blob: 92775168b509087e1ef38c38d4874962b546b216 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
// displayBreadcrumb appends additional breadcrumb links for display
// to those for the given unit.
func displayBreadcrumb(um *internal.UnitMeta, requestedVersion string) breadcrumb {
bc := breadcrumbPath(um.Path, um.ModulePath, requestedVersion)
if um.ModulePath == stdlib.ModulePath && um.Path != stdlib.ModulePath {
bc.Links = append([]link{{Href: "/std", Body: "Standard library"}}, bc.Links...)
bc.Links = append([]link{{Href: "/", Body: "Discover Packages"}}, bc.Links...)
return bc
type breadcrumb struct {
Links []link
Current string
CopyData string
type link struct {
Href, Body string
// breadcrumbPath builds HTML that displays pkgPath as a sequence of links
// to its parents.
// pkgPath is a slash-separated path, and may be a package import path or a directory.
// modPath is the package's module path. This will be a prefix of pkgPath, except
// within the standard library.
// version is the version for the module, or LatestVersion.
// See TestBreadcrumbPath for examples.
func breadcrumbPath(pkgPath, modPath, requestedVersion string) breadcrumb {
if pkgPath == stdlib.ModulePath {
return breadcrumb{Current: "Standard library"}
// Obtain successive prefixes of pkgPath, stopping at modPath,
// or for the stdlib, at the end.
minLen := len(modPath) - 1
if modPath == stdlib.ModulePath {
minLen = 1
var dirs []string
for dir := pkgPath; len(dir) > minLen && len(path.Dir(dir)) < len(dir); dir = path.Dir(dir) {
dirs = append(dirs, dir)
// Construct the path elements of the result.
// They will be in reverse order of dirs.
// The first dir is the current page. If it is the only one, leave it
// as is. Otherwise, use its base. In neither case does it get a link.
d := dirs[0]
if len(dirs) > 1 {
d = path.Base(d)
b := breadcrumb{Current: d}
// Make all the other parts into links.
b.Links = make([]link, len(dirs)-1)
for i := 1; i < len(dirs); i++ {
href := "/" + dirs[i]
if requestedVersion != version.Latest {
href += "@" + versions.LinkVersion(modPath, requestedVersion, requestedVersion)
el := dirs[i]
if i != len(dirs)-1 {
el = path.Base(el)
b.Links[len(b.Links)-i] = link{href, el}
// Add a "copy" button for the path.
b.CopyData = pkgPath
return b