blob: 1a198926ace86f4dd8e3ddca58b0e6408eb65435 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package fetch provides a way to fetch modules from a proxy.
package fetch
import (
// BadPackageError represents an error loading a package
// because its contents do not make up a valid package.
// This can happen, for example, if the .go files fail
// to parse or declare different package names.
type BadPackageError struct {
Err error // Not nil.
func (bpe *BadPackageError) Error() string { return bpe.Err.Error() }
// Go environments used to construct build contexts in loadPackage.
var goEnvs = []struct{ GOOS, GOARCH string }{
{"linux", "amd64"},
{"windows", "amd64"},
{"darwin", "amd64"},
{"js", "wasm"},
{"linux", "js"},
// loadPackage loads a Go package by calling loadPackageWithBuildContext, trying
// several build contexts in turn. The first build context in the list to produce
// a non-empty package is used. If none of them result in a package, then
// loadPackage returns nil, nil.
// If the package is fine except that its documentation is too large, loadPackage
// returns both a package and a non-nil error with dochtml.ErrTooLarge in its chain.
func loadPackage(ctx context.Context, zipGoFiles []*zip.File, innerPath string, sourceInfo *source.Info, modInfo *dochtml.ModuleInfo) (_ *goPackage, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "loadPackage(ctx, zipGoFiles, %q, sourceInfo, modInfo)", innerPath)
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "fetch.loadPackage")
defer span.End()
for _, env := range goEnvs {
pkg, err := loadPackageWithBuildContext(ctx, env.GOOS, env.GOARCH, zipGoFiles, innerPath, sourceInfo, modInfo)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, dochtml.ErrTooLarge) && !errors.Is(err, derrors.NotFound) {
return nil, err
if pkg != nil {
return pkg, err
return nil, nil
// httpPost allows package fetch tests to stub out playground URL fetches.
var httpPost = http.Post
const docTooLargeReplacement = `<p>Documentation is too large to display.</p>`
// loadPackageWithBuildContext loads a Go package made of .go files in zipGoFiles
// using a build context constructed from the given GOOS and GOARCH values.
// modulePath is stdlib.ModulePath for the Go standard library and the module
// path for all other modules. innerPath is the path of the Go package directory
// relative to the module root.
// zipGoFiles must contain only .go files that have been verified
// to be of reasonable size.
// The returned Package.Licenses field is not populated.
// It returns a nil Package if the directory doesn't contain a Go package
// or all .go files have been excluded by constraints.
// A *BadPackageError error is returned if the directory
// contains .go files but do not make up a valid package.
func loadPackageWithBuildContext(ctx context.Context, goos, goarch string, zipGoFiles []*zip.File, innerPath string, sourceInfo *source.Info, modInfo *dochtml.ModuleInfo) (_ *goPackage, err error) {
modulePath := modInfo.ModulePath
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "loadPackageWithBuildContext(%q, %q, zipGoFiles, %q, %q, %+v)",
goos, goarch, innerPath, modulePath, sourceInfo)
packageName, allGoFiles, fset, err := loadFilesWithBuildContext(innerPath, goos, goarch, zipGoFiles)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
d, err := loadPackageWithFiles(modulePath, innerPath, packageName, allGoFiles, fset)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
docHTML, err := renderDocHTML(ctx, innerPath, d, fset, sourceInfo, modInfo)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, dochtml.ErrTooLarge) {
return nil, err
importPath := path.Join(modulePath, innerPath)
if modulePath == stdlib.ModulePath {
importPath = innerPath
v1path := internal.V1Path(importPath, modulePath)
return &goPackage{
path: importPath,
name: packageName,
synopsis: doc.Synopsis(d.Doc),
v1path: v1path,
imports: d.Imports,
documentationHTML: docHTML,
goos: goos,
goarch: goarch,
}, err
func loadFilesWithBuildContext(innerPath, goos, goarch string, zipGoFiles []*zip.File) (string, []*ast.File, *token.FileSet, error) {
// Apply build constraints to get a map from matching file names to their contents.
