blob: 1dbec746da2a8df63b189da90fcf4df2051d2f7f [file] [log] [blame]
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"name": "cmd/frontend",
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"name": "The frontend runs a service to serve user-facing traffic.",
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"name": "cmd/internal/cmdconfig",
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"name": "Package cmdconfig contains functions for configuring commands.",
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"name": "This is a work in progress.",
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"name": "The prober hits the frontend with a fixed set of URLs.",
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"name": "cmd/worker",
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"name": "The worker command runs a service with the primary job of fetching modules from a proxy and writing them to the database.",
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"name": "devtools/cmd/create_experiment_config",
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"name": "Command create_experiment_config creates an experiment.yaml file, which will set a rollout of 100 for all experiments.",
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"name": "devtools/cmd/csphash",
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"name": "csphash computes the hashes of script tags in files, and checks that they are added to our content security policy.",
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"name": "devtools/cmd/css",
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"name": "Command css appends CSS styles to content/static/stylesheet.css.",
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"name": "internal",
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"name": "Package internal contains data used through x/pkgsite.",
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"name": "Package auth authorizes programs to make HTTP requests to the discovery site.",
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"name": "Package cache implements a redis-based page cache for pkgsite.",
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"name": "Package config resolves shared configuration for Go Discovery services, and provides functions to access this configuration.",
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"name": "Package dynconfig supports dynamic configuration for pkgsite services.",
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"name": "internal/cookie",
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"name": "Package cookie is used to get and set HTTP cookies.",
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"name": "internal/database",
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"name": "Package database adds some useful functionality to a sql.DB.",
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"name": "Package dcensus provides functionality for debug instrumentation.",
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"name": "Package derrors defines internal error values to categorize the different types error semantics we support.",
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"name": "internal/experiment",
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"name": "Package experiment provides functionality for experiments.",
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"name": "internal/fetch",
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"name": "Package fetch provides a way to fetch modules from a proxy.",
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"name": "internal/frontend",
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"name": "Package frontend provides functionality for running the site.",
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"name": "internal/godoc",
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"name": "Package godoc is for rendering Go documentation.",
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"name": "internal/godoc/codec",
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"name": "Package codec implements the general-purpose part of an encoder for Go values.",
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"name": "internal/godoc/dochtml",
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"name": "Package dochtml renders Go package documentation into HTML.",
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"name": "internal/godoc/dochtml/internal/render",
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"name": "Package render formats Go documentation as HTML.",
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"name": "internal/godoc/internal/doc",
"role": "link",
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"name": "Package doc extracts source code documentation from a Go AST.",
"role": "text",
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"name": "internal/index",
"role": "link",
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"name": "Package index provides a client for communicating with the module index.",
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"name": "internal/licenses",
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"name": "Package licenses detects licenses and determines whether they are redistributable.",
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"name": "internal/localdatasource",
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"name": "Package localdatasource implements an in-memory internal.DataSource used to load and display documentation for local modules that are not available via a proxy.",
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"name": "internal/log",
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"name": "Package log supports structured and unstructured logging with levels.",
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"name": "internal/middleware",
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"name": "Package middleware implements a simple middleware pattern for http handlers, along with implementations for some common middlewares.",
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"name": "internal/poller",
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"name": "Package poller supports periodic polling to load a value.",
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"name": "internal/postgres",
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"name": "Package postgres provides functionality for reading and writing to the postgres database.",
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"name": "internal/proxy",
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"name": "Package proxy provides a client for interacting with a proxy.",
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"name": "internal/proxydatasource",
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"name": "Package proxydatasource implements an internal.DataSource backed solely by a proxy instance.",
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"name": "internal/queue",
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"name": "Package queue provides queue implementations that can be used for asynchronous scheduling of fetch actions.",
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"name": "internal/secrets",
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"name": "Package secrets is used to interact with secretmanager.",
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"name": "internal/source",
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"name": "Package source constructs public URLs that link to the source files in a module.",
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"name": "internal/stdlib",
"role": "link",
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"name": "Package stdlib supports special handling of the Go standard library.",
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"name": "internal/testing/dbtest",
"role": "link",
Object {
"name": "Package dbtest supports testing with a database.",
"role": "text",
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"name": "internal/testing/htmlcheck",
"role": "link",
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"name": "Package htmlcheck provides a set of functions that check for properties of a parsed HTML document.",
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Object {
"name": "internal/testing/pagecheck",
"role": "link",
Object {
"name": "Package pagecheck implements HTML checkers for discovery site pages.",
"role": "text",
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"name": "internal/testing/sample",
"role": "link",
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"name": "Package sample provides functionality for generating sample values of the types contained in the internal package.",
"role": "text",
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"name": "internal/testing/testhelper",
"role": "link",
Object {
"name": "Package testhelper provides shared functionality and constants to be used in Discovery tests.",
"role": "text",
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"name": "internal/version",
"role": "link",
Object {
"name": "Package version handles version types.",
"role": "text",
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"name": "internal/worker",
"role": "link",
Object {
"name": "Package worker provides functionality for running a worker service.",
"role": "text",
Object {
"name": "internal/xcontext",
"role": "link",
Object {
"name": "Package xcontext is a package to offer the extra functionality we need from contexts that is not available from the standard context package.",
"role": "text",
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"name": "Details",
"role": "text",
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"name": "Learn more",
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"name": "Redistributable license",
"role": "text",
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"name": "Tagged version",
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"role": "button",
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"name": "Stable version",
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"name": "Why Go",
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"description": "Case Studies",
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"description": "Getting Started",
"name": "Getting Started",
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"name": "Playground",
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"name": "Tour",
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"name": "Stack Overflow",
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"description": "Discover Packages",
"name": "Discover Packages",
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"name": "Download",
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"name": "Blog",
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"name": "Release Notes",
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"name": "Brand Guidelines",
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"name": "Code of Conduct",
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"description": "Connect",
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"name": "Twitter",
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"name": "GitHub",
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"name": "Slack",
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"name": "Meetup",
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"name": "Terms of Service",
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"name": "Privacy Policy",
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"name": "",
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