blob: 64a0083d7c9bb41bdb67b5066b1242b39b39e2d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package osv
import (
func AffectsSemver(ranges []Range, v string) bool {
if len(ranges) == 0 {
// No ranges implies all versions are affected
return true
var semverRangePresent bool
for _, r := range ranges {
if r.Type != RangeTypeSemver {
semverRangePresent = true
if containsSemver(r, v) {
return true
// If there were no semver ranges present we
// assume that all semvers are affected, similarly
// to how to we assume all semvers are affected
// if there are no ranges at all.
return !semverRangePresent
// containsSemver checks if semver version v is in the
// range encoded by ar. If ar is not a semver range,
// returns false.
// Assumes that
// - exactly one of Introduced or Fixed fields is set
// - ranges in ar are not overlapping
// - beginning of time is encoded with .Introduced="0"
// - no-fix is not an event, as opposed to being an
// event where Introduced="" and Fixed=""
func containsSemver(ar Range, v string) bool {
if ar.Type != RangeTypeSemver {
return false
if len(ar.Events) == 0 {
return true
// Strip and then add the semver prefix so we can support bare versions,
// versions prefixed with 'v', and versions prefixed with 'go'.
v = CanonicalizeSemver(v)
// Sort events by semver versions. Event for beginning
// of time, if present, always comes first.
sort.SliceStable(ar.Events, func(i, j int) bool {
e1 := ar.Events[i]
v1 := e1.Introduced
if v1 == "0" {
// -inf case.
return true
if e1.Fixed != "" {
v1 = e1.Fixed
e2 := ar.Events[j]
v2 := e2.Introduced
if v2 == "0" {
// -inf case.
return false
if e2.Fixed != "" {
v2 = e2.Fixed
return semver.Compare(CanonicalizeSemver(v1), CanonicalizeSemver(v2)) < 0
var affected bool
for _, e := range ar.Events {
if !affected && e.Introduced != "" {
affected = e.Introduced == "0" || semver.Compare(v, CanonicalizeSemver(e.Introduced)) >= 0
} else if affected && e.Fixed != "" {
affected = semver.Compare(v, CanonicalizeSemver(e.Fixed)) < 0
return affected
// CanonicalizeSemver turns a SEMVER string into the canonical
// representation using the 'v' prefix, as used by the OSV format.
// Input may be a bare SEMVER ("1.2.3"), Go prefixed SEMVER ("go1.2.3"),
// or already canonical SEMVER ("v1.2.3").
func CanonicalizeSemver(s string) string {
// Remove "go" prefix if needed.
s = strings.TrimPrefix(s, "go")
// Add "v" prefix if needed.
if !strings.HasPrefix(s, "v") {
s = "v" + s
return s
func LatestFixedVersion(ranges []Range) string {
var latestFixed string
for _, r := range ranges {
if r.Type == "SEMVER" {
for _, e := range r.Events {
fixed := e.Fixed
if fixed != "" && LessSemver(latestFixed, fixed) {
latestFixed = fixed
// If the vulnerability was re-introduced after the latest fix
// we found, there is no latest fix for this range.
for _, e := range r.Events {
introduced := e.Introduced
if introduced != "" && introduced != "0" && LessSemver(latestFixed, introduced) {
latestFixed = ""
return latestFixed
// LessSemver returns whether v1 < v2, where v1 and v2 are
// semver versions with either a "v", "go" or no prefix.
func LessSemver(v1, v2 string) bool {
return semver.Compare(CanonicalizeSemver(v1), CanonicalizeSemver(v2)) < 0