blob: a06e6c9cd3c3e90b66b3532968711791a6903875 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package fakedatasource provides a fake implementation of the internal.DataSource interface.
package fakedatasource
import (
// FakeDataSource provides a fake implementation of the internal.DataSource interface.
type FakeDataSource struct {
modules map[module.Version]*internal.Module
// New returns an initialized FakeDataSource.
func New() *FakeDataSource {
return &FakeDataSource{modules: make(map[module.Version]*internal.Module)}
// InsertModule adds the module to the FakeDataSource.
func (ds *FakeDataSource) MustInsertModule(m *internal.Module) {
if m != nil {
for _, u := range m.Units {
ds.populateUnitSubdirectories(u, m)
// Make license info consistent.
if u.Licenses != nil {
// Sort licenses as postgres database does.
sort.Slice(u.Licenses, func(i, j int) bool {
return compareLicenses(u.Licenses[i], u.Licenses[j])
// Make sure LicenseContents match up with Licenses
u.LicenseContents = nil
for _, ul := range u.Licenses {
for _, ml := range m.Licenses {
if sameLicense(*ul, *ml.Metadata) {
u.LicenseContents = append(u.LicenseContents, ml)
ds.modules[module.Version{Path: m.ModulePath, Version: m.Version}] = m
// compareLicenses reports whether i < j according to our license sorting
// semantics. This is what the postgres database uses to sort licenses.
func compareLicenses(i, j *licenses.Metadata) bool {
if len(strings.Split(i.FilePath, "/")) > len(strings.Split(j.FilePath, "/")) {
return true
return i.FilePath < j.FilePath
func sameLicense(a, b licenses.Metadata) bool {
return a.FilePath == b.FilePath
func (ds *FakeDataSource) populateUnitSubdirectories(u *internal.Unit, m *internal.Module) {
p := u.Path + "/"
for _, u2 := range m.Units {
if strings.HasPrefix(u2.Path, p) || u.Path == "std" {
var syn string
if len(u2.Documentation) > 0 {
syn = u2.Documentation[0].Synopsis
u.Subdirectories = append(u.Subdirectories, &internal.PackageMeta{
Path: u2.Path,
Name: u2.Name,
Synopsis: syn,
IsRedistributable: u2.IsRedistributable,
Licenses: u2.Licenses,
// compareVersion returns -1 if a's version is less than b's, 0 if they're the same
// and 1 if a's version is greater than b's.
// It panics if they don't have the same module path with the major version
// suffix removed.
func compareVersion(a, b *internal.ModuleInfo) int {
aprefix, asuffix, _ := module.SplitPathVersion(a.ModulePath)
bprefix, bsuffix, _ := module.SplitPathVersion(b.ModulePath)
if aprefix != bprefix {
panic("compareVersion called for two modules with different paths")
if asuffix == bsuffix {
return semver.Compare(a.Version, b.Version)
return semver.Compare(module.PathMajorPrefix(asuffix), module.PathMajorPrefix(bsuffix))
// GetNestedModules returns the latest major version of all nested modules
// given a modulePath path prefix.
func (ds *FakeDataSource) GetNestedModules(ctx context.Context, modulePath string) ([]*internal.ModuleInfo, error) {
latest := map[string]*internal.ModuleInfo{}
for _, mod := range ds.modules {
if mod.ModulePath != modulePath && !strings.HasPrefix(mod.ModulePath, modulePath+"/") {
prefix, _, _ := module.SplitPathVersion(mod.ModulePath)
curlatest, ok := latest[prefix]
if !ok {
latest[prefix] = &mod.ModuleInfo
if compareVersion(&mod.ModuleInfo, curlatest) > 0 {
latest[prefix] = &mod.ModuleInfo
var infos []*internal.ModuleInfo
for _, info := range latest {
infos = append(infos, info)
sort.Slice(infos, func(i, j int) bool {
prefixi, _, _ := module.SplitPathVersion(infos[i].ModulePath)
prefixj, _, _ := module.SplitPathVersion(infos[j].ModulePath)
return prefixi < prefixj
return infos, nil
// GetUnit returns information about a directory, which may also be a
// module and/or package. The module and version must both be known.
// The BuildContext selects the documentation to read.
func (ds *FakeDataSource) GetUnit(ctx context.Context, um *internal.UnitMeta, fields internal.FieldSet, bc internal.BuildContext) (*internal.Unit, error) {
m := ds.getModule(um.ModulePath, um.Version)
if m == nil {
return nil, derrors.NotFound
u := findUnit(m, um.Path)
if u == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("import path %s not found in module %s: %w", um.Path, um.ModulePath, derrors.NotFound)
// Return only the Documentation matching the given BuildContext, if any.
