blob: 096ce0f594516c7b966e0b6e40237fbd3f3a4ff0 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
{{define "main_content"}}
<div class="Container">
<a class="GodocButton" href="{{.GodocURL}}">Back to</a>
{{$header := .Header}}
{{$pageType := .PageType}}
<header class="DetailsHeader">
<div class="DetailsHeader-breadcrumb">
{{with .Breadcrumb}}
{{range .Links}}
<a href="{{.Href}}">{{.Body}}</a>
<span class="DetailsHeader-breadcrumbDivider">/</span>
<span class="DetailsHeader-breadcrumbCurrent">{{.Current}}</span>
{{if .CopyData}}
<button class="ImageButton js-detailsHeaderCopyPath" aria-label="Copy path to clipboard">
<!-- Inline the svg for the "copy" icon because when it was in a separate file
referenced by an img tag, it was loaded asynchronously and the page
jittered when it was finally loaded and its height was known. -->
<svg fill="#00add8" width="13px" height="15px" viewBox="0 0 13 15" version="1.1"
xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<!-- Generator: Sketch 58 (84663) - -->
<title>Copy path to clipboard</title>
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<g id="Symbols" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g id="go/header-package" transform="translate(-359.000000, -12.000000)">
<path d="M367,12 L361,12 C359.896,12 359,12.896 359,14 L359,22 C359,23.104 359.896,24 361,24 L361,22 L361,14 L367,14 L369,14 C369,12.896 368.104,12 367,12 L367,12 Z M370,15 L364,15 C362.896,15 362,15.896 362,17 L362,25 C362,26.104 362.896,27 364,27 L370,27 C371.104,27 372,26.104 372,25 L372,17 C372,15.896 371.104,15 370,15 L370,15 Z M364,25 L370,25 L370,17 L364,17 L364,25 Z" id="ic_copy"></path>
<!-- We need this input element to copy to the clipboard.
Consider using the Clipboard API instead (see -->
<input class="DetailsHeader-pathInput js-detailsHeaderPathInput" role="presentation" tabindex="-1"
<div class="DetailsHeader-main">
<h1 class="DetailsHeader-title">{{.Title}}</h1>
<div class="DetailsHeader-version">{{$header.DisplayVersion}}</div>
{{- $ppath := "" -}}
{{- if ne $pageType "mod" -}}
{{- $ppath = $header.Path -}}
{{- end}}
<!-- Do not reformat the data attributes of the following div: the server uses a regexp to extract them. -->
<div class="DetailsHeader-badge $$GODISCOVERY_LATESTCLASS$$"
data-version="{{$header.LinkVersion}}" data-mpath="{{$header.ModulePath}}" data-ppath="{{$ppath}}" data-pagetype="{{$pageType}}">
<a href="{{$header.LatestURL}}">Go to latest</a>
<div class="DetailsHeader-infoLabel">
<span class="DetailsHeader-infoLabelTitle">Published:</span>
<span class="DetailsHeader-infoLabelDivider">|</span>
<span class="DetailsHeader-infoLabelTitle">{{pluralize (len $header.Licenses) "License"}}: </span>
<span data-test-id="DetailsHeader-infoLabelLicense">
{{range $i, $e := $header.Licenses -}}{{if $i}}, {{end}}
<a href="{{$header.URL}}?tab=licenses#{{.Anchor}}">{{$e.Type}}</a>
{{- else -}}
<span>None detected</span>
<a href="/license-policy" class="Disclaimer-link"><em>not legal advice</em></a>
{{- end}}
{{if or (eq $pageType "pkg") (eq $pageType "dir")}}
<span class="DetailsHeader-infoLabelDivider">|</span>
{{if eq $header.ModulePath "std"}}
<a data-test-id="DetailsHeader-infoLabelModule" href="{{$header.Module.URL}}">Standard library</a>
<span class="DetailsHeader-infoLabelTitle">Module: </span>
<a data-test-id="DetailsHeader-infoLabelModule" href="{{$header.Module.URL}}">{{$header.ModulePath}}</a>
<nav class="DetailsNav js-modulesNav">
<ul class="DetailsNav-list" role="tablist">
{{range .Tabs}}
<li class="{{if .Disabled}}DetailsNav-tabDisabled {{end}}DetailsNav-tab{{if eq .Name $.Settings.Name}} selected{{end}}" role="presentation">
{{if .Disabled}}
<a class="DetailsNav-link"
{{else if eq .Name $.Settings.Name}}
<a class="DetailsNav-link"
<a class="DetailsNav-link"
<div class="DetailsContent">
{{if .CanShowDetails -}}
{{template "details_content" .Details}}
{{- else}}
<h2>“{{.Settings.DisplayName}}” not displayed due to license restrictions.</h2>
See our <a href="/license-policy">license policy</a>.
{{define "post_content"}}
<!-- inputEl.blur() below prevents a jump to the focused element in some browsers.
Do not add comments to the script below: they are stripped by html/template
(, which messes up the CSP hash.
const navEl = document.querySelector('.js-modulesNav');
const selectedEl = navEl.querySelector(`[aria-selected='true']`);
if (selectedEl.offsetLeft + selectedEl.offsetWidth > navEl.offsetWidth) {
navEl.scrollLeft = selectedEl.offsetLeft;
const copyButton = document.querySelector('.js-detailsHeaderCopyPath');
if (copyButton) {
copyButton.addEventListener('click', e => {
const inputEl = document.querySelector('.js-detailsHeaderPathInput');;
{{block "details_post_content" .}}{{end}}