blob: 9a27ebced8b36bb9efe5bf3684a2d651cf017734 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package database adds some useful functionality to a sql.DB.
// It is independent of the database driver and the
// DB schema.
package database
import (
// DB wraps a sql.DB. The methods it exports correspond closely to those of
// sql.DB. They enhance the original by requiring a context argument, and by
// logging the query and any resulting errors.
// A DB may represent a transaction. If so, its execution and query methods
// operate within the transaction.
type DB struct {
db *sql.DB
tx *sql.Tx
// Open creates a new DB for the given connection string.
func Open(driverName, dbinfo string) (_ *DB, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "database.Open(%q, %q)",
driverName, redactPassword(dbinfo))
db, err := sql.Open(driverName, dbinfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = db.Ping(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return New(db), nil
// New creates a new DB from a sql.DB.
func New(db *sql.DB) *DB {
return &DB{db: db}
func (db *DB) InTransaction() bool {
return db.tx != nil
var passwordRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`password=\S+`)
func redactPassword(dbinfo string) string {
return passwordRegexp.ReplaceAllLiteralString(dbinfo, "password=REDACTED")
// Close closes the database connection.
func (db *DB) Close() error {
return db.db.Close()
// Exec executes a SQL statement.
func (db *DB) Exec(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (res sql.Result, err error) {
defer logQuery(ctx, query, args)(&err)
if db.tx != nil {
return db.tx.ExecContext(ctx, query, args...)
return db.db.ExecContext(ctx, query, args...)
// Query runs the DB query.
func (db *DB) Query(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (_ *sql.Rows, err error) {
defer logQuery(ctx, query, args)(&err)
if db.tx != nil {
return db.tx.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...)
return db.db.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...)
// QueryRow runs the query and returns a single row.
func (db *DB) QueryRow(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row {
defer logQuery(ctx, query, args)(nil)
if db.tx != nil {
return db.tx.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, args...)
return db.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, args...)
// RunQuery executes query, then calls f on each row.
func (db *DB) RunQuery(ctx context.Context, query string, f func(*sql.Rows) error, params ...interface{}) error {
rows, err := db.Query(ctx, query, params...)
if err != nil {
return err
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
if err := f(rows); err != nil {
return err
return rows.Err()
// Transact executes the given function in the context of a SQL transaction,
// rolling back the transaction if the function panics or returns an error.
// The given function is called with a DB that is associated with a transaction.
// The DB should be used only inside the function; if it is used to access the
// database after the function returns, the calls will return errors.
func (db *DB) Transact(ctx context.Context, txFunc func(*DB) error) (err error) {
if db.InTransaction() {
return errors.New("DB.Transact called on a DB already in a transaction")
tx, err := db.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("db.Begin(): %v", err)
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
} else if err != nil {
} else {
if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("tx.Commit(): %v", err)
dbtx := New(db.db)
dbtx.tx = tx
defer logTransaction(ctx)(&err)
if err := txFunc(dbtx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("txFunc(tx): %v", err)
return nil
const OnConflictDoNothing = "ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING"
// BulkInsert constructs and executes a multi-value insert statement. The
// query is constructed using the format: INSERT TO <table> (<columns>) VALUES
// (<placeholders-for-each-item-in-values>) If conflictNoAction is true, it
// append ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING to the end of the query. The query is executed
// using a PREPARE statement with the provided values.
func (db *DB) BulkInsert(ctx context.Context, table string, columns []string, values []interface{}, conflictAction string) (err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "DB.BulkInsert(ctx, %q, %v, [%d values], %q)",
table, columns, len(values), conflictAction)
return db.bulkInsert(ctx, table, columns, nil, values, conflictAction, nil)
// BulkInsertReturning is like BulkInsert, but supports returning values from the INSERT statement.
