blob: 4f906652d876e7c40a2f556f43301821548f38a5 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
{{define "main-styles"}}
<link href="/static/frontend/vuln/list/list.min.css?version={{.AppVersionLabel}}" rel="stylesheet">
{{define "main-content"}}
<nav class="go-Breadcrumb" aria-label="Breadcrumb">
<a href="/vuln" data-gtmc="breadcrumb link">Vulnerability Database</a>
<a href="/vuln/list" data-gtmc="breadcrumb link" {{if not .Query}}aria-current="location"{{end}}>All Reports</a>
{{with .Query}}
<a href="/search?q={{.}}&m=vuln" data-gtmc="breadcrumb link" aria-current="location">{{.}}</a>
<h1 class="Vuln-title">Vulnerability Reports{{with .Query}} – {{.}}{{end}}</h1>
class="go-InputGroup VulnList-search"
data-gtmc="search vuln"
aria-label="Search by GO ID, alias, or import path"
<input name="q" class="go-Input" placeholder="Search by GO ID, alias, or import path" value="{{.Query}}" />
<input name="m" value="vuln" hidden />
<button class="go-Button">Submit</button>
{{if not .Entries}}
<p>No reports found. <a href="/vuln/list">View all reports.</a></p>
{{range .Entries}}
<h2 class="VulnList-title">
<a href="/vuln/{{.ID}}">{{.ID}}</a>
<div class="VulnList-details">
{{template "vuln-details" .}}
{{if and .Query .Entries}}
Didn't find what you were looking for? <a href="/vuln/list">View all reports.</a>
If you don't see an existing, public Go vulnerability in a publicly importable package in our database,
<a href="">
please let us know.