blob: 5dd44c634304c9586a045340bb915ec836a89a47 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package postgres
import (
func TestPathTokens(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
path string
want []string
path: "context",
want: []string{"context"},
path: "",
want: []string{
path: "",
want: []string{
path: "",
want: []string{
path: "",
want: []string{
path: "/",
want: []string{
path: "",
want: []string{
path: "",
want: []string{
path: "/",
want: nil,
} {
t.Run(tc.path, func(t *testing.T) {
got := GeneratePathTokens(tc.path)
if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("generatePathTokens(%q) mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", tc.path, diff)
func TestSearch(t *testing.T) {
// importGraph constructs a simple import graph where all importers import
// one popular package. For performance purposes, all importers are added to
// a single importing module.
importGraph := func(popularPath, importerModule string, importerCount int) []*internal.Module {
m := sample.Module(popularPath, "v1.2.3", "")
m.LegacyPackages[0].Imports = nil
// Try to improve the ts_rank of the 'foo' search term.
m.LegacyPackages[0].Synopsis = "foo"
m.LegacyReadmeContents = "foo"
mods := []*internal.Module{m}
if importerCount > 0 {
m := sample.Module(importerModule, "v1.2.3")
for i := 0; i < importerCount; i++ {
p := sample.LegacyPackage(importerModule, fmt.Sprintf("importer%d", i))
p.Imports = []string{popularPath}
sample.AddPackage(m, p)
mods = append(mods, m)
return mods
tests := []struct {
label string
modules []*internal.Module
resultOrder [4]string
wantSource string
wantResults []string
wantTotal uint64
label: "single package",
modules: importGraph("", "", 0),
resultOrder: [4]string{"popular", "estimate", "deep"},
wantSource: "popular",
wantResults: []string{""},
wantTotal: 1,
label: "empty results",
modules: []*internal.Module{},
resultOrder: [4]string{"deep", "estimate", "popular"},
wantSource: "deep",
wantResults: nil,
label: "both popular and unpopular results",
modules: importGraph("", "", 10),
resultOrder: [4]string{"popular", "estimate", "deep"},
wantSource: "popular",
wantResults: []string{"", ""},
wantTotal: 11, // HLL result count (happens to be right in this case)
label: "popular results, estimate before deep",
modules: append(importGraph("", "", 60),
importGraph("", "", 70)...),
resultOrder: [4]string{"popular", "estimate", "deep"},
wantSource: "popular",
wantResults: []string{"", ""},
wantTotal: 76, // HLL result count (actual count is 72)
label: "popular results, deep before estimate",
modules: append(importGraph("", "", 60),
importGraph("", "", 70)...),
resultOrder: [4]string{"popular", "deep", "estimate"},
wantSource: "deep",
wantResults: []string{"", ""},
wantTotal: 72,
// Adding a test for *very* popular results requires ~300 importers
// minimum, which is pretty slow to set up at the moment (~5 seconds), and
// doesn't add much additional value.
defer view.Unregister(SearchResponseCount)
responses := make(map[string]int64)
// responseDelta captures the change in the SearchResponseCount metric.
responseDelta := func() map[string]int64 {
rows, err := view.RetrieveData(SearchResponseCount.Name)
if err != nil {
delta := make(map[string]int64)
for _, row := range rows {
// Tags[0] should always be the SearchSource. For simplicity we assume
// this.
source := row.Tags[0].Value
count := row.Data.(*view.CountData).Value
if d := count - responses[source]; d != 0 {
delta[source] = d
responses[source] = count
return delta
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.label, func(t *testing.T) {
// use guardTestResult to simulate a scenario where search queries return
// in the order: popular-50, popular-8, deep. In practice this should
// usually be the order in which they return as these searches represent
// progressively larger scans, but in our small test database this need
// not be the case.
done := make(map[string](chan struct{}))
// waitFor maps [search type] -> [the search type is should wait for]
waitFor := make(map[string]string)
for i := 0; i < len(test.resultOrder); i++ {
done[test.resultOrder[i]] = make(chan struct{})
if i > 0 {
waitFor[test.resultOrder[i]] = test.resultOrder[i-1]
guardTestResult := func(source string) func() {
// This test is inherently racy as 'estimate' results are are on a
// separate channel, and therefore even after guarding still race to
// the select statement.
