blob: 9f3cfa9b5a97a6d3ef5e54a827b801e96feed936 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package proxydatasource implements an internal.DataSource backed solely by a
// proxy instance.
package proxydatasource
import (
var _ internal.DataSource = (*DataSource)(nil)
// New returns a new direct proxy datasource.
func New(proxyClient *proxy.Client) *DataSource {
return &DataSource{
proxyClient: proxyClient,
sourceClient: source.NewClient(1 * time.Minute),
versionCache: make(map[versionKey]*versionEntry),
modulePathToVersions: make(map[string][]string),
packagePathToModules: make(map[string][]string),
bypassLicenseCheck: false,
// NewBypassingLicenseCheck returns a new direct proxy datasource that bypasses
// license checks. That means all data will be returned for non-redistributable
// modules, packages and directories.
func NewBypassingLicenseCheck(c *proxy.Client) *DataSource {
ds := New(c)
ds.bypassLicenseCheck = true
return ds
// DataSource implements the frontend.DataSource interface, by querying a
// module proxy directly and caching the results in memory.
type DataSource struct {
proxyClient *proxy.Client
sourceClient *source.Client
// Use an extremely coarse lock for now - mu guards all maps below. The
// assumption is that this will only be used for local development.
mu sync.RWMutex
versionCache map[versionKey]*versionEntry
// map of modulePath -> versions, with versions sorted in semver order
modulePathToVersions map[string][]string
// map of package path -> modules paths containing it, with module paths
// sorted by descending length
packagePathToModules map[string][]string
bypassLicenseCheck bool
type versionKey struct {
modulePath, version string
// versionEntry holds the result of a call to worker.FetchModule.
type versionEntry struct {
module *internal.Module
err error
// getModule retrieves a version from the cache, or failing that queries and
// processes the version from the proxy.
func (ds *DataSource) getModule(ctx context.Context, modulePath, version string) (_ *internal.Module, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "getModule(%q, %q)", modulePath, version)
key := versionKey{modulePath, version}
if e, ok := ds.versionCache[key]; ok {
return e.module, e.err
res := fetch.FetchModule(ctx, modulePath, version, ds.proxyClient, ds.sourceClient)
m := res.Module
if m != nil && !ds.bypassLicenseCheck {
ds.versionCache[key] = &versionEntry{module: m, err: err}
if res.Error != nil {
return nil, res.Error
// Since we hold the lock and missed the cache, we can assume that we have
// never seen this module version. Therefore the following insert-and-sort
// preserves uniqueness of versions in the module version list.
newVersions := append(ds.modulePathToVersions[modulePath], version)
sort.Slice(newVersions, func(i, j int) bool {
return semver.Compare(newVersions[i], newVersions[j]) < 0
ds.modulePathToVersions[modulePath] = newVersions
// Unlike the above, we don't know at this point whether or not we've seen
// this module path for this particular package before. Therefore, we need to
// be a bit more careful and check that it is new. To do this, we can
// leverage the invariant that module paths in packagePathToModules are kept
// sorted in descending order of length.
for _, pkg := range m.LegacyPackages {
var (
i int
mp string
mps = ds.packagePathToModules[pkg.Path]
for i, mp = range mps {
if len(mp) <= len(modulePath) {
if mp != modulePath {
ds.packagePathToModules[pkg.Path] = append(mps[:i], append([]string{modulePath}, mps[i:]...)...)
return m, nil
// findModule finds the longest module path containing the given package path,
// using the given finder func and iteratively testing parent directories of
// the import path. It performs no testing as to whether the specified module
// version that was found actually contains a package corresponding to pkgPath.
func (ds *DataSource) findModule(ctx context.Context, pkgPath string, version string) (_ string, _ *proxy.VersionInfo, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "findModule(%q, ...)", pkgPath)
pkgPath = strings.TrimLeft(pkgPath, "/")
for modulePath := pkgPath; modulePath != "" && modulePath != "."; modulePath = path.Dir(modulePath) {
info, err := ds.proxyClient.GetInfo(ctx, modulePath, version)
if errors.Is(err, derrors.NotFound) {
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return modulePath, info, nil
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find module: %w", derrors.NotFound)
// listPackageVersions finds the longest module corresponding to pkgPath, and
// calls the proxy /list endpoint to list its versions. If pseudo is true, it
// filters to pseudo versions. If pseudo is false, it filters to tagged
// versions.
func (ds *DataSource) listPackageVersions(ctx context.Context, pkgPath string, pseudo bool) (_ []*internal.ModuleInfo, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "listPackageVersions(%q, %t)", pkgPath, pseudo)
mods := ds.packagePathToModules[pkgPath]
var modulePath string
if len(mods) > 0 {
// Since mods is kept sorted, the first element is the longest module.
