blob: 369e32cf7a47ebd01e557edc1eeb9f1fa96474c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
* license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
TODO: replace these cases with something in seeddb
${'package with multiple nested modules'} | ${'/'}
${'page that will redirect'} | ${'/'}
export const testcases = test.each`
name | path
${'standard library'} | ${'/std@go1.16.3'}
${'standard library versions'} | ${'/std?tab=versions'}
${'standard library licenses'} | ${'/std@go1.16.3?tab=licenses'}
${'errors versions'} | ${'/errors?tab=versions'}
${'errors licenses'} | ${'/errors@go1.16.3?tab=licenses'}
${'errors imports'} | ${'/errors@go1.16.3?tab=imports'}
${'tools'} | ${'/'}
${'tools licenses'} | ${'/'}
${'tools imports'} | ${'/'}
${'module that is not a package'} | ${'/'}
${'module that is also a package'} | ${'/'}
${'really long import path'} | ${'/'}
${'no documentation'} | ${'/'}
${'package with multiple licenses'} | ${'/'}
${'package that exists in multiple modules at the same version'} | ${'/'}
${'package not at latest version of module'} | ${'/'}
${'package with higher major version'} | ${'/'}
${'package with multi-GOOS'} | ${'/'}
${'retracted package'} | ${'/'}
${'deprecated package'} | ${'/'}
${'package with deprecated symbols'} | ${'/'}
${'mvdan versions'} | ${'/'}