blob: 2286fba3d750c30dd848e39e6e5b2c905356f553 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package render
import (
This logic is responsible for converting documentation comments and AST nodes
into formatted HTML. This relies on identifierResolver.toHTML to do the work
of converting words into links.
// TODO( Support hiding deprecated declarations.
const (
// Regexp for URLs.
// Match any ".,:;?!" within path, but not at end (see #18139, #16565).
// This excludes some rare yet valid URLs ending in common punctuation
// in order to allow sentences ending in URLs.
urlRx = protoPart + `://` + hostPart + pathPart
// Protocol (e.g. "http").
protoPart = `(https?|s?ftps?|file|gopher|mailto|nntp)`
// Host (e.g. "" or "[::1]:8080").
hostPart = `([a-zA-Z0-9_@\-.\[\]:]+)`
// Optional path, query, fragment (e.g. "/path/index.html?q=foo#bar").
pathPart = `([.,:;?!]*[a-zA-Z0-9$'()*+&#=@~_/\-\[\]%])*`
// Regexp for Go identifiers.
identRx = `[\pL_][\pL_0-9]*`
qualIdentRx = identRx + `(\.` + identRx + `)*`
// Regexp for RFCs.
rfcRx = `RFC\s+(\d{3,5})(,?\s+[Ss]ection\s+(\d+(\.\d+)*))?`
var (
matchRx = regexp.MustCompile(urlRx + `|` + rfcRx + `|` + qualIdentRx)
badAnchorRx = regexp.MustCompile(`[^a-zA-Z0-9]`)
type docData struct {
Elements []docElement
DisablePermalinks bool
EnableCommandTOC bool
type docElement struct {
IsHeading bool
IsPreformat bool
// for paragraph and preformat
Body safehtml.HTML
// for heading
Title string
ID safehtml.Identifier
func (r *Renderer) declHTML(doc string, decl ast.Decl, extractLinks bool) (out struct{ Doc, Decl safehtml.HTML }) {
dids := newDeclIDs(decl)
idr := &identifierResolver{r.pids, dids, r.packageURL}
if doc != "" {
var els []docElement
inLinks := false
for _, blk := range docToBlocks(doc) {
var el docElement
switch blk := blk.(type) {
case *paragraph:
if inLinks {
r.links = append(r.links, parseLinks(blk.lines)...)
} else {
el.Body = r.linesToHTML(blk.lines, idr)
els = append(els, el)
case *preformat:
if inLinks {
r.links = append(r.links, parseLinks(blk.lines)...)
} else {
el.IsPreformat = true
el.Body = r.linesToHTML(blk.lines, nil)
els = append(els, el)
case *heading:
if extractLinks && blk.title == "Links" {
inLinks = true
} else {
inLinks = false
el.IsHeading = true
el.Title = blk.title
id := badAnchorRx.ReplaceAllString(blk.title, "_")
el.ID = safehtml.IdentifierFromConstantPrefix("hdr", id)
els = append(els, el)
out.Doc = ExecuteToHTML(r.docTmpl, docData{Elements: els,
DisablePermalinks: r.disablePermalinks, EnableCommandTOC: r.enableCommandTOC})
if decl != nil {
out.Decl = r.formatDeclHTML(decl, idr)
return out
// parseLinks extracts links from lines.
func parseLinks(lines []string) []Link {
var links []Link
for _, l := range lines {
if link := parseLink(l); link != nil {
links = append(links, *link)
return links
// If line is of the form "- title, url", then parseLink returns
// a Link with the title and url. Otherwise it returns nil.
// The line already has leading whitespace trimmed.
func parseLink(line string) *Link {
if !strings.HasPrefix(line, "- ") && !strings.HasPrefix(line, "-\t") {
return nil
parts := strings.SplitN(line[2:], ",", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
return nil
text := strings.TrimSpace(parts[0])
href := strings.TrimSpace(parts[1])
return &Link{
Text: text,
Href: href,
func (r *Renderer) linesToHTML(lines []string, idr *identifierResolver) safehtml.HTML {
newline := safehtml.HTMLEscaped("\n")
htmls := make([]safehtml.HTML, 0, 2*len(lines))
for _, l := range lines {
htmls = append(htmls, r.formatLineHTML(l, idr))
htmls = append(htmls, newline)
return safehtml.HTMLConcat(htmls...)
