blob: ffb18a5f129e467aa51fa6fb17e24208f7385bee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package fetch provides a way to fetch modules from a proxy.
package fetch
import (
var (
errModuleContainsNoPackages = errors.New("module contains 0 packages")
errMalformedZip = errors.New("module zip is malformed")
var (
fetchLatency = stats.Float64(
"Latency of a fetch request.",
fetchesShedded = stats.Int64(
"Count of shedded fetches.",
// FetchLatencyDistribution aggregates frontend fetch request
// latency by status code. It does not count shedded requests.
FetchLatencyDistribution = &view.View{
Name: "go-discovery/worker/fetch-latency",
Measure: fetchLatency,
Aggregation: ochttp.DefaultLatencyDistribution,
Description: "Fetch latency by result status.",
TagKeys: []tag.Key{dcensus.KeyStatus},
// FetchResponseCount counts fetch responses by status.
FetchResponseCount = &view.View{
Name: "go-discovery/worker/fetch-count",
Measure: fetchLatency,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
Description: "Fetch request count by result status",
TagKeys: []tag.Key{dcensus.KeyStatus},
// SheddedFetchCount counts the number of fetches that were shedded.
SheddedFetchCount = &view.View{
Name: "go-discovery/worker/fetch-shedded",
Measure: fetchesShedded,
Aggregation: view.Count(),
Description: "Count of shedded fetches",
type FetchResult struct {
ModulePath string
RequestedVersion string
ResolvedVersion string
GoModPath string
Status int
Error error
Defer func() // caller must defer this on all code paths
Module *internal.Module
PackageVersionStates []*internal.PackageVersionState
// FetchModule queries the proxy or the Go repo for the requested module
// version, downloads the module zip, and processes the contents to return an
// *internal.Module and related information.
// Even if err is non-nil, the result may contain useful information, like the go.mod path.
// Callers of FetchModule must
// defer fr.Defer()
// immediately after the call.
func FetchModule(ctx context.Context, modulePath, requestedVersion string, proxyClient *proxy.Client, sourceClient *source.Client) (fr *FetchResult) {
start := time.Now()
fr = &FetchResult{
ModulePath: modulePath,
RequestedVersion: requestedVersion,
Defer: func() {},
defer func() {
if fr.Error != nil {
derrors.Wrap(&fr.Error, "FetchModule(%q, %q)", modulePath, requestedVersion)
fr.Status = derrors.ToStatus(fr.Error)
if fr.Status == 0 {
fr.Status = http.StatusOK
latency := float64(time.Since(start).Milliseconds())
dcensus.RecordWithTag(ctx, dcensus.KeyStatus, strconv.Itoa(fr.Status), fetchLatency.M(latency))
log.Debugf(ctx, "memory after fetch of %s@%s: %dM", modulePath, requestedVersion, allocMeg())
var (
commitTime time.Time
zipReader *zip.Reader
zipSize int64
err error
// Get the just information we need to make a load-shedding decision.
if modulePath == stdlib.ModulePath {
var resolvedVersion string
resolvedVersion, zipSize, err = stdlib.ZipInfo(requestedVersion)
if err != nil {
fr.Error = err
return fr
fr.ResolvedVersion = resolvedVersion
} else {
info, err := proxyClient.GetInfo(ctx, modulePath, requestedVersion)
if err != nil {
fr.Error = err
return fr
fr.ResolvedVersion = info.Version
commitTime = info.Time
zipSize, err = proxyClient.GetZipSize(ctx, modulePath, fr.ResolvedVersion)
if err != nil {
fr.Error = err
return fr
// Load shed or mark module as too large.
// We treat zip size
// as a proxy for the total memory consumed by processing a module, and use
// it to decide whether we can currently afford to process a module.
shouldShed, deferFunc := zipLoadShedder.shouldShed(uint64(zipSize))
fr.Defer = deferFunc
if shouldShed {
fr.Error = derrors.SheddingLoad
stats.Record(ctx, fetchesShedded.M(1))
return fr
if zipSize > maxModuleZipSize {
log.Warningf(ctx, "FetchModule: %s@%s zip size %dMi exceeds max %dMi",
modulePath, fr.ResolvedVersion, zipSize/mib, maxModuleZipSize/mib)
fr.Error = derrors.ModuleTooLarge
return fr
// Proceed with the fetch.
