blob: 9e8b0f6009c7f9d09a1f83700abb2190a205f1de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package licenses detects licenses and determines whether they are redistributable.
// The functions in this package do not return errors; instead, they log any problems
// they encounter and fail closed by reporting that the module or package is not
// redistributable.
// Example (modproxy):
// d := licenses.NewDetector(modulePath, version, zipReader, log.Infof)
// modRedist := d.ModuleIsRedistributable()
// Example (discovery):
// d := licenses.NewDetector(modulePath, version, zipReader, log.Infof)
// modRedist := d.ModuleIsRedistributable()
// lics := d.AllLicenses()
// pkgRedist, pkgMetas := d.PackageInfo(pkgSubdir)
package licenses
import (
modzip ""
//go:generate rm -f exceptions.gen.go
//go:generate go run gen_exceptions.go
const (
// classifyThreshold is the minimum confidence percentage/threshold to
// classify a license
classifyThreshold = 90
// coverageThreshold is the minimum percentage of the file that must contain
// license text.
coverageThreshold = 75
// unknownLicenseType is for text in a license file that's not recognized.
unknownLicenseType = "UNKNOWN"
// maxLicenseSize is the maximum allowable size (in bytes) for a license file.
// There are some license files larger than 1 million bytes:
// and, for example.
// var for testing
var maxLicenseSize uint64 = modzip.MaxLICENSE
// Metadata holds information extracted from a license file.
type Metadata struct {
// Types is the set of license types, as determined by the licensecheck package.
Types []string
// FilePath is the '/'-separated path to the license file in the module zip,
// relative to the contents directory.
FilePath string
// The output of licensecheck.Cover.
Coverage licensecheck.Coverage
// A License is a classified license file path and its contents.
type License struct {
Contents []byte
// RemoveNonRedistributableData methods removes the license contents
// if the license is non-redistributable.
func (l *License) RemoveNonRedistributableData() {
if !Redistributable(l.Types) {
l.Contents = nil
var (
FileNames = []string{
// redistributableLicenseTypes is the list of license types, as reported by
// licensecheck, that allow redistribution.
redistributableLicenseTypes = map[string]bool{
// Licenses acceptable by OSI.
"AGPL-3.0": true,
"Apache-2.0": true,
"Artistic-2.0": true,
"BlueOak-1.0": true,
"BSD-0-Clause": true,
"BSD-2-Clause": true,
"BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD": true,
"BSD-3-Clause": true,
"BSL-1.0": true,
"CC-BY-3.0": true,
"CC-BY-4.0": true,
"CC-BY-SA-3.0": true,
"CC-BY-SA-4.0": true,
"CC0-1.0": true,
"EPL-1.0": true,
"EPL-2.0": true,
"EUPL-1.2": true,
"GPL2": true,
"GPL3": true,
"ISC": true,
"JSON": true,
"LGPL-2.1": true,
"LGPL-3.0": true,
"MIT": true,
"MIT-0": true,
"MPL-2.0": true,
"NIST": true,
"NCSA": true,
"OpenSSL": true,
"OSL-3.0": true,
"Unlicense": true,
"Zlib": true,
// These aren't technically licenses, but they are recognized by
// licensecheck and safe to ignore.
ignorableLicenseTypes = map[string]bool{
"CC-Notice": true,
"GooglePatentClause": true,
// osiNameOverrides maps a licensecheck license type to the corresponding OSI
// name, if they differ.
var osiNameOverrides = map[string]string{
"GPL2": "GPL-2.0",
"GPL3": "GPL-3.0",
// nonOSILicenses lists licenses that are not approved by OSI.
var nonOSILicenses = map[string]bool{
"BlueOak-1.0": true,
"BSD-0-Clause": true,
"BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD": true,
"CC-BY-3.0": true,
"CC-BY-4.0": true,
"CC-BY-SA-3.0": true,
"CC-BY-SA-4.0": true,
"CC0-1.0": true,
"JSON": true,
"MIT-0": true,
"NIST": true,
"OpenSSL": true,
"Unlicense": true,
// fileNamesLowercase has all the entries of FileNames, downcased and made a set
// for fast case-insensitive matching.
var fileNamesLowercase = map[string]bool{}
func init() {
for _, f := range FileNames {
fileNamesLowercase[strings.ToLower(f)] = true
// AcceptedLicenseInfo describes a license that is accepted by the discovery site.
type AcceptedLicenseInfo struct {
Name string
URL string
// AcceptedLicenses returns a sorted slice of license types that are accepted as
// redistributable. Its result is intended to be displayed to users.