func (r *Renderer) codeString(ex *doc.Example) (string, error) {
if ex == nil || ex.Code == nil {
return "", errors.New("Please include an example with code")
var buf bytes.Buffer
if ex.Play != nil {
if err := format.Node(&buf, r.fset, ex.Play); err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
n := &printer.CommentedNode{
Node: ex.Code,
Comments: ex.Comments,
if err := format.Node(&buf, r.fset, n); err != nil {
return "", err
return buf.String(), nil
func (r *Renderer) codeHTML(ex *doc.Example) safehtml.HTML {
codeStr, err := r.codeString(ex)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(r.ctx, "Error converting *doc.Example into string: %v", err)
return template.MustParseAndExecuteToHTML(`<pre class="Documentation-exampleCode">Error rendering example code.</pre>`)
return codeHTML(codeStr, r.exampleTmpl)
type codeElement struct {
Text string
Comment bool
func codeHTML(src string, codeTmpl *template.Template) safehtml.HTML {
var els []codeElement
// If code is an *ast.BlockStmt, then trim the braces.
var indent string
if len(src) >= 4 && strings.HasPrefix(src, "{\n") && strings.HasSuffix(src, "\n}") {
src = strings.Trim(src[2:len(src)-2], "\n")
indent = src[:indentLength(src)]
if len(indent) > 0 {
src = strings.TrimPrefix(src, indent) // handle remaining indents later
// Scan through the source code, adding comment spans for comments,
// and stripping the trailing example output.
var lastOffset int // last src offset copied to output buffer
var outputOffset int = -1 // index in els of last output comment
var s scanner.Scanner
fset := token.NewFileSet()
file := fset.AddFile("", fset.Base(), len(src))
s.Init(file, []byte(src), nil, scanner.ScanComments)
indent = "\n" + indent // prepend newline for easier search-and-replace.
for {
p, tok, lit := s.Scan()
offset := file.Offset(p) // current offset into source file
prev := src[lastOffset:offset]
prev = strings.Replace(prev, indent, "\n", -1)
els = append(els, codeElement{prev, false})
lastOffset = offset
switch tok {
case token.EOF:
break scan
case token.COMMENT:
if exampleOutputRx.MatchString(lit) {
outputOffset = len(els)
lit = strings.Replace(lit, indent, "\n", -1)
els = append(els, codeElement{lit, true})
lastOffset += len(lit)
case token.STRING:
// Avoid replacing indents in multi-line string literals.
els = append(els, codeElement{lit, false})
lastOffset += len(lit)
if outputOffset >= 0 {
els = els[:outputOffset]
// Trim trailing newlines.
if len(els) > 0 {
els[len(els)-1].Text = strings.TrimRight(els[len(els)-1].Text, "\n")
return ExecuteToHTML(codeTmpl, els)
// formatLineHTML formats the line as HTML-annotated text.
// URLs and Go identifiers are linked to corresponding declarations.
func (r *Renderer) formatLineHTML(line string, idr *identifierResolver) safehtml.HTML {
var htmls []safehtml.HTML
var lastChar, nextChar byte
var numQuotes int
addLink := func(href, text string) {
htmls = append(htmls, ExecuteToHTML(LinkTemplate, Link{Href: href, Text: text}))
line = convertQuotes(line)
for len(line) > 0 {
m0, m1 := len(line), len(line)
if m := matchRx.FindStringIndex(line); m != nil {
m0, m1 = m[0], m[1]
if m0 > 0 {
nonWord := line[:m0]
htmls = append(htmls, safehtml.HTMLEscaped(nonWord))
lastChar = nonWord[len(nonWord)-1]
numQuotes += countQuotes(nonWord)
if m1 > m0 {
word := line[m0:m1]
nextChar = 0
if m1 < len(line) {
nextChar = line[m1]
// Reduce false-positives by having a list of allowed
// characters preceding and succeeding an identifier.
// Also, forbid ID linking within unbalanced quotes on same line.
validPrefix := strings.IndexByte("\x00 \t()[]*\n", lastChar) >= 0
validSuffix := strings.IndexByte("\x00 \t()[]:;,.'\n", nextChar) >= 0
forbidLinking := !validPrefix || !validSuffix || numQuotes%2 != 0
// TODO: Should we provide hotlinks for related packages?
switch {
case strings.Contains(word, "://"):
// Forbid closing brackets without prior opening brackets.
// See
if i := strings.IndexByte(word, ')'); i >= 0 && i < strings.IndexByte(word, '(') {
m1 = m0 + i
word = line[m0:m1]
if i := strings.IndexByte(word, ']'); i >= 0 && i < strings.IndexByte(word, '[') {
m1 = m0 + i
word = line[m0:m1]
// Require balanced pairs of parentheses.