// Since this is a concern only for testing, and since this test is
// rather slow anyway, just wait for a healthy amount of time in order
// to de-flake the test. If the test still proves flaky, we can either
// increase this sleep or refactor so that all asynchronous results
// arrive on the same channel.
if source == "estimate" {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
if await, ok := waitFor[source]; ok {
return func() { close(done[source]) }
defer ResetTestDB(testDB, t)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
for _, v := range test.modules {
if err := testDB.InsertModule(ctx, v); err != nil {
if _, err := testDB.UpdateSearchDocumentsImportedByCount(ctx); err != nil {
results, err := testDB.hedgedSearch(ctx, "foo", 2, 0, searchers, guardTestResult)
if err != nil {
var got []string
for _, r := range results {
got = append(got, r.PackagePath)
if diff := cmp.Diff(test.wantResults, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("FastSearch(\"foo\") mismatch (-want +got)\n%s", diff)
if len(results) > 0 && results[0].NumResults != test.wantTotal {
t.Errorf("NumResults = %d, want %d", results[0].NumResults, test.wantTotal)
// Finally, validate that metrics are updated correctly
gotDelta := responseDelta()
wantDelta := map[string]int64{test.wantSource: 1}
if diff := cmp.Diff(wantDelta, gotDelta); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("SearchResponseCount: unexpected delta (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
func TestInsertSearchDocumentAndSearch(t *testing.T) {
var (
modGoCDK = ""
pkgGoCDK = &internal.LegacyPackage{
Name: "cloud",
Path: "",
Synopsis: "Package cloud contains a library and tools for open cloud development in Go. The Go Cloud Development Kit (Go CDK)",
IsRedistributable: true, // required because some test cases depend on the README contents
modKube = ""
pkgKube = &internal.LegacyPackage{
Name: "client-go",
Path: "",
Synopsis: "Package client-go implements a Go client for Kubernetes.",
IsRedistributable: true, // required because some test cases depend on the README contents
kubeResult = func(score float64, numResults uint64) *internal.SearchResult {
return &internal.SearchResult{
Name: pkgKube.Name,
PackagePath: pkgKube.Path,
Synopsis: pkgKube.Synopsis,
Licenses: []string{"MIT"},
CommitTime: sample.CommitTime,
Version: sample.VersionString,
ModulePath: modKube,
Score: score,
NumResults: numResults,
goCdkResult = func(score float64, numResults uint64) *internal.SearchResult {
return &internal.SearchResult{
Name: pkgGoCDK.Name,
PackagePath: pkgGoCDK.Path,
Synopsis: pkgGoCDK.Synopsis,
Licenses: []string{"MIT"},
CommitTime: sample.CommitTime,
Version: sample.VersionString,
ModulePath: modGoCDK,
Score: score,
NumResults: numResults,
const (
packageScore = 0.6079270839691162
goAndCDKScore = 0.999817967414856
cloudScore = 0.8654518127441406
for _, tc := range []struct {
name string
packages map[string]*internal.LegacyPackage
limit, offset int
searchQuery string
want []*internal.SearchResult
name: "two documents, single term search",
searchQuery: "package",
packages: map[string]*internal.LegacyPackage{
modGoCDK: pkgGoCDK,
modKube: pkgKube,
want: []*internal.SearchResult{
goCdkResult(packageScore, 2),
kubeResult(packageScore, 2),
name: "two documents, single term search, two results limit 1 offset 0",
limit: 1,
offset: 0,
searchQuery: "package",
packages: map[string]*internal.LegacyPackage{
modKube: pkgKube,
modGoCDK: pkgGoCDK,
want: []*internal.SearchResult{
goCdkResult(packageScore, 2),
name: "two documents, single term search, two results limit 1 offset 1",
limit: 1,
