blob: a7db6f20289908517aa4c060fefc147c2e1284ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
func TestFetchOverviewDetails(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testTimeout)
defer cancel()
tc := struct {
name string
module *internal.Module
wantDetails *OverviewDetails
name: "want expected overview details",
module: sample.Module(),
wantDetails: &OverviewDetails{
ModulePath: sample.ModulePath,
RepositoryURL: sample.RepositoryURL,
ReadMe: template.HTML("<p>readme</p>\n"),
ReadMeSource: "",
ModuleURL: "/mod/",
Redistributable: true,
defer postgres.ResetTestDB(testDB, t)
if err := testDB.InsertModule(ctx, tc.module); err != nil {
got := constructOverviewDetails(&tc.module.ModuleInfo, true, true)
if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.wantDetails, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("constructOverviewDetails(%q, %q) mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", tc.module.Packages[0].Path, tc.module.Version, diff)
func TestReadmeHTML(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
mi *internal.ModuleInfo
want template.HTML
name: "valid markdown readme",
mi: &internal.ModuleInfo{
ReadmeFilePath: "",
ReadmeContents: "This package collects pithy sayings.\n\n" +
"It's part of a demonstration of\n" +
"[package versioning in Go](",
want: template.HTML("<p>This package collects pithy sayings.</p>\n\n" +
"<p>It’s part of a demonstration of\n" +
`<a href="" rel="nofollow">package versioning in Go</a>.</p>` + "\n"),
name: "valid markdown readme with alternative case and extension",
mi: &internal.ModuleInfo{
ReadmeFilePath: "README.MARKDOWN",
ReadmeContents: "This package collects pithy sayings.\n\n" +
"It's part of a demonstration of\n" +
"[package versioning in Go](",
want: template.HTML("<p>This package collects pithy sayings.</p>\n\n" +
"<p>It’s part of a demonstration of\n" +
`<a href="" rel="nofollow">package versioning in Go</a>.</p>` + "\n"),
name: "not markdown readme",
mi: &internal.ModuleInfo{
ReadmeFilePath: "README.rst",
ReadmeContents: "This package collects pithy sayings.\n\n" +
"It's part of a demonstration of\n" +
"[package versioning in Go](",
want: template.HTML("<pre class=\"readme\">This package collects pithy sayings.\n\nIt&#39;s part of a demonstration of\n[package versioning in Go](</pre>"),
name: "empty readme",
mi: &internal.ModuleInfo{},
want: "",
name: "sanitized readme",
mi: &internal.ModuleInfo{
ReadmeFilePath: "README",
ReadmeContents: `<a onblur="alert(secret)" href="">Google</a>`,
want: template.HTML(`<pre class="readme">&lt;a onblur=&#34;alert(secret)&#34; href=&#34;;&gt;Google&lt;/a&gt;</pre>`),
name: "relative image markdown is made absolute for GitHub",
mi: &internal.ModuleInfo{
ReadmeFilePath: "",
ReadmeContents: "![Go logo](doc/logo.png)",
SourceInfo: source.NewGitHubInfo("", "", "master"),
want: template.HTML("<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Go logo\"/></p>\n"),
name: "relative image markdown is made absolute for GitLab",
mi: &internal.ModuleInfo{
ReadmeFilePath: "",
ReadmeContents: "![Gitaly benchmark timings.](doc/img/rugged-new-timings.png)",
SourceInfo: source.NewGitLabInfo("", "", "v1.0.0"),
want: template.HTML("<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Gitaly benchmark timings.\"/></p>\n"),
name: "relative image markdown is left alone for unknown origins",
mi: &internal.ModuleInfo{
ReadmeFilePath: "",
ReadmeContents: "![Go logo](doc/logo.png)",
want: template.HTML("<p><img src=\"doc/logo.png\" alt=\"Go logo\"/></p>\n"),
name: "module versions are referenced in relative images",
mi: &internal.ModuleInfo{
ReadmeFilePath: "",
ReadmeContents: "![Hugo logo](doc/logo.png)",
Version: "v0.56.3",
VersionType: version.TypeRelease,
SourceInfo: source.NewGitHubInfo("", "", "v0.56.3"),
want: template.HTML("<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Hugo logo\"/></p>\n"),
name: "image URLs relative to README directory",
mi: &internal.ModuleInfo{
ReadmeFilePath: "dir/sub/",
ReadmeContents: "![alt](img/thing.png)",
Version: "v1.2.3",
VersionType: version.TypeRelease,
SourceInfo: source.NewGitHubInfo("", "", "v1.2.3"),
want: template.HTML(`<p><img src="" alt="alt"/></p>` + "\n"),
name: "non-image links relative to README directory",
mi: &internal.ModuleInfo{
ReadmeFilePath: "dir/sub/",
ReadmeContents: "[something](doc/",
Version: "v1.2.3",
VersionType: version.TypeRelease,
SourceInfo: source.NewGitHubInfo("", "", "v1.2.3"),
want: template.HTML(`<p><a href="" rel="nofollow">something</a></p>` + "\n"),
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got := readmeHTML(tc.mi)
if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("readmeHTML(%v) mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", tc.mi, diff)
func TestPackageSubdir(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
pkgPath, modulePath string
want string
// package at module root
{"", "", ""},
// package inside module
{"", "", "cmp"},
// stdlib package
{"context", stdlib.ModulePath, "context"},
} {
got := packageSubdir(test.pkgPath, test.modulePath)
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("packageSubdir(%q, %q) = %q, want %q", test.pkgPath, test.modulePath, got, test.want)