// See
for i := 0; strings.Count(word, "(") != strings.Count(word, ")") && i < 10; i++ {
m1 = strings.LastIndexAny(line[:m1], "()")
word = line[m0:m1]
for i := 0; strings.Count(word, "[") != strings.Count(word, "]") && i < 10; i++ {
m1 = strings.LastIndexAny(line[:m1], "[]")
word = line[m0:m1]
addLink(word, word)
// Match "RFC ..." to link RFCs.
case strings.HasPrefix(word, "RFC") && len(word) > 3 && unicode.IsSpace(rune(word[3])):
// Strip all characters except for letters, numbers, and '.' to
// obtain RFC fields.
rfcFields := strings.FieldsFunc(word, func(c rune) bool {
return !unicode.IsLetter(c) && !unicode.IsNumber(c) && c != '.'
if len(rfcFields) >= 4 {
// RFC x Section y
addLink(fmt.Sprintf("", rfcFields[1], rfcFields[3]), word)
} else if len(rfcFields) >= 2 {
// RFC x
addLink(fmt.Sprintf("", rfcFields[1]), word)
case !forbidLinking && !r.disableHotlinking && idr != nil: // && numQuotes%2 == 0:
htmls = append(htmls, idr.toHTML(word))
htmls = append(htmls, safehtml.HTMLEscaped(word))
numQuotes += countQuotes(word)
line = line[m1:]
return safehtml.HTMLConcat(htmls...)
func ExecuteToHTML(tmpl *template.Template, data interface{}) safehtml.HTML {
h, err := tmpl.ExecuteToHTML(data)
if err != nil {
return safehtml.HTMLEscaped("[" + err.Error() + "]")
return h
func countQuotes(s string) int {
n := -1 // loop always iterates at least once
for i := len(s); i >= 0; i = strings.LastIndexAny(s[:i], `"“”`) {
return n
// formatDeclHTML formats the decl as HTML-annotated source code for the
// provided decl. Type identifiers are linked to corresponding declarations.
func (r *Renderer) formatDeclHTML(decl ast.Decl, idr *identifierResolver) safehtml.HTML {
// Generate all anchor points and links for the given decl.
anchorPointsMap := generateAnchorPoints(decl)
anchorLinksMap := generateAnchorLinks(idr, decl)
// Convert the maps (keyed by *ast.Ident) to slices of idKinds or URLs.
// This relies on the ast.Inspect and scanner.Scanner both
// visiting *ast.Ident and token.IDENT nodes in the same order.
var anchorPoints []idKind
var anchorLinks []string
ast.Inspect(decl, func(node ast.Node) bool {
if id, ok := node.(*ast.Ident); ok {
anchorPoints = append(anchorPoints, anchorPointsMap[id])
anchorLinks = append(anchorLinks, anchorLinksMap[id])
return true
// Trim large string literals and composite literals.
const (
maxStringSize = 125
maxElements = 100
decl = rewriteDecl(decl, maxStringSize, maxElements)
// Format decl as Go source code file.
p := printer.Config{Mode: printer.UseSpaces | printer.TabIndent, Tabwidth: 4}
var b bytes.Buffer
p.Fprint(&b, r.fset, decl)
src := b.Bytes()
fset := token.NewFileSet()
file := fset.AddFile("", fset.Base(), b.Len())
// anchorLines is a list of anchor IDs that should be placed for each line.
// lineTypes is a list of the type (e.g., comment or code) of each line.
type lineType byte
const codeType, commentType lineType = 1 << 0, 1 << 1 // may OR together
numLines := bytes.Count(src, []byte("\n")) + 1
anchorLines := make([][]idKind, numLines)
lineTypes := make([]lineType, numLines)
htmlLines := make([][]safehtml.HTML, numLines)
// Scan through the source code, appropriately annotating it with HTML spans
// for comments, and HTML links and anchors for relevant identifiers.
var idIdx int // current index in anchorPoints and anchorLinks
var lastOffset int // last src offset copied to output buffer
var s scanner.Scanner
s.Init(file, src, nil, scanner.ScanComments)
for {
p, tok, lit := s.Scan()
line := file.Line(p) - 1 // current 0-indexed line number
offset := file.Offset(p) // current offset into source file
tokType := codeType // current token type (assume source code)
// Add traversed bytes from src to the appropriate line.