offset: 1,
searchQuery: "package",
packages: map[string]*internal.LegacyPackage{
modGoCDK: pkgGoCDK,
modKube: pkgKube,
want: []*internal.SearchResult{
kubeResult(packageScore, 2),
name: "two documents, multiple term search",
searchQuery: "go & cdk",
packages: map[string]*internal.LegacyPackage{
modGoCDK: pkgGoCDK,
modKube: pkgKube,
want: []*internal.SearchResult{
goCdkResult(goAndCDKScore, 1),
name: "one document, single term search",
searchQuery: "cloud",
packages: map[string]*internal.LegacyPackage{
modGoCDK: pkgGoCDK,
want: []*internal.SearchResult{
goCdkResult(cloudScore, 1),
} {
for method, searcher := range searchers {
t.Run(":"+method, func(t *testing.T) {
defer ResetTestDB(testDB, t)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testTimeout)
defer cancel()
for modulePath, pkg := range tc.packages {
pkg.Licenses = sample.LicenseMetadata
m := sample.Module(modulePath, sample.VersionString)
sample.AddPackage(m, pkg)
if err := testDB.InsertModule(ctx, m); err != nil {
if tc.limit < 1 {
tc.limit = 10
got := searcher(testDB, ctx, tc.searchQuery, tc.limit, tc.offset)
if got.err != nil {
// Normally done by hedgedSearch, but we're bypassing that.
if err := testDB.addPackageDataToSearchResults(ctx, got.results); err != nil {
if len(got.results) != len(tc.want) {
t.Errorf("testDB.Search(%v, %d, %d) mismatch: len(got) = %d, want = %d\n", tc.searchQuery, tc.limit, tc.offset, len(got.results), len(tc.want))
// The searchers differ in these two fields.
opt := cmpopts.IgnoreFields(internal.SearchResult{}, "Approximate", "NumResults")
if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.want, got.results, opt); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("testDB.Search(%v, %d, %d) mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", tc.searchQuery, tc.limit, tc.offset, diff)
func TestSearchPenalties(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that the penalties for non-redistributable modules and modules without
// go.mod files are applied correctly.
defer ResetTestDB(testDB, t)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testTimeout)
defer cancel()
// All these modules will have the same text ranking for the search term "foo",
// but different scores due to penalties.
modules := map[string]struct {
redist bool
hasGoMod bool
multiplier float64 // applied to base score
"": {true, true, 1},
"": {true, false, noGoModPenalty},
"": {false, true, nonRedistributablePenalty},
"": {false, false, noGoModPenalty * nonRedistributablePenalty},
for path, m := range modules {
v := sample.Module(path, sample.VersionString, "p")
v.LegacyPackages[0].IsRedistributable = m.redist
v.IsRedistributable = m.redist
v.HasGoMod = m.hasGoMod
if err := testDB.InsertModule(ctx, v); err != nil {
for method, searcher := range searchers {
t.Run(method, func(t *testing.T) {
res := searcher(testDB, ctx, "foo", 10, 0)
if res.err != nil {
if got, want := len(res.results), len(modules); got != want {
t.Fatalf("got %d search results, want %d", got, want)
for _, r := range res.results {
got := r.Score
want := res.results[0].Score * modules[r.ModulePath].multiplier
if math.Abs(got-want) > 1e6 {
t.Errorf("%s: got %f, want %f", r.ModulePath, got, want)
type searchDocument struct {
packagePath string
modulePath string
version string
commitTime time.Time
name string
synopsis string
licenseTypes []string
importedByCount int
redistributable bool
hasGoMod bool
versionUpdatedAt time.Time
importedByCountUpdatedAt time.Time
// getSearchDocument returns the search_document for the package with the given
// path. It is only used for testing purposes.
