blob: e7abd1c32944de7417b3ff80559c8f175fc4f930 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
func TestReadme(t *testing.T) {
ctx := experiment.NewContext(context.Background())
unit := sample.UnitEmpty(sample.PackagePath, sample.ModulePath, sample.VersionString)
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
unit *internal.Unit
readme *internal.Readme
wantHTML string
wantOutline []*Heading
name: "Top level heading of h4 becomes h3, and following header levels become hN-1",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: sample.ReadmeFilePath,
Contents: "#### Four\n\n##### Five\n\n##### Five\n\n#### Four",
wantHTML: "<h3 class=\"h4\" id=\"readme-four\">Four</h3>\n" +
"<h4 class=\"h5\" id=\"readme-five\">Five</h4>\n" +
"<h4 class=\"h5\" id=\"readme-five-1\">Five</h4>\n" +
"<h3 class=\"h4\" id=\"readme-four-1\">Four</h3>",
wantOutline: []*Heading{
Level: 4,
Text: "Four",
ID: "readme-four",
Children: []*Heading{
{Level: 5, Text: "Five", ID: "readme-five"},
{Level: 5, Text: "Five", ID: "readme-five-1"},
Level: 4,
Text: "Four",
ID: "readme-four-1",
name: "The highest level heading is dropped when no other headings exist at same level",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: sample.ReadmeFilePath,
Contents: "#### Four\n\n##### Five\n\n###### Six\n\n##### Five",
wantHTML: "<h3 class=\"h4\" id=\"readme-four\">Four</h3>\n" +
"<h4 class=\"h5\" id=\"readme-five\">Five</h4>\n" +
"<h5 class=\"h6\" id=\"readme-six\">Six</h5>\n" +
"<h4 class=\"h5\" id=\"readme-five-1\">Five</h4>",
wantOutline: []*Heading{
{Level: 5, Text: "Five", ID: "readme-five", Children: []*Heading{
{Level: 6, Text: "Six", ID: "readme-six"},
{Level: 5, Text: "Five", ID: "readme-five-1"},
name: "Heading levels out of order",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: sample.ReadmeFilePath,
Contents: "## Two\n\n# One\n\n### Three",
wantHTML: "<h3 class=\"h2\" id=\"readme-two\">Two</h3>\n" +
"<h2 class=\"h1\" id=\"readme-one\">One</h2>\n" +
"<h4 class=\"h3\" id=\"readme-three\">Three</h4>",
wantOutline: []*Heading{
{Level: 2, Text: "Two", ID: "readme-two"},
{Level: 1, Text: "One", ID: "readme-one", Children: []*Heading{
{Level: 3, Text: "Three", ID: "readme-three"},
name: "Heading levels not consecutive",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: sample.ReadmeFilePath,
Contents: "# One\n\n#### Four\n\n#### Four\n\n# One",
wantHTML: "<h3 class=\"h1\" id=\"readme-one\">One</h3>\n" +
"<h6 class=\"h4\" id=\"readme-four\">Four</h6>\n" +
"<h6 class=\"h4\" id=\"readme-four-1\">Four</h6>\n" +
"<h3 class=\"h1\" id=\"readme-one-1\">One</h3>",
wantOutline: []*Heading{
{Level: 1, Text: "One", ID: "readme-one", Children: []*Heading{
{Level: 4, Text: "Four", ID: "readme-four"},
{Level: 4, Text: "Four", ID: "readme-four-1"},
{Level: 1, Text: "One", ID: "readme-one-1"},
name: "Heading levels in reverse",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: sample.ReadmeFilePath,
Contents: "### Three\n\n## Two\n\n# One",
wantHTML: "<h3 class=\"h3\" id=\"readme-three\">Three</h3>\n" +
"<h2 class=\"h2\" id=\"readme-two\">Two</h2>\n" +
"<h1 class=\"h1\" id=\"readme-one\">One</h1>",
wantOutline: []*Heading{
{Level: 3, Text: "Three", ID: "readme-three"},
{Level: 2, Text: "Two", ID: "readme-two"},
{Level: 1, Text: "One", ID: "readme-one"},
name: "Heading level six",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: sample.ReadmeFilePath,
Contents: "# One\n\n###### Six\n\n# One",
wantHTML: "<h3 class=\"h1\" id=\"readme-one\">One</h3>\n" +
"<div role=\"heading\" aria-level=\"6\" id=\"readme-six\">Six</div>\n" +
"<h3 class=\"h1\" id=\"readme-one-1\">One</h3>",
wantOutline: []*Heading{
{Level: 1, Text: "One", ID: "readme-one", Children: []*Heading{
{Level: 6, Text: "Six", ID: "readme-six"},
{Level: 1, Text: "One", ID: "readme-one-1"},
name: "Non-ASCII Heading",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: sample.ReadmeFilePath,
Contents: "# 中文¹",
wantHTML: "<h3 class=\"h1\" id=\"readme-heading\">中文¹</h3>",
wantOutline: []*Heading{{Level: 1, Text: "中文¹", ID: "readme-heading"}},
