blob: b2fc031964053f6658140755a57e5b0b762f0610 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
const (
pageTypeModule = "module"
pageTypeDirectory = "directory"
pageTypePackage = "package"
pageTypeCommand = "command"
pageTypeModuleStd = "std"
pageTypeStdlib = "standard library"
// pageTitle determines the pageTitles for a given unit.
// See TestPageTitlesAndTypes for examples.
func pageTitle(um *internal.UnitMeta) string {
switch {
case um.Path == stdlib.ModulePath:
return "Standard library"
case um.IsCommand():
return effectiveName(um.Path, um.Name)
case um.IsPackage():
return um.Name
case um.IsModule():
prefix, _, _ := module.SplitPathVersion(um.Path)
return path.Base(prefix)
return path.Base(um.Path) + "/"
// pageType determines the pageType for a given unit.
func pageType(um *internal.UnitMeta) string {
if um.Path == stdlib.ModulePath {
return pageTypeModuleStd
if um.IsCommand() {
return pageTypeCommand
if um.IsPackage() {
return pageTypePackage
if um.IsModule() {
return pageTypeModule
return pageTypeDirectory
// pageLabels determines the labels to display for a given unit.
// See TestPageTitlesAndTypes for examples.
func pageLabels(um *internal.UnitMeta) []string {
var pageTypes []string
if um.Path == stdlib.ModulePath {
return nil
if um.IsCommand() {
pageTypes = append(pageTypes, pageTypeCommand)
} else if um.IsPackage() {
pageTypes = append(pageTypes, pageTypePackage)
if um.IsModule() {
pageTypes = append(pageTypes, pageTypeModule)
if !um.IsPackage() && !um.IsModule() {
pageTypes = append(pageTypes, pageTypeDirectory)
if stdlib.Contains(um.Path) {
pageTypes = append(pageTypes, pageTypeStdlib)
return pageTypes
// effectiveName returns either the command name or package name.
func effectiveName(pkgPath, pkgName string) string {
if pkgName != "main" {
return pkgName
var prefix string // package path without version
if pkgPath[len(pkgPath)-3:] == "/v1" {
prefix = pkgPath[:len(pkgPath)-3]
} else {
prefix, _, _ = module.SplitPathVersion(pkgPath)
_, base := path.Split(prefix)
return base
// absoluteTime takes a date and returns returns a human-readable,
// date with the format mmm d, yyyy.
func absoluteTime(date time.Time) string {
if date.IsZero() {
return "unknown"
// Convert to UTC because that is how the date is represented in the DB.
// (The pgx driver returns local times.) Example: if a date is stored
// as Jan 30 at midnight, then the local NYC time is on Jan 29, and this
// function would return "Jan 29" instead of the correct "Jan 30".
return date.In(time.UTC).Format("Jan _2, 2006")