func getSearchDocument(ctx context.Context, db *DB, path string) (*searchDocument, error) {
query := `
WHERE package_path=$1`
row := db.db.QueryRow(ctx, query, path)
var (
sd searchDocument
t pq.NullTime
if err := row.Scan(&sd.packagePath, &sd.modulePath, &sd.version, &sd.commitTime,
&, &sd.synopsis, pq.Array(&sd.licenseTypes), &sd.importedByCount,
&sd.redistributable, &sd.hasGoMod, &sd.versionUpdatedAt, &t); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("row.Scan(): %v", err)
if t.Valid {
sd.importedByCountUpdatedAt = t.Time
return &sd, nil
func TestUpsertSearchDocument(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that inserting into search_documents populates all columns correctly,
// both with and without a conflict.
defer ResetTestDB(testDB, t)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testTimeout)
defer cancel()
var packagePath = sample.ModulePath + "/A"
getSearchDocument := func() *searchDocument {
sd, err := getSearchDocument(ctx, testDB, packagePath)
if err != nil {
return sd
insertModule := func(version string, gomod bool) {
v := sample.Module(sample.ModulePath, version, "A")
v.HasGoMod = gomod
v.LegacyPackages[0].Synopsis = "syn-" + version
if err := testDB.InsertModule(ctx, v); err != nil {
insertModule("v1.0.0", false)
sdOriginal := getSearchDocument()
insertModule("v0.5.0", true)
sdOlder := getSearchDocument()
if diff := cmp.Diff(sdOriginal, sdOlder, cmp.AllowUnexported(searchDocument{})); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatch (-want, +got):\n%s", diff)
insertModule("v1.5.2", true)
sdNewer := getSearchDocument()
if orig, newer := sdOriginal.versionUpdatedAt, sdNewer.versionUpdatedAt; orig == newer {
t.Fatalf("expected version_updated_at to change since a newer version was inserted; got original = %v, newer = %v",
orig, newer)
sdWant := sdOriginal
sdWant.version = "v1.5.2"
sdWant.synopsis = "syn-v1.5.2"
sdWant.hasGoMod = true
sdWant.versionUpdatedAt = sdNewer.versionUpdatedAt
if diff := cmp.Diff(sdWant, sdNewer, cmp.AllowUnexported(searchDocument{})); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatch (-want, +got):\n%s", diff)
func TestUpsertSearchDocumentVersionHasGoMod(t *testing.T) {
defer ResetTestDB(testDB, t)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testTimeout)
defer cancel()
for _, hasGoMod := range []bool{true, false} {
m := sample.Module(fmt.Sprintf("", hasGoMod), "v1.2.3", "bar")
m.HasGoMod = hasGoMod
if err := testDB.InsertModule(ctx, m); err != nil {
for _, hasGoMod := range []bool{true, false} {
packagePath := fmt.Sprintf("", hasGoMod)
sd, err := getSearchDocument(ctx, testDB, packagePath)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("testDB.getSearchDocument(ctx, %q): %v", packagePath, err)
if sd.hasGoMod != hasGoMod {
t.Errorf("got hasGoMod=%t want %t", sd.hasGoMod, hasGoMod)
func TestUpdateSearchDocumentsImportedByCount(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testTimeout)
defer cancel()
// insert package with suffix at version, return the module
insertPackageVersion := func(suffix, version string, imports []string) *internal.Module {
m := sample.Module(""+suffix, version, suffix)
pkg := m.LegacyPackages[0]
pkg.Imports = nil
for _, imp := range imports {
pkg.Imports = append(pkg.Imports, fmt.Sprintf("[1]s", imp))
if err := testDB.InsertModule(ctx, m); err != nil {
return m
updateImportedByCount := func() {
if _, err := testDB.UpdateSearchDocumentsImportedByCount(ctx); err != nil {
validateImportedByCountAndGetSearchDocument := func(path string, count int) *searchDocument {
sd, err := getSearchDocument(ctx, testDB, path)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("testDB.getSearchDocument(ctx, %q): %v", path, err)
if sd.importedByCount > 0 && sd.importedByCountUpdatedAt.IsZero() {
t.Fatalf("importedByCountUpdatedAt for package %q should not be empty if count > 0", path)
if count != sd.importedByCount {
t.Fatalf("importedByCount for package %q = %d; want = %d", path, sd.importedByCount, count)
return sd
pkgPath := func(m *internal.Module) string { return m.LegacyPackages[0].Path }
t.Run("basic", func(t *testing.T) {
defer ResetTestDB(testDB, t)
// Test imported_by_count = 0 when only pkgA is added.