name: "Github markdown emoji markup is properly rendered",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: sample.ReadmeFilePath,
Contents: "# :zap: Zap \n\n :joy:",
wantHTML: "<h3 class=\"h1\" id=\"readme-zap-zap\">⚡ Zap</h3>\n<p>😂</p>",
wantOutline: []*Heading{
{Level: 1, Text: " Zap", ID: "readme-zap-zap"},
name: "valid markdown readme",
unit: &internal.Unit{},
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: "This package collects pithy sayings.\n\n" +
"It's part of a demonstration of\n" +
"[package versioning in Go](",
wantHTML: "<p>This package collects pithy sayings.</p>\n" +
"<p>It&#39;s part of a demonstration of\n" +
`<a href="" rel="nofollow">package versioning in Go</a>.</p>`,
wantOutline: nil,
name: "valid markdown readme with alternative case and extension",
unit: &internal.Unit{},
readme: &internal.Readme{
Contents: "This package collects pithy sayings.\n\n" +
"It's part of a demonstration of\n" +
"[package versioning in Go](",
wantHTML: "<p>This package collects pithy sayings.</p>\n" +
"<p>It&#39;s part of a demonstration of\n" +
`<a href="" rel="nofollow">package versioning in Go</a>.</p>`,
wantOutline: nil,
name: "valid markdown readme with CRLF",
unit: &internal.Unit{},
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: "This package collects pithy sayings.\r\n\r\n" +
"- It's part of a demonstration of\r\n" +
"- [package versioning in Go](",
wantHTML: "<p>This package collects pithy sayings.</p>\n" +
"<ul>\n" +
"<li>It&#39;s part of a demonstration of</li>\n" +
`<li><a href="" rel="nofollow">package versioning in Go</a>.</li>` + "\n" +
wantOutline: nil,
name: "not markdown readme",
unit: &internal.Unit{},
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "README.rst",
Contents: "This package collects pithy sayings.\n\n" +
"It's part of a demonstration of\n" +
"[package versioning in Go](",
wantHTML: "<pre class=\"readme\">This package collects pithy sayings.\n\n" +
"It&#39;s part of a demonstration of\n[package versioning in Go](</pre>",
wantOutline: nil,
name: "empty readme",
unit: &internal.Unit{},
wantHTML: "",
wantOutline: nil,
name: "sanitized readme",
unit: &internal.Unit{},
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "README",
Contents: `<a onblur="alert(secret)" href="">Google</a>`,
wantHTML: `<pre class="readme">&lt;a onblur=&#34;alert(secret)&#34; href=&#34;;&gt;Google&lt;/a&gt;</pre>`,
wantOutline: nil,
name: "relative image markdown is made absolute for GitHub",
unit: &internal.Unit{
UnitMeta: internal.UnitMeta{
ModuleInfo: internal.ModuleInfo{
SourceInfo: source.NewGitHubInfo("", "", "master"),
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: "![Go logo](doc/logo.png)",
wantHTML: `<p><img src="" alt="Go logo"/></p>`,
wantOutline: nil,
name: "relative image markdown is made absolute for GitHub, .git removed from repo URL",
unit: &internal.Unit{
UnitMeta: internal.UnitMeta{
ModuleInfo: internal.ModuleInfo{
SourceInfo: source.NewGitHubInfo("", "", "v0.1.0"),
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: "![ivy](ivy.jpg)",
wantHTML: `<p><img src="" alt="ivy"/></p>`,
wantOutline: nil,
name: "relative image markdown is left alone for unknown origins",
unit: &internal.Unit{},
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: "![Go logo](doc/logo.png)",
wantHTML: `<p><img src="doc/logo.png" alt="Go logo"/></p>`,
wantOutline: nil,
name: "module versions are referenced in relative images",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: "![Hugo logo](doc/logo.png)",
wantHTML: `<p><img src="" alt="Hugo logo"/></p>`,
wantOutline: nil,
name: "image URLs relative to README directory",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "dir/sub/",
Contents: "![alt](img/thing.png)",
wantHTML: `<p><img src="" alt="alt"/></p>`,
wantOutline: nil,
name: "non-image links relative to README directory",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "dir/sub/",
Contents: "[something](doc/",
wantHTML: `<p><a href="" rel="nofollow">something</a></p>`,
wantOutline: nil,