// In addition to the arguments of BulkInsert, it takes a list of columns to return and a function
// to scan those columns. To get the returned values, provide a function that scans them as if
// they were the selected columns of a query. See TestBulkInsert for an example.
func (db *DB) BulkInsertReturning(ctx context.Context, table string, columns []string, values []interface{}, conflictAction string, returningColumns []string, scanFunc func(*sql.Rows) error) (err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "DB.BulkInsertReturning(ctx, %q, %v, [%d values], %q, %v, scanFunc)",
table, columns, len(values), conflictAction, returningColumns)
if returningColumns == nil || scanFunc == nil {
return errors.New("need returningColumns and scan function")
return db.bulkInsert(ctx, table, columns, returningColumns, values, conflictAction, scanFunc)
func (db *DB) bulkInsert(ctx context.Context, table string, columns, returningColumns []string, values []interface{}, conflictAction string, scanFunc func(*sql.Rows) error) (err error) {
if remainder := len(values) % len(columns); remainder != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("modulus of len(values) and len(columns) must be 0: got %d", remainder)
// Postgres supports up to 65535 parameters, but stop well before that
// so we don't construct humongous queries.
const maxParameters = 1000
stride := (maxParameters / len(columns)) * len(columns)
if stride == 0 {
// This is a pathological case (len(columns) > maxParameters), but we
// handle it cautiously.
return fmt.Errorf("too many columns to insert: %d", len(columns))
for leftBound := 0; leftBound < len(values); leftBound += stride {
rightBound := leftBound + stride
if rightBound > len(values) {
rightBound = len(values)
valueSlice := values[leftBound:rightBound]
query := buildInsertQuery(table, columns, returningColumns, valueSlice, conflictAction)
var err error
if returningColumns == nil {
_, err = db.Exec(ctx, query, valueSlice...)
} else {
err = db.RunQuery(ctx, query, scanFunc, valueSlice...)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("running bulk insert query, values[%d:%d]): %v", leftBound, rightBound, err)
return nil
// buildInsertQuery builds an multi-value insert query, following the format:
// INSERT TO <table> (<columns>) VALUES (<placeholders-for-each-item-in-values>)
// If conflictNoAction is true, it appends ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING to the query.
// If returningColumns is not empty, it appends a RETURNING clause to the query.
// When calling buildInsertQuery, it must be true that
// len(values) % len(columns) == 0
func buildInsertQuery(table string, columns, returningColumns []string, values []interface{}, conflictAction string) string {
var b strings.Builder
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "INSERT INTO %s", table)
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "(%s) VALUES", strings.Join(columns, ", "))
var placeholders []string
for i := 1; i <= len(values); i++ {
// Construct the full query by adding placeholders for each
// set of values that we want to insert.
placeholders = append(placeholders, fmt.Sprintf("$%d", i))
if i%len(columns) != 0 {
// When the end of a set is reached, write it to the query
// builder and reset placeholders.
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "(%s)", strings.Join(placeholders, ", "))
placeholders = []string{}
// Do not add a comma delimiter after the last set of values.
if i == len(values) {
b.WriteString(", ")
if conflictAction != "" {
b.WriteString(" " + conflictAction)
if len(returningColumns) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, " RETURNING %s", strings.Join(returningColumns, ", "))
return b.String()
// maxBulkUpdateArrayLen is the maximum size of an array that BulkUpdate will send to
// Postgres. (Postgres has no size limit on arrays, but we want to keep the statements
// to a reasonable size.)
// It is a variable for testing.
var maxBulkUpdateArrayLen = 10000
// BulkUpdate executes multiple UPDATE statements in a transaction.
// Columns must contain the names of some of table's columns. The first is treated
// as a key; that is, the values to update are matched with existing rows by comparing
// the values of the first column.
// Types holds the database type of each column. For example,
// []string{"INT", "TEXT"}
// Values contains one slice of values per column. (Note that this is unlike BulkInsert, which
// takes a single slice of interleaved values.)
func (db *DB) BulkUpdate(ctx context.Context, table string, columns, types []string, values [][]interface{}) (err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "DB.BulkUpdate(ctx, tx, %q, %v, [%d values])",
table, columns, len(values))
if len(columns) < 2 {
return errors.New("need at least two columns")
if len(columns) != len(values) {
return errors.New("len(values) != len(columns)")
nRows := len(values[0])
for _, v := range values[1:] {
if len(v) != nRows {
return errors.New("all values slices must be the same length")
query := buildBulkUpdateQuery(table, columns, types)
for left := 0; left < nRows; left += maxBulkUpdateArrayLen {
right := left + maxBulkUpdateArrayLen
if right > nRows {
right = nRows
var args []interface{}
for _, vs := range values {
args = append(args, pq.Array(vs[left:right]))
if _, err := db.Exec(ctx, query, args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("db.Exec(%q, values[%d:%d]): %v", query, left, right, err)
return nil
func buildBulkUpdateQuery(table string, columns, types []string) string {
var sets, unnests []string
// Build "c = data.c" for each non-key column.
for _, c := range columns[1:] {
sets = append(sets, fmt.Sprintf("%s = data.%[1]s", c))
// Build "UNNEST($1::TYPE) AS c" for each column.