mA := insertPackageVersion("A", "v1.0.0", nil)
_ = validateImportedByCountAndGetSearchDocument(pkgPath(mA), 0)
// Test imported_by_count = 1 for pkgA when pkgB is added.
mB := insertPackageVersion("B", "v1.0.0", []string{"A"})
_ = validateImportedByCountAndGetSearchDocument(pkgPath(mA), 1)
sdB := validateImportedByCountAndGetSearchDocument(pkgPath(mB), 0)
wantSearchDocBUpdatedAt := sdB.importedByCountUpdatedAt
// Test imported_by_count = 2 for pkgA, when C is added.
mC := insertPackageVersion("C", "v1.0.0", []string{"A"})
sdA := validateImportedByCountAndGetSearchDocument(pkgPath(mA), 2)
sdC := validateImportedByCountAndGetSearchDocument(pkgPath(mC), 0)
// Nothing imports C, so it has never been updated.
if !sdC.importedByCountUpdatedAt.IsZero() {
t.Fatalf("pkgC imported_by_count_updated_at should be zero, but is %v", sdC.importedByCountUpdatedAt)
if sdA.importedByCountUpdatedAt.IsZero() {
t.Fatal("pkgA imported_by_count_updated_at should be non-zero, but is zero")
// Test imported_by_count_updated_at for B has not changed.
sdB = validateImportedByCountAndGetSearchDocument(pkgPath(mB), 0)
if sdB.importedByCountUpdatedAt != wantSearchDocBUpdatedAt {
t.Fatalf("expected imported_by_count_updated_at for pkgB not to have changed; old = %v, new = %v",
wantSearchDocBUpdatedAt, sdB.importedByCountUpdatedAt)
// When an older version of A imports D, nothing happens to the counts,
// because imports_unique only records the latest version of each package.
mD := insertPackageVersion("D", "v1.0.0", nil)
insertPackageVersion("A", "v0.9.0", []string{"D"})
_ = validateImportedByCountAndGetSearchDocument(pkgPath(mA), 2)
_ = validateImportedByCountAndGetSearchDocument(pkgPath(mD), 0)
// When a newer version of A imports D, however, the counts do change.
insertPackageVersion("A", "v1.1.0", []string{"D"})
_ = validateImportedByCountAndGetSearchDocument(pkgPath(mA), 2)
_ = validateImportedByCountAndGetSearchDocument(pkgPath(mD), 1)
t.Run("alternative", func(t *testing.T) {
// Test with alternative modules that are removed from search_documents.
defer ResetTestDB(testDB, t)
insertPackageVersion("B", "v1.0.0", nil)
// Insert a package with the canonical module path.
canonicalModule := insertPackageVersion("A", "v1.0.0", []string{"B"})
// Imagine we see a package with an alternative path at v1.2.0.
// We add that information to module_version_states.
alternativeModulePath := strings.ToLower(canonicalModule.ModulePath)
alternativeStatus := derrors.ToHTTPStatus(derrors.AlternativeModule)
err := testDB.UpsertModuleVersionState(ctx, alternativeModulePath, "v1.2.0", "",
time.Now(), alternativeStatus, canonicalModule.ModulePath, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
// Now we see an earlier version of that package, without a go.mod file, so we insert it.