if modulePath == stdlib.ModulePath {
zipReader, commitTime, err = stdlib.Zip(requestedVersion)
if err != nil {
fr.Error = err
return fr
fr.GoModPath = stdlib.ModulePath
} else {
goModBytes, err := proxyClient.GetMod(ctx, modulePath, fr.ResolvedVersion)
if err != nil {
fr.Error = err
return fr
goModPath := modfile.ModulePath(goModBytes)
if goModPath == "" {
fr.Error = fmt.Errorf("go.mod has no module path: %w", derrors.BadModule)
return fr
fr.GoModPath = goModPath
if goModPath != modulePath {
// The module path in the go.mod file doesn't match the path of the
// zip file. Don't insert the module. Store an AlternativeModule
// status in module_version_states.
fr.Error = fmt.Errorf("module path=%s, go.mod path=%s: %w", modulePath, goModPath, derrors.AlternativeModule)
return fr
zipReader, err = proxyClient.GetZip(ctx, modulePath, fr.ResolvedVersion)
if err != nil {
fr.Error = err
return fr
mod, pvs, err := processZipFile(ctx, modulePath, fr.ResolvedVersion, commitTime, zipReader, sourceClient)
if err != nil {
fr.Error = err
return fr
fr.Module = mod
fr.PackageVersionStates = pvs
if modulePath == stdlib.ModulePath {
fr.Module.HasGoMod = true
for _, state := range fr.PackageVersionStates {
if state.Status != http.StatusOK {
fr.Status = derrors.ToStatus(derrors.HasIncompletePackages)
return fr
// processZipFile extracts information from the module version zip.
func processZipFile(ctx context.Context, modulePath string, resolvedVersion string, commitTime time.Time, zipReader *zip.Reader, sourceClient *source.Client) (_ *internal.Module, _ []*internal.PackageVersionState, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "processZipFile(%q, %q)", modulePath, resolvedVersion)
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "fetch.processZipFile")
defer span.End()
sourceInfo, err := source.ModuleInfo(ctx, sourceClient, modulePath, resolvedVersion)
if err != nil {
log.Infof(ctx, "error getting source info: %v", err)
readmes, err := extractReadmesFromZip(modulePath, resolvedVersion, zipReader)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("extractReadmesFromZip(%q, %q, zipReader): %v", modulePath, resolvedVersion, err)
logf := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
log.Infof(ctx, format, args...)
d := licenses.NewDetector(modulePath, resolvedVersion, zipReader, logf)
allLicenses := d.AllLicenses()
packages, packageVersionStates, err := extractPackagesFromZip(ctx, modulePath, resolvedVersion, zipReader, d, sourceInfo)
if errors.Is(err, errModuleContainsNoPackages) || errors.Is(err, errMalformedZip) {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", err.Error(), derrors.BadModule)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("extractPackagesFromZip(%q, %q, zipReader, %v): %v", modulePath, resolvedVersion, allLicenses, err)
hasGoMod := zipContainsFilename(zipReader, path.Join(moduleVersionDir(modulePath, resolvedVersion), "go.mod"))
var readmeFilePath, readmeContents string
for _, r := range readmes {
if path.Dir(r.Filepath) != "." {
readmeFilePath = r.Filepath
readmeContents = r.Contents
var legacyPackages []*internal.LegacyPackage
for _, p := range packages {
legacyPackages = append(legacyPackages, &internal.LegacyPackage{
Path: p.path,
Synopsis: p.synopsis,
Imports: p.imports,
DocumentationHTML: p.documentationHTML,
GOOS: p.goos,
GOARCH: p.goarch,
V1Path: p.v1path,
IsRedistributable: p.isRedistributable,
Licenses: p.licenseMeta,
return &internal.Module{
LegacyModuleInfo: internal.LegacyModuleInfo{
ModuleInfo: internal.ModuleInfo{
ModulePath: modulePath,
Version: resolvedVersion,
CommitTime: commitTime,
IsRedistributable: d.ModuleIsRedistributable(),
HasGoMod: hasGoMod,
SourceInfo: sourceInfo,
LegacyReadmeFilePath: readmeFilePath,
LegacyReadmeContents: readmeContents,
LegacyPackages: legacyPackages,
Licenses: allLicenses,
Units: moduleUnits(modulePath, resolvedVersion, packages, readmes, d),
}, packageVersionStates, nil
// moduleVersionDir formats the content subdirectory for the given
// modulePath and version.
func moduleVersionDir(modulePath, version string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", modulePath, version)
// zipContainsFilename reports whether there is a file with the given name in the zip.
func zipContainsFilename(r *zip.Reader, name string) bool {
for _, f := range r.File {
if f.Name == name {
return true
return false