files, err := matchingFiles(goos, goarch, zipGoFiles)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, err
// Parse .go files and add them to the goFiles slice.
var (
fset = token.NewFileSet()
goFiles = make(map[string]*ast.File)
allGoFiles []*ast.File
packageName string
packageNameFile string // Name of file where packageName came from.
for name, b := range files {
pf, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, name, b, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
if pf == nil {
return "", nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: the source couldn't be read: %v", err)
return "", nil, nil, &BadPackageError{Err: err}
allGoFiles = append(allGoFiles, pf)
if strings.HasSuffix(name, "_test.go") {
goFiles[name] = pf
if len(goFiles) == 1 {
packageName = pf.Name.Name
packageNameFile = name
} else if pf.Name.Name != packageName {
return "", nil, nil, &BadPackageError{Err: &build.MultiplePackageError{
Dir: innerPath,
Packages: []string{packageName, pf.Name.Name},
Files: []string{packageNameFile, name},
if len(goFiles) == 0 {
// This directory doesn't contain a package, or at least not one
// that matches this build context.
return "", nil, nil, derrors.NotFound
return packageName, allGoFiles, fset, nil
func loadPackageWithFiles(modulePath, innerPath, packageName string, allGoFiles []*ast.File, fset *token.FileSet) (_ *doc.Package, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "loadPackageWithFiles")
// The "builtin" package in the standard library is a special case.
// We want to show documentation for all globals (not just exported ones),
// and avoid association of consts, vars, and factory functions with types
// since it's not helpful (see
var noFiltering, noTypeAssociation bool
if modulePath == stdlib.ModulePath && innerPath == "builtin" {
noFiltering = true
noTypeAssociation = true
// Compute package documentation.
importPath := path.Join(modulePath, innerPath)
var m doc.Mode
if noFiltering {
m |= doc.AllDecls
d, err := doc.NewFromFiles(fset, allGoFiles, importPath, m)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("doc.NewFromFiles: %v", err)
if d.ImportPath != importPath || d.Name != packageName {
panic(fmt.Errorf("internal error: *doc.Package has an unexpected import path (%q != %q) or package name (%q != %q)", d.ImportPath, importPath, d.Name, packageName))
if noTypeAssociation {
for _, t := range d.Types {
d.Consts, t.Consts = append(d.Consts, t.Consts...), nil
d.Vars, t.Vars = append(d.Vars, t.Vars...), nil
d.Funcs, t.Funcs = append(d.Funcs, t.Funcs...), nil
sort.Slice(d.Funcs, func(i, j int) bool { return d.Funcs[i].Name < d.Funcs[j].Name })
// Process package imports.
if len(d.Imports) > maxImportsPerPackage {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%d imports found package %q; exceeds limit %d for maxImportsPerPackage", len(d.Imports), importPath, maxImportsPerPackage)
return d, nil
// renderDocHTML renders documentation HTML for a given package.
func renderDocHTML(ctx context.Context, innerPath string, d *doc.Package, fset *token.FileSet, sourceInfo *source.Info, modInfo *dochtml.ModuleInfo) (_ safehtml.HTML, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "renderDocHTML")
sourceLinkFunc := func(n ast.Node) string {
if sourceInfo == nil {
return ""
p := fset.Position(n.Pos())
if p.Line == 0 { // invalid Position
return ""
return sourceInfo.LineURL(path.Join(innerPath, p.Filename), p.Line)
fileLinkFunc := func(filename string) string {
if sourceInfo == nil {
return ""
return sourceInfo.FileURL(path.Join(innerPath, filename))
docHTML, err := dochtml.Render(ctx, fset, d, dochtml.RenderOptions{
FileLinkFunc: fileLinkFunc,
SourceLinkFunc: sourceLinkFunc,
ModInfo: modInfo,
Limit: int64(MaxDocumentationHTML),
if errors.Is(err, dochtml.ErrTooLarge) {
docHTML = template.MustParseAndExecuteToHTML(docTooLargeReplacement)
} else if err != nil {
return safehtml.HTML{}, err
return docHTML, err
// matchingFiles returns a map from file names to their contents, read from zipGoFiles.