// It should not get inserted into search_documents.
mAlt := sample.Module(alternativeModulePath, "v1.0.0", "A")
mAlt.LegacyPackages[0].Imports = []string{"B"}
if err := testDB.InsertModule(ctx, mAlt); err != nil {
// Although B is imported by two packages, only one is in search_documents, so its
// imported-by count is 1.
validateImportedByCountAndGetSearchDocument("", 1)
func TestGetPackagesForSearchDocumentUpsert(t *testing.T) {
defer ResetTestDB(testDB, t)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testTimeout)
defer cancel()
moduleA := sample.Module("", "v1.2.3",
"A", "A/notinternal", "A/internal", "A/internal/B")
if err := testDB.InsertModule(ctx, moduleA); err != nil {
// We are asking for all packages in search_documents updated before now, which is
// all the non-internal packages.
got, err := testDB.GetPackagesForSearchDocumentUpsert(ctx, time.Now(), 10)
if err != nil {
sort.Slice(got, func(i, j int) bool { return got[i].PackagePath < got[j].PackagePath })
want := []upsertSearchDocumentArgs{
PackagePath: "",
ModulePath: "",
ReadmeFilePath: "",
ReadmeContents: "readme",
Synopsis: "This is a package synopsis",
PackagePath: "",
ModulePath: "",
ReadmeFilePath: "",
ReadmeContents: "readme",
Synopsis: "This is a package synopsis",
if diff := cmp.Diff(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("testDB.GetPackagesForSearchDocumentUpsert mismatch(-want +got):\n%s", diff)
// pkgPaths should be an empty slice, all packages were inserted more recently than yesterday.
got, err = testDB.GetPackagesForSearchDocumentUpsert(ctx, time.Now().Add(-24*time.Hour), 10)
if err != nil {
if len(got) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected testDB.GetPackagesForSearchDocumentUpsert to return an empty slice; got %v", got)
func TestHllHash(t *testing.T) {
tests := []string{
"The lazy fox.",
"Hello, 世界",
for _, test := range tests {
h := md5.New()
io.WriteString(h, test)
want := int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(h.Sum(nil)[0:8]))
row := testDB.db.QueryRow(context.Background(), "SELECT hll_hash($1)", test)
var got int64
if err := row.Scan(&got); err != nil {
if got != want {
t.Errorf("hll_hash(%q) = %d, want %d", test, got, want)
func TestHllZeros(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
i int64
want int
{-1, 0},
{-(1 << 63), 0},
{0, 64},
{1, 63},
{1 << 31, 32},
{1 << 62, 1},
{(1 << 63) - 1, 1},
for _, test := range tests {
row := testDB.db.QueryRow(context.Background(), "SELECT hll_zeros($1)", test.i)
var got int
if err := row.Scan(&got); err != nil {
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("hll_zeros(%d) = %d, want %d", test.i, got, test.want)
func TestDeleteOlderVersionFromSearch(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
defer ResetTestDB(testDB, t)
const (
modulePath = ""
version = "v1.2.3" // delete older than this
type module struct {
path string
version string
pkg string
wantDeleted bool
insert := func(m module) {
sm := sample.Module(m.path, m.version, m.pkg)
if err := testDB.InsertModule(ctx, sm); err != nil {
check := func(m module) {
gotPath, gotVersion, found := GetFromSearchDocuments(ctx, t, testDB, m.path+"/"+m.pkg)
gotDeleted := !found
if gotDeleted != m.wantDeleted {
t.Errorf("%s: gotDeleted=%t, wantDeleted=%t", m.path, gotDeleted, m.wantDeleted)
if !gotDeleted {
if gotPath != m.path || gotVersion != m.version {
t.Errorf("got path, version (%q, %q), want (%q, %q)", gotPath, gotVersion, m.path, m.version)
modules := []module{
{modulePath, "v1.1.0", "p2", true}, // older version of same module
{modulePath, "v0.0.9", "p3", true}, // another older version of same module
{"", "v1.1.2", "p4", false}, // older version of a different module
for _, m := range modules {
if err := testDB.DeleteOlderVersionFromSearchDocuments(ctx, modulePath, version); err != nil {
for _, m := range modules {
// Verify that a newer version is not deleted.
ResetTestDB(testDB, t)
mod := module{modulePath, "v1.2.4", "p5", false}