prevLines := strings.SplitAfter(string(src[lastOffset:offset]), "\n")
for i, ln := range prevLines {
n := line - len(prevLines) + i + 1
if n < 0 { // possible at EOF
n = 0
htmlLines[n] = append(htmlLines[n], safehtml.HTMLEscaped(ln))
lastOffset = offset
switch tok {
case token.EOF:
break scan
case token.COMMENT:
tokType = commentType
htmlLines[line] = append(htmlLines[line],
template.MustParseAndExecuteToHTML(`<span class="comment">`),
r.formatLineHTML(lit, idr),
lastOffset += len(lit)
case token.IDENT:
if idIdx < len(anchorPoints) && anchorPoints[idIdx].ID.String() != "" {
anchorLines[line] = append(anchorLines[line], anchorPoints[idIdx])
if idIdx < len(anchorLinks) && anchorLinks[idIdx] != "" {
htmlLines[line] = append(htmlLines[line], ExecuteToHTML(LinkTemplate, Link{Href: anchorLinks[idIdx], Text: lit}))
lastOffset += len(lit)
for i := strings.Count(strings.TrimSuffix(lit, "\n"), "\n"); i >= 0; i-- {
lineTypes[line+i] |= tokType
// Move anchor points up to the start of a comment
// if the next line has no anchors.
for i := range anchorLines {
if i+1 == len(anchorLines) || len(anchorLines[i+1]) == 0 {
j := i
for j > 0 && lineTypes[j-1] == commentType {
anchorLines[i], anchorLines[j] = anchorLines[j], anchorLines[i]
// Emit anchor IDs and data-kind attributes for each relevant line.
var htmls []safehtml.HTML
for line, iks := range anchorLines {
inAnchor := false
for _, ik := range iks {
// Attributes for types and functions are handled in the template
// that generates the full documentation HTML.
if ik.Kind == "function" || ik.Kind == "type" {
// Top-level methods are handled in the template, but interface methods
// are handled here.
if fd, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok && fd.Recv != nil {
htmls = append(htmls, ExecuteToHTML(anchorTemplate, ik))
inAnchor = true
htmls = append(htmls, htmlLines[line]...)
if inAnchor {
htmls = append(htmls, template.MustParseAndExecuteToHTML("</span>"))
return safehtml.HTMLConcat(htmls...)
var anchorTemplate = template.Must(template.New("anchor").Parse(`<span id="{{.ID}}" data-kind="{{.Kind}}">`))
// rewriteDecl rewrites n by removing strings longer than maxStringSize and
// composite literals longer than maxElements.
func rewriteDecl(n ast.Decl, maxStringSize, maxElements int) ast.Decl {
v := &rewriteVisitor{maxStringSize, maxElements}
ast.Walk(v, n)
return n
type rewriteVisitor struct {
maxStringSize, maxElements int
func (v *rewriteVisitor) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ast.ValueSpec:
for _, val := range n.Values {
v.rewriteLongValue(val, &n.Comment)
case *ast.Field:
if n.Tag != nil {
v.rewriteLongValue(n.Tag, &n.Comment)
return v
func (v *rewriteVisitor) rewriteLongValue(n ast.Node, pcg **ast.CommentGroup) {
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ast.BasicLit:
if n.Kind != token.STRING {
size := len(n.Value) - 2 // subtract quotation marks
if size <= v.maxStringSize {
addComment(pcg, n.ValuePos, fmt.Sprintf("/* %d-byte string literal not displayed */", size))
if len(n.Value) == 0 {
// Impossible, but avoid the panic just in case.
if quote := n.Value[0]; quote == '`' {
n.Value = "``"
} else {
n.Value = `""`
case *ast.CompositeLit:
if len(n.Elts) > v.maxElements {
addComment(pcg, n.Lbrace, fmt.Sprintf("/* %d elements not displayed */", len(n.Elts)))
n.Elts = n.Elts[:0]
func addComment(cg **ast.CommentGroup, pos token.Pos, text string) {
if *cg == nil {
*cg = &ast.CommentGroup{}
(*cg).List = append((*cg).List, &ast.Comment{Slash: pos, Text: text})
// An idKind holds an anchor ID and the kind of the identifier being anchored.