// We need the type, or Postgres complains that UNNEST is not unique.
for i, c := range columns {
unnests = append(unnests, fmt.Sprintf("UNNEST($%d::%s[]) AS %s", i+1, types[i], c))
return fmt.Sprintf(`
UPDATE %[1]s
SET %[2]s
FROM (SELECT %[3]s) AS data
WHERE %[1]s.%[4]s = data.%[4]s`,
table, // 1
strings.Join(sets, ", "), // 2
strings.Join(unnests, ", "), // 3
columns[0], // 4
// QueryLoggingDisabled stops logging of queries when true.
// For use in tests only: not concurrency-safe.
var QueryLoggingDisabled bool
var queryCounter int64 // atomic: per-process counter for unique query IDs
type queryEndLogEntry struct {
ID string
Query string
Args string
DurationSeconds float64
Error string `json:",omitempty"`
func logQuery(ctx context.Context, query string, args []interface{}) func(*error) {
if QueryLoggingDisabled {
return func(*error) {}
const maxlen = 300 // maximum length of displayed query
// To make the query more compact and readable, replace newlines with spaces
// and collapse adjacent whitespace.
var r []rune
for _, c := range query {
if c == '\n' {
c = ' '
if len(r) == 0 || !unicode.IsSpace(r[len(r)-1]) || !unicode.IsSpace(c) {
r = append(r, c)
query = string(r)
if len(query) > maxlen {
query = query[:maxlen] + "..."
uid := generateLoggingID()
// Construct a short string of the args.
const (
maxArgs = 20
maxArgLen = 50
var argStrings []string
for i := 0; i < len(args) && i < maxArgs; i++ {
s := fmt.Sprint(args[i])
if len(s) > maxArgLen {
s = s[:maxArgLen] + "..."
argStrings = append(argStrings, s)
if len(args) > maxArgs {
argStrings = append(argStrings, "...")
argString := strings.Join(argStrings, ", ")
log.Debugf(ctx, "%s %s args=%s", uid, query, argString)
start := time.Now()
return func(errp *error) {
dur := time.Since(start)
if errp == nil { // happens with queryRow
log.Debugf(ctx, "%s done", uid)
} else {
derrors.Wrap(errp, "DB running query %s", uid)
entry := queryEndLogEntry{
ID: uid,
Query: query,
Args: argString,
DurationSeconds: dur.Seconds(),
if *errp == nil {
log.Debug(ctx, entry)
} else {
entry.Error = (*errp).Error()
log.Error(ctx, entry)
func logTransaction(ctx context.Context) func(*error) {
if QueryLoggingDisabled {
return func(*error) {}
uid := generateLoggingID()
log.Debugf(ctx, "%s transaction started", uid)
start := time.Now()
return func(errp *error) {
log.Debugf(ctx, "%s transaction finished in %s with error %v", uid, time.Since(start), *errp)
func generateLoggingID() string {
instanceID := config.InstanceID()
if instanceID == "" {
instanceID = "local"
} else {
// Instance IDs are long strings. The low-order part seems quite random, so
// shortening the ID will still likely result in something unique.
instanceID = instanceID[len(instanceID)-4:]
n := atomic.AddInt64(&queryCounter, 1)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", instanceID, n)
// emptyStringScanner wraps the functionality of sql.NullString to just write
// an empty string if the value is NULL.
type emptyStringScanner struct {
ptr *string
func (e emptyStringScanner) Scan(value interface{}) error {
var ns sql.NullString
if err := ns.Scan(value); err != nil {
return err
*e.ptr = ns.String
return nil
// NullIsEmpty returns a sql.Scanner that writes the empty string to s if the
// sql.Value is NULL.
func NullIsEmpty(s *string) sql.Scanner {
return emptyStringScanner{s}