modulePath = mods[0]
} else {
modulePath, _, err = ds.findModule(ctx, pkgPath, internal.LatestVersion)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ds.listModuleVersions(ctx, modulePath, pseudo)
// listModuleVersions finds the longest module corresponding to pkgPath, and
// calls the proxy /list endpoint to list its versions. If pseudo is true, it
// filters to pseudo versions. If pseudo is false, it filters to tagged
// versions.
func (ds *DataSource) listModuleVersions(ctx context.Context, modulePath string, pseudo bool) (_ []*internal.ModuleInfo, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "listModuleVersions(%q, %t)", modulePath, pseudo)
var versions []string
if modulePath == stdlib.ModulePath {
versions, err = stdlib.Versions()
} else {
versions, err = ds.proxyClient.ListVersions(ctx, modulePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var vis []*internal.ModuleInfo
for _, vers := range versions {
// In practice, the /list endpoint should only return either pseudo
// versions or tagged versions, but we filter here for maximum
// compatibility.
if version.IsPseudo(vers) != pseudo {
if v, ok := ds.versionCache[versionKey{modulePath, vers}]; ok {
vis = append(vis, &v.module.ModuleInfo)
} else {
// In this case we can't produce ModuleInfo without fully processing
// the module zip, so we instead append a stub. We could further query
// for this version's /info endpoint to get commit time, but that is
// deferred as a potential future enhancement.
vis = append(vis, &internal.ModuleInfo{
ModulePath: modulePath,
Version: vers,
sort.Slice(vis, func(i, j int) bool {
return semver.Compare(vis[i].Version, vis[j].Version) > 0
return vis, nil
// getPackageVersion finds a module at version that contains a package with
// import path pkgPath. To do this, it first checks the cache for any module
// satisfying this requirement, querying the proxy if none is found.
func (ds *DataSource) getPackageVersion(ctx context.Context, pkgPath, version string) (_ *internal.Module, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "getPackageVersion(%q, %q)", pkgPath, version)
// First, try to retrieve this version from the cache, using our reverse
// indexes.
if modulePath, ok := ds.findModulePathForPackage(pkgPath, version); ok {
// This should hit the cache.
return ds.getModule(ctx, modulePath, version)
modulePath, info, err := ds.findModule(ctx, pkgPath, version)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ds.getModule(ctx, modulePath, info.Version)
// findModulePathForPackage looks for an existing instance of a module at
// version that contains a package with path pkgPath. The return bool reports
// whether a valid module path was found.
func (ds *DataSource) findModulePathForPackage(pkgPath, version string) (string, bool) {
for _, mp := range ds.packagePathToModules[pkgPath] {
for _, vers := range ds.modulePathToVersions[mp] {
if vers == version {
return mp, true
return "", false
// packageFromVersion extracts the LegacyVersionedPackage for pkgPath from the
// Version payload.
func packageFromVersion(pkgPath string, m *internal.Module) (_ *internal.LegacyVersionedPackage, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "packageFromVersion(%q, ...)", pkgPath)
for _, p := range m.LegacyPackages {
if p.Path == pkgPath {
return &internal.LegacyVersionedPackage{
LegacyPackage: *p,
LegacyModuleInfo: m.LegacyModuleInfo,
}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("package missing from module %s: %w", m.ModulePath, derrors.NotFound)
// getUnit returns information about a unit.
func (ds *DataSource) getUnit(ctx context.Context, fullPath, modulePath, version string) (_ *internal.Unit, err error) {
var m *internal.Module
m, err = ds.getModule(ctx, modulePath, version)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, d := range m.Units {
if d.Path == fullPath {
return d, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q missing from module %s: %w", fullPath, m.ModulePath, derrors.NotFound)
// GetLatestMajorVersion finds the latest major version of a modulePath that
// is found in the proxy by iterating through vN versions.
func (ds *DataSource) GetLatestMajorVersion(ctx context.Context, seriesPath string) (_ string, err error) {
// We are checking if the series path is valid so that we can forward the error if not.
_, err = ds.proxyClient.GetInfo(ctx, seriesPath, internal.LatestVersion)
if err != nil {
return "", err
const startVersion = 2
// We start checking versions from "/v2", since v1 and v0 versions don't
// have a major version at the end of the modulepath.
for v := startVersion; ; v++ {
query := fmt.Sprintf("%s/v%d", seriesPath, v)
_, err := ds.proxyClient.GetInfo(ctx, query, internal.LatestVersion)
if errors.Is(err, derrors.NotFound) {
if v == 2 {
return "", nil
return fmt.Sprintf("/v%d", v-1), nil
if err != nil {
return "", err