// It includes only those files that match the build context determined by goos and goarch.
func matchingFiles(goos, goarch string, zipGoFiles []*zip.File) (files map[string][]byte, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "matchingFiles(%q, %q, zipGoFiles)", goos, goarch)
// Populate the map with all the zip files.
files = make(map[string][]byte)
for _, f := range zipGoFiles {
_, name := path.Split(f.Name)
b, err := readZipFile(f, MaxFileSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
files[name] = b
// bctx is used to make decisions about which of the .go files are included
// by build constraints.
bctx := &build.Context{
GOOS: goos,
GOARCH: goarch,
CgoEnabled: true,
Compiler: build.Default.Compiler,
ReleaseTags: build.Default.ReleaseTags,
JoinPath: path.Join,
OpenFile: func(name string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(files[name])), nil
// If left nil, the default implementations of these read from disk,
// which we do not want. None of these functions should be used
// inside this function; it would be an internal error if they are.
// Set them to non-nil values to catch if that happens.
SplitPathList: func(string) []string { panic("internal error: unexpected call to SplitPathList") },
IsAbsPath: func(string) bool { panic("internal error: unexpected call to IsAbsPath") },
IsDir: func(string) bool { panic("internal error: unexpected call to IsDir") },
HasSubdir: func(string, string) (string, bool) { panic("internal error: unexpected call to HasSubdir") },
ReadDir: func(string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) { panic("internal error: unexpected call to ReadDir") },
for name := range files {
match, err := bctx.MatchFile(".", name) // This will access the file we just added to files map above.
if err != nil {
return nil, &BadPackageError{Err: fmt.Errorf(`bctx.MatchFile(".", %q): %w`, name, err)}
if !match {
// Excluded by build context.
delete(files, name)
return files, nil
// readZipFile decompresses zip file f and returns its uncompressed contents.
// The caller can check f.UncompressedSize64 before calling readZipFile to
// get the expected uncompressed size of f.
// limit is the maximum number of bytes to read.
func readZipFile(f *zip.File, limit int64) (_ []byte, err error) {
defer derrors.Add(&err, "readZipFile(%q)", f.Name)
r, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("f.Open(): %v", err)
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(r, limit))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ioutil.ReadAll(r): %v", err)
if err := r.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("closing: %v", err)
return b, nil
func allocMeg() int {
var ms runtime.MemStats
return int(ms.Alloc / (1024 * 1024))
// mib is the number of bytes in a mebibyte (Mi).
const mib = 1024 * 1024
// The largest module zip size we can comfortably process.
// We probably will OOM if we process a module whose zip is larger.
var maxModuleZipSize int64 = math.MaxInt64
func init() {
if m != "" {
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(m, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(context.Background(), "could not parse GO_DISCOVERY_MAX_MODULE_ZIP_MI value %q", v)
} else {
maxModuleZipSize = v * mib
var zipLoadShedder = loadShedder{maxSizeInFlight: math.MaxUint64}
func init() {
ctx := context.Background()
if m != "" {
mebis, err := strconv.ParseUint(m, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "could not parse GO_DISCOVERY_MAX_IN_FLIGHT_ZIP_MI value %q", m)
} else if mebis == 0 {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "bad value for GO_DISCOVERY_MAX_IN_FLIGHT_ZIP_MI: %d. Must be >= 1.", mebis)
} else {
log.Infof(ctx, "shedding load over %dMi", mebis)
zipLoadShedder.maxSizeInFlight = mebis * mib
// ZipLoadShedStats returns a snapshot of the current LoadShedStats for zip files.
func ZipLoadShedStats() LoadShedStats {
return zipLoadShedder.stats()