struct {
Enable bool `yaml:"Enable"`
QPS int `yaml:"QPS"` // allowed queries per second, per IP block
Burst int `yaml:"Burst"` // maximum requests per second, per block; the size of the token bucket
MaxEntries int `yaml:"MaxEntries"` // maximum number of entries to keep track of
// Record data about blocking, but do not actually block.
// This is a *bool, so we can distinguish "not present" from "false" in an override
RecordOnly *bool `yaml:"RecordOnly"`
// AuthValues is the set of values that could be set on the AuthHeader, in
// order to bypass checks by the quota server.
AuthValues []string `yaml:"AuthValues"`
HMACKey []byte `json:"-" yaml:"-"` // key for obfuscating IPs
// Dump outputs the current config information to the given Writer.
func (c *Config) Dump(w io.Writer) error {
fmt.Fprint(w, "config: ")
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
return enc.Encode(c)