blob: baabeef37c88427c401ad61486bfac36f186d564 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
// DocumentationDetails contains data for the doc template.
type DocumentationDetails struct {
GOOS string
GOARCH string
Documentation template.HTML
// addDocQueryParam controls whether to use a regexp replacement to append
// ?tab=doc to urls linking to package identifiers within the documentation.
var addDocQueryParam = true
// fetchDocumentationDetails returns a DocumentationDetails constructed from pkg.
func fetchDocumentationDetails(pkg *internal.VersionedPackage) *DocumentationDetails {
docHTML := pkg.DocumentationHTML
if addDocQueryParam {
docHTML = hackUpDocumentation(docHTML)
return &DocumentationDetails{
Documentation: template.HTML(docHTML),
// fetchDocumentationDetails returnsNew a DocumentationDetails constructed from doc.
func fetchDocumentationDetailsNew(doc *internal.Documentation) *DocumentationDetails {
docHTML := doc.HTML
if addDocQueryParam {
docHTML = hackUpDocumentation(docHTML)
return &DocumentationDetails{
Documentation: template.HTML(docHTML),
// packageLinkRegexp matches cross-package identifier links that have been
// generated by the dochtml package. At the time this hack was added, these
// links are all constructed to have either the form
// <a href="/pkg/[path]">[name]</a>
// or the form
// <a href="/pkg/[path]#identifier">[name]</a>
// The packageLinkRegexp mutates these links as follows:
// - remove the now unnecessary '/pkg' path prefix
// - add an explicit ?tab=doc after the path.
var packageLinkRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(<a href="/)pkg/([^?#"]+)((?:#[^"]*)?">.*?</a>)`)
func hackUpDocumentation(docHTML string) string {
return packageLinkRegexp.ReplaceAllString(docHTML, `$1$2?tab=doc$3`)
// fileSource returns the original filepath in the module zip where the given
// filePath can be found. For std, the corresponding URL in
// is returned.
func fileSource(modulePath, version, filePath string) string {
if modulePath != stdlib.ModulePath {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s/%s", modulePath, version, filePath)
root := strings.TrimPrefix(stdlib.GoRepoURL, "https://")
tag, err := stdlib.TagForVersion(version)
if err != nil {
// This should never happen unless there is a bug in
// stdlib.TagForVersion. In which case, fallback to the default
// zipFilePath.
log.Errorf(context.TODO(), "fileSource: %v", err)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/+/refs/heads/master/%s", root, filePath)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/+/refs/tags/%s/%s", root, tag, filePath)