blob: 0ac836487fd8580501111489464e4e1159b5fb47 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
// MainDetails contains data needed to render the unit template.
type MainDetails struct {
// NestedModules are nested modules relative to the path for the unit.
NestedModules []*NestedModule
// Subdirectories are packages in subdirectories relative to the path for
// the unit.
Subdirectories []*Subdirectory
// Licenses contains license metadata used in the header.
Licenses []LicenseMetadata
// NumImports is the number of imports for the package.
NumImports int
// CommitTime is time that this version was published, or the time that
// has elapsed since this version was committed if it was done so recently.
CommitTime string
// Readme is the rendered readme HTML.
Readme safehtml.HTML
// ImportedByCount is the number of packages that import this path.
// When the count is > limit it will read as 'limit+'. This field
// is not supported when using a datasource proxy.
ImportedByCount string
DocBody safehtml.HTML
DocOutline safehtml.HTML
MobileOutline safehtml.HTML
IsPackage bool
// SourceFiles contains .go files for the package.
SourceFiles []*File
// ExpandReadme is holds the expandable readme state.
ExpandReadme bool
// File is a source file for a package.
type File struct {
Name string
URL string
// NestedModule is a nested module relative to the path of a given unit.
// This content is used in the Directories section of the unit page.
type NestedModule struct {
Suffix string // suffix after the unit path
URL string
// Subdirectory is a package in a subdirectory relative to the path of a given
// unit. This content is used in the Directories section of the unit page.
type Subdirectory struct {
Suffix string
URL string
Synopsis string
func fetchMainDetails(ctx context.Context, ds internal.DataSource, um *internal.UnitMeta) (_ *MainDetails, err error) {
unit, err := ds.GetUnit(ctx, um, internal.AllFields)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// importedByCount is not supported when using a datasource proxy.
importedByCount := "0"
db, ok := ds.(*postgres.DB)
if ok {
importedBy, err := db.GetImportedBy(ctx, um.Path, um.ModulePath, importedByLimit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If we reached the query limit, then we don't know the total
// and we'll indicate that with a '+'. For example, if the limit
// is 101 and we get 101 results, then we'll show '100+ Imported by'.
importedByCount = strconv.Itoa(len(importedBy))
if len(importedBy) == importedByLimit {
importedByCount = strconv.Itoa(len(importedBy)-1) + "+"
nestedModules, err := getNestedModules(ctx, ds, um)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
subdirectories := getSubdirectories(um, unit.Subdirectories)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
readme, err := readmeContent(ctx, um, unit.Readme)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var (
docBody, docOutline, mobileOutline safehtml.HTML
files []*File
if unit.Documentation != nil {
docHTML := getHTML(ctx, unit)
// TODO: Deprecate godoc.Parse. The sidenav and body can
// either be rendered using separate functions, or all this content can
// be passed to the template via the UnitPage struct.
b, err := godoc.Parse(docHTML, godoc.BodySection)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
docBody = b
o, err := godoc.Parse(docHTML, godoc.SidenavSection)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
docOutline = o
m, err := godoc.Parse(docHTML, godoc.SidenavMobileSection)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mobileOutline = m
files, err = sourceFiles(unit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &MainDetails{
NestedModules: nestedModules,
Subdirectories: subdirectories,
Licenses: transformLicenseMetadata(um.Licenses),
CommitTime: elapsedTime(um.CommitTime),
Readme: readme,
DocOutline: docOutline,
DocBody: docBody,
SourceFiles: files,
MobileOutline: mobileOutline,
NumImports: len(unit.Imports),
ImportedByCount: importedByCount,
IsPackage: unit.IsPackage(),
}, nil