// The valid kinds are: "constant", "variable", "type", "function", "method" and "field".
type idKind struct {
ID safehtml.Identifier
Kind string
// SafeGoID constructs a safe identifier from a Go symbol or dotted concatenation of symbols
// (e.g. "Time.Equal").
func SafeGoID(s string) safehtml.Identifier {
return legacyconversions.RiskilyAssumeIdentifier(s)
var badIDRx = regexp.MustCompile(`[^_\pL\pN.]`)
// ValidateGoDottedExpr panics if s contains characters other than '.' plus the valid Go identifier characters.
func ValidateGoDottedExpr(s string) {
if badIDRx.MatchString(s) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid identifier characters: %q", s))
// generateAnchorPoints returns a mapping of *ast.Ident objects to the
// qualified ID that should be set as an anchor point, as well as the kind
// of identifer, used in the data-kind attribute.
func generateAnchorPoints(decl ast.Decl) map[*ast.Ident]idKind {
m := map[*ast.Ident]idKind{}
switch decl := decl.(type) {
case *ast.GenDecl:
for _, sp := range decl.Specs {
switch decl.Tok {
case token.CONST, token.VAR:
kind := "constant"
if decl.Tok == token.VAR {
kind = "variable"
for _, name := range sp.(*ast.ValueSpec).Names {
m[name] = idKind{SafeGoID(name.Name), kind}
case token.TYPE:
ts := sp.(*ast.TypeSpec)
m[ts.Name] = idKind{SafeGoID(ts.Name.Name), "type"}
var fs []*ast.Field
var kind string
switch tx := ts.Type.(type) {
case *ast.StructType:
fs = tx.Fields.List
kind = "field"
case *ast.InterfaceType:
fs = tx.Methods.List
kind = "method"
for _, f := range fs {
for _, id := range f.Names {
m[id] = idKind{SafeGoID(ts.Name.String() + "." + id.String()), kind}
// if f.Names == nil, we have an embedded struct field or embedded
// interface.
// Don't generate anchor points for embedded interfaces. They
// aren't interesting in and of themselves; they just represent an
// additional list of methods added to the interface.
// Do generate anchor points for embedded fields: they are
// interesting, because their names can be used in selector
// expressions and struct literals.
if f.Names == nil && kind == "field" {
// The name of an embedded field is the type name.
typeName, id := nodeName(f.Type)
typeName = typeName[strings.LastIndexByte(typeName, '.')+1:]
m[id] = idKind{SafeGoID(ts.Name.String() + "." + typeName), kind}
case *ast.FuncDecl:
anchorID := decl.Name.Name
kind := "function"
if decl.Recv != nil && len(decl.Recv.List) > 0 {
recvName, _ := nodeName(decl.Recv.List[0].Type)
recvName = recvName[strings.LastIndexByte(recvName, '.')+1:]
anchorID = recvName + "." + anchorID
kind = "method"
m[decl.Name] = idKind{SafeGoID(anchorID), kind}
return m
// generateAnchorLinks returns a mapping of *ast.Ident objects to the URL
// that the identifier should link to.
func generateAnchorLinks(idr *identifierResolver, decl ast.Decl) map[*ast.Ident]string {
m := map[*ast.Ident]string{}
ignore := map[ast.Node]bool{}
ast.Inspect(decl, func(node ast.Node) bool {
if ignore[node] {
return false
switch node := node.(type) {
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
// Package qualified identifier (e.g., "io.EOF").
if prefix, _ := node.X.(*ast.Ident); prefix != nil {
if obj := prefix.Obj; obj != nil && obj.Kind == ast.Pkg {
if spec, _ := obj.Decl.(*ast.ImportSpec); spec != nil {
if path, err := strconv.Unquote(spec.Path.Value); err == nil {
// Register two links, one for the package
// and one for the qualified identifier.
m[prefix] = idr.toURL(path, "")
m[node.Sel] = idr.toURL(path, node.Sel.Name)
return false
case *ast.Ident:
if node.Obj == nil && doc.IsPredeclared(node.Name) {
m[node] = idr.toURL("builtin", node.Name)
} else if node.Obj != nil && idr.topLevelDecls[node.Obj.Decl] {
m[node] = "#" + node.Name
case *ast.FuncDecl:
ignore[node.Name] = true // E.g., "func NoLink() int"
case *ast.TypeSpec:
ignore[node.Name] = true // E.g., "type NoLink int"
case *ast.ValueSpec:
for _, n := range node.Names {
ignore[n] = true // E.g., "var NoLink1, NoLink2 int"
case *ast.AssignStmt:
for _, n := range node.Lhs {
ignore[n] = true // E.g., "NoLink1, NoLink2 := 0, 1"
return true
return m
const (
ulquo = "“"
urquo = "”"
var unicodeQuoteReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("``", ulquo, "''", urquo)
// convertQuotes turns `` into “ and '' into ”.
func convertQuotes(text string) string {
return unicodeQuoteReplacer.Replace(text)