func AcceptedLicenses() []AcceptedLicenseInfo {
var lics []AcceptedLicenseInfo
for l := range redistributableLicenseTypes {
osiName := osiNameOverrides[l]
if osiName == "" {
osiName = l
var link string
if !nonOSILicenses[l] {
link = fmt.Sprintf("", osiName)
lics = append(lics, AcceptedLicenseInfo{osiName, link})
sort.Slice(lics, func(i, j int) bool { return lics[i].Name < lics[j].Name })
return lics
var checker *licensecheck.Checker = licensecheck.New(licensecheck.BuiltinLicenses())
// A Detector detects licenses in a module and its packages.
type Detector struct {
modulePath string
version string
zr *zip.Reader
logf func(string, ...interface{})
moduleRedist bool
moduleLicenses []*License // licenses at module root directory, or list from exceptions
allLicenses []*License
licsByDir map[string][]*License // from directory to list of licenses
// NewDetector returns a Detector for the given module and version.
// zr should be the zip file for that module and version.
// logf is for logging; if nil, no logging is done.
func NewDetector(modulePath, version string, zr *zip.Reader, logf func(string, ...interface{})) *Detector {
if logf == nil {
logf = func(string, ...interface{}) {}
d := &Detector{
modulePath: modulePath,
version: version,
zr: zr,
logf: logf,
return d
// ModuleIsRedistributable reports whether the given module is redistributable.
func (d *Detector) ModuleIsRedistributable() bool {
return d.moduleRedist
// ModuleLicenses returns the licenses that apply to the module.
func (d *Detector) ModuleLicenses() []*License {
return d.moduleLicenses
// AllLicenses returns all the licenses detected in the entire module, including
// package licenses.
func (d *Detector) AllLicenses() []*License {
if d.allLicenses == nil {
return d.allLicenses
// PackageInfo reports whether the package at dir, a directory relative to the
// module root, is redistributable. It also returns all the licenses that apply
// to the package.
func (d *Detector) PackageInfo(dir string) (isRedistributable bool, lics []*License) {
cleanDir := filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Clean(dir))
if path.IsAbs(cleanDir) || strings.HasPrefix(cleanDir, "..") {
return false, nil
if d.allLicenses == nil {
// Collect all the license metadata for directories dir and above, excluding the root.
for prefix, plics := range d.licsByDir {
// append a slash so that prefix a/b does not match a/bc/d
if strings.HasPrefix(cleanDir+"/", prefix+"/") {
lics = append(lics, plics...)
// A package is redistributable if its module is, and if other licenses on
// the path to the root are redistributable. Note that this is not the same
// as asking if the module licenses plus the package licenses are
// redistributable. A module that is granted an exception (see DetectFiles)
// may have licenses that are non-redistributable.
ltypes := types(lics)
isRedistributable = d.ModuleIsRedistributable() && (len(ltypes) == 0 || Redistributable(ltypes))
// A package's licenses include the ones we've already computed, as well
// as the module licenses.
return isRedistributable, append(lics, d.moduleLicenses...)
// computeModuleInfo determines values for the moduleRedist and moduleLicenses fields of d.
func (d *Detector) computeModuleInfo() {
// Check that all licenses in the contents directory are redistributable.
d.moduleLicenses = d.detectFiles(d.Files(RootFiles))
d.moduleRedist = Redistributable(types(d.moduleLicenses))
// computeAllLicenseInfo collects all the detected licenses in the zip and
// stores them in the allLicenses field of d. It also maps detected licenses to
// their directories, to optimize Detector.PackageInfo.
func (d *Detector) computeAllLicenseInfo() {
d.allLicenses = []*License{}
d.allLicenses = append(d.allLicenses, d.moduleLicenses...)
nonRootLicenses := d.detectFiles(d.Files(NonRootFiles))
d.allLicenses = append(d.allLicenses, nonRootLicenses...)
d.licsByDir = map[string][]*License{}
for _, l := range nonRootLicenses {
prefix := path.Dir(l.FilePath)
d.licsByDir[prefix] = append(d.licsByDir[prefix], l)
// WhichFiles describes which files from the zip should be returned by Detector.Files.
type WhichFiles int
const (
// Only files from the root (contents) directory.
RootFiles WhichFiles = iota
// Only files that are not in the root directory.
// All files; the union of root and non-root.
