blob: 9dc941218066ad7844a7202ccbb6cea91d0b2511 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
{{define "unit-outline"}}
<div class="UnitOutline-jumpTo">
<button class="UnitOutline-jumpToInput js-jumpToInput"
aria-label="Open Jump to Identifier"
data-test-id="jump-to-button" data-gtmc="outline button">
Jump to ...
<ul class="go-Tree js-tree" aria-label="Outline">
{{if .Readme.String}}
<li class="js-readmeOutline">
<a href="#section-readme" data-gtmc="outline link">
{{template "readme-outline" .ReadmeOutline}}
{{if .IsPackage}}
<a href="#section-documentation" data-gtmc="outline link">
{{if .SourceFiles}}
<a href="#section-sourcefiles" data-gtmc="outline link">
Source Files
{{if .Directories}}
<a href="#section-directories" data-gtmc="outline link">
{{define "readme-outline"}}
<ul id="readme-outline">
{{range .}}
<a href="#{{.ID}}" data-gtmc="readme outline link">
{{if .Children}}
{{range .Children}}
<a href="#{{.ID}}" data-gtmc="readme outline link">
{{if .Children}}
{{range .Children}}
<a href="#{{.ID}}" data-gtmc="readme outline link">
{{end}} {{/* range .Children */}}
{{end}} {{/* if .Children */}}
{{end}} {{/* range .Children */}}
{{end}} {{/* if .Children */}}
{{end}} {{/* range . */}}
{{define "unit-outline_mobile"}}
<label class="go-Label" aria-label="Menu">
<select class="go-Select js-selectNav">
<option disabled="" label="Outline"></option>
{{if .Readme.String}}
<optgroup label="README">
{{range .ReadmeOutline}}<option value="{{.ID}}">{{.Text}}</option>{{end}}
{{if .SourceFiles}}
<option value="section-sourcefiles">Source Files</option>
{{if .Directories}}
<option value="section-directories">Directories</option>