// Since we cache the module and its units, we have to copy this unit before we modify it.
// It can be a shallow copy, since we're only modifying the Unit.Documentation field.
u2 := *u
if d := matchingDoc(u.Documentation, bc); d != nil {
u2.Documentation = []*internal.Documentation{d}
} else {
u2.Documentation = nil
return &u2, nil
// matchingDoc returns the Documentation that matches the given build context
// and comes earliest in build-context order. It returns nil if there is none.
func matchingDoc(docs []*internal.Documentation, bc internal.BuildContext) *internal.Documentation {
var (
dMin *internal.Documentation
bcMin *internal.BuildContext // sorts last
for _, d := range docs {
dbc := d.BuildContext()
if bc.Match(dbc) && (bcMin == nil || internal.CompareBuildContexts(dbc, *bcMin) < 0) {
dMin = d
bcMin = &dbc
return dMin
// GetUnitMeta returns information about a path.
func (ds *FakeDataSource) GetUnitMeta(ctx context.Context, path, requestedModulePath, requestedVersion string) (_ *internal.UnitMeta, err error) {
module := ds.findModule(path, requestedModulePath, requestedVersion)
if module == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find module for import path %s: %w", path, derrors.NotFound)
um := &internal.UnitMeta{
Path: path,
ModuleInfo: module.ModuleInfo,
u := findUnit(module, path)
if u == nil {
return nil, derrors.NotFound
um.Name = u.Name
um.IsRedistributable = u.IsRedistributable
return um, nil
// findModule finds the module with longest module path containing the given
// package path. It returns an error if no module is found.
func (ds *FakeDataSource) findModule(pkgPath, modulePath, version string) *internal.Module {
if modulePath != internal.UnknownModulePath {
return ds.getModule(modulePath, version)
pkgPath = strings.TrimLeft(pkgPath, "/")
for _, modulePath := range internal.CandidateModulePaths(pkgPath) {
if m := ds.getModule(modulePath, version); m != nil {
return m
return nil
func (ds *FakeDataSource) getModule(modulePath, vers string) *internal.Module {
if vers == version.Latest {
return ds.getLatestModule(modulePath)
return ds.modules[module.Version{Path: modulePath, Version: vers}]
func (ds *FakeDataSource) getLatestModule(modulePath string) *internal.Module {
var latestVersion module.Version
var latestModule *internal.Module
for vers, mod := range ds.modules {
if vers.Path == modulePath &&
(latestVersion == (module.Version{}) ||
version.Later(vers.Version, latestVersion.Version)) {
latestVersion = vers
latestModule = mod
if latestModule == nil {
return nil
return latestModule
// findUnit returns the unit with the given path in m, or nil if none.
func findUnit(m *internal.Module, path string) *internal.Unit {
for _, u := range m.Units {
if u.Path == path {
return u
return nil
// GetModuleReadme is not implemented.
func (ds *FakeDataSource) GetModuleReadme(ctx context.Context, modulePath, resolvedVersion string) (*internal.Readme, error) {
return nil, nil
// GetLatestInfo gets information about the latest versions of a unit and module.
// See LatestInfo for documentation.
func (ds *FakeDataSource) GetLatestInfo(ctx context.Context, unitPath, modulePath string, latestUnitMeta *internal.UnitMeta) (latest internal.LatestInfo, err error) {
return internal.LatestInfo{}, nil
// SearchSupport reports the search types supported by this datasource.
func (ds *FakeDataSource) SearchSupport() internal.SearchSupport {
// internal/frontend.TestDetermineSearchAction depends on us returning FullSearch
// even though it doesn't depend on the search results.
return internal.FullSearch
// Search searches for packages matching the given query.
// It's a basic search of documentation synopses only enough to satisfy unit tests.
func (ds *FakeDataSource) Search(ctx context.Context, q string, opts internal.SearchOptions) (results []*internal.SearchResult, err error) {
terms := strings.Fields(q)
for _, m := range ds.modules {
for _, u := range m.Units {
var containsAllTerms bool
if len(terms) > 0 {
containsAllTerms = true
synopsis := ""
for _, d := range u.Documentation {
synopsis += d.Synopsis
for _, term := range terms {
containsAllTerms = containsAllTerms && strings.Contains(synopsis, term)
if containsAllTerms {
result := &internal.SearchResult{
Name: u.Name,
PackagePath: u.Path,
ModulePath: m.ModulePath,
Version: m.Version,
Synopsis: synopsis,
CommitTime: m.CommitTime,
NumResults: 1,
for _, licence := range u.Licenses {
result.Licenses = append(result.Licenses, licence.Types...)
results = append(results, result)
return results, nil