// Files returns a list of license files from the zip. The which argument
// determines the location of the files considered.
func (d *Detector) Files(which WhichFiles) []*zip.File {
cdir := contentsDir(d.modulePath, d.version)
prefix := pathPrefix(cdir)
var files []*zip.File
for _, f := range d.zr.File {
if !fileNamesLowercase[strings.ToLower(path.Base(f.Name))] {
if !strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, prefix) {
d.logf("potential license file %q found outside of the expected path %q", f.Name, cdir)
// Skip files we should ignore.
if ignoreFiles[d.modulePath+" "+strings.TrimPrefix(f.Name, prefix)] {
if which == RootFiles && path.Dir(f.Name) != cdir {
// Skip f since it's not at root.
if which == NonRootFiles && path.Dir(f.Name) == cdir {
// Skip f since it is at root.
if isVendoredFile(f.Name) {
// Skip if f is in the vendor directory.
if err := module.CheckFilePath(f.Name); err != nil {
// Skip if the file path is bad.
d.logf("module.CheckFilePath(%q): %v", f.Name, err)
files = append(files, f)
return files
// isVendoredFile reports if the given file is in a proper subdirectory nested
// under a 'vendor' directory, to allow for Go packages named 'vendor'.
// e.g. isVendoredFile("vendor/LICENSE") == false, and
// isVendoredFile("vendor/foo/LICENSE") == true
func isVendoredFile(name string) bool {
var vendorOffset int
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "vendor/") {
vendorOffset = len("vendor/")
} else if i := strings.Index(name, "/vendor/"); i >= 0 {
vendorOffset = i + len("/vendor/")
} else {
// no vendor directory
return false
// check if the file is in a proper subdirectory of vendor
return strings.Contains(name[vendorOffset:], "/")
// detectFiles runs DetectFile on each of the given files.
// If a file cannot be read, the error is logged and a license
// of type unknown is added.
func (d *Detector) detectFiles(files []*zip.File) []*License {
prefix := pathPrefix(contentsDir(d.modulePath, d.version))
var licenses []*License
for _, f := range files {
bytes, err := readZipFile(f)
if err != nil {
d.logf("reading zip file %s: %v", f.Name, err)
licenses = append(licenses, &License{
Metadata: &Metadata{
Types: []string{unknownLicenseType},
FilePath: strings.TrimPrefix(f.Name, prefix),
types, cov := DetectFile(bytes, f.Name, d.logf)
licenses = append(licenses, &License{
Metadata: &Metadata{
Types: types,
FilePath: strings.TrimPrefix(f.Name, prefix),
Coverage: cov,
Contents: bytes,
return licenses
// DetectFile return the set of license types for the given file contents. It
// also returns the licensecheck coverage information. The filename is used
// solely for logging.
func DetectFile(contents []byte, filename string, logf func(string, ...interface{})) ([]string, licensecheck.Coverage) {
if logf == nil {
logf = func(string, ...interface{}) {}
if types := exceptionFileTypes(contents); types != nil {
logf("%s is an exception", filename)
return types, licensecheck.Coverage{}
cov, ok := checker.Cover(contents, licensecheck.Options{})
if !ok {
logf("%s checker.Cover failed, skipping", filename)
return []string{unknownLicenseType}, licensecheck.Coverage{}
if cov.Percent < float64(coverageThreshold) {
logf("%s license coverage too low (%+v), skipping", filename, cov)
return []string{unknownLicenseType}, cov
types := make(map[string]bool)
for _, m := range cov.Match {
if m.Percent >= classifyThreshold {
types[canonicalizeName(m.Name)] = true
if len(types) == 0 {
logf("%s failed to classify license (%+v), skipping", filename, cov)
return []string{unknownLicenseType}, cov
return setToSortedSlice(types), cov
// Redistributable reports whether the set of license types establishes that a
// module or package is redistributable.
func Redistributable(licenseTypes []string) bool {
if len(licenseTypes) == 0 {
return false
for _, t := range licenseTypes {
if !redistributableLicenseTypes[t] && !ignorableLicenseTypes[t] {
return false
return true
var canonicalNames = map[string]string{
"AGPL-Header": "AGPL-3.0",
"GPL-Header": "GPL2",
"GPL-NotLater-Header": "GPL3",
"LGPL-Header": "LGPL-2.1",
// canonicalizeName puts a license name in a standard form.
func canonicalizeName(name string) string {
if c := canonicalNames[name]; c != "" {
return c
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, "-Short")
return strings.TrimSuffix(name, "-Header")
func types(lics []*License) []string {
var types []string
for _, l := range lics {
types = append(types, l.Types...)
return types
func setToSortedSlice(m map[string]bool) []string {
var s []string
for e := range m {
s = append(s, e)
return s
func readZipFile(f *zip.File) ([]byte, error) {
if f.UncompressedSize64 > maxLicenseSize {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("file size %d exceeds max license size %d", f.UncompressedSize64, maxLicenseSize)
rc, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rc.Close()
return ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(rc, int64(maxLicenseSize)))
func contentsDir(modulePath, version string) string {
return modulePath + "@" + version
// pathPrefix appends a "/" to its argument if the argument is non-empty.
func pathPrefix(s string) string {
if s != "" {
return s + "/"
return ""