name: "image link in embedded HTML",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: "<img src=\"resources/logoSmall.png\" />\n\n# Heading\n",
wantHTML: `<img src=""/>` + "\n" +
`<h3 class="h1" id="readme-heading">Heading</h3>`,
wantOutline: []*Heading{
{Level: 1, Text: "Heading", ID: "readme-heading"},
name: "image link in embedded HTML with surrounding p tag",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: "<p align=\"center\"><img src=\"foo.png\" /></p>\n\n# Heading",
wantHTML: `<p align="center"><img src=""/></p>` + "\n" +
`<h3 class="h1" id="readme-heading">Heading</h3>`,
wantOutline: []*Heading{
{Level: 1, Text: "Heading", ID: "readme-heading"},
name: "image link in embedded HTML with surrounding div",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: "<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"foo.png\" /></div>\n\n# Heading",
wantHTML: `<div align="center"><img src=""/></div>` + "\n" +
`<h3 class="h1" id="readme-heading">Heading</h3>`,
wantOutline: []*Heading{
{Level: 1, Text: "Heading", ID: "readme-heading"},
name: "image link with bad URL",
unit: &internal.Unit{
UnitMeta: internal.UnitMeta{
ModuleInfo: internal.ModuleInfo{
Version: "v1.2.3",
SourceInfo: source.NewGitHubInfo("<script>", "", "v1.2.3"),
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: "<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"foo.png\" /></div>\n\n# Heading",
wantHTML: `<div align="center"><img src=""/></div>` + "\n" +
`<h3 class="h1" id="readme-heading">Heading</h3>`,
wantOutline: []*Heading{
{Level: 1, Text: "Heading", ID: "readme-heading"},
name: "body has more than one child",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "dir/sub/",
// The final newline here is important for creating the right markdown tree; do not remove it.
Contents: `<p><img src="./foo.png"></p><p><img src="../bar.png"</p>` + "\n",
wantHTML: `<p><img src=""/></p>` +
`<p><img src=""/>` + "\n</p>",
wantOutline: nil,
name: "escaped image source",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: `<img src="./images/Jupyter%20Notebook_sparkline.svg">`,
wantHTML: `<img src=""/>`,
wantOutline: nil,
name: "relative link to local heading is prefixed with readme-",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: `[Local Heading](#local-heading)` + "\n" +
`# Local Heading`,
wantHTML: `<p><a href="#readme-local-heading" rel="nofollow">Local Heading</a></p>` + "\n" +
`<h3 class="h1" id="readme-local-heading">Local Heading</h3>`,
wantOutline: []*Heading{
{Level: 1, Text: "Local Heading", ID: "readme-local-heading"},
name: "text is extracted from headings that contain only non-text nodes",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: `# [![Image Text](file.svg)](link.html)
wantHTML: `<h3 class="h1" id="readme-heading"><a href="" rel="nofollow"><img src="" alt="Image Text"/></a></h3>`,
wantOutline: []*Heading{
{Level: 1, Text: "Image Text", ID: "readme-heading"},
name: "duplicated headings ids have incremental suffix",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: "# Heading\n## Heading\n## Heading\n# Heading",
wantHTML: `<h3 class="h1" id="readme-heading">Heading</h3>` + "\n" +
`<h4 class="h2" id="readme-heading-1">Heading</h4>` + "\n" +
`<h4 class="h2" id="readme-heading-2">Heading</h4>` + "\n" +
`<h3 class="h1" id="readme-heading-3">Heading</h3>`,
wantOutline: []*Heading{
{Level: 1, Text: "Heading", ID: "readme-heading", Children: []*Heading{
{Level: 2, Text: "Heading", ID: "readme-heading-1"},
{Level: 2, Text: "Heading", ID: "readme-heading-2"},
{Level: 1, Text: "Heading", ID: "readme-heading-3"},
name: "only letters and numbers are preserved in ids",
unit: unit,
readme: &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: "# Heading 😎\n## 👾\n## Heading 🚀\n# Heading",
wantHTML: `<h3 class="h1" id="readme-heading">Heading 😎</h3>` + "\n" +
`<h4 class="h2" id="readme-heading-1">👾</h4>` + "\n" +
`<h4 class="h2" id="readme-heading-2">Heading 🚀</h4>` + "\n" +
`<h3 class="h1" id="readme-heading-3">Heading</h3>`,
wantOutline: []*Heading{
{Level: 1, Text: "Heading 😎", ID: "readme-heading", Children: []*Heading{
{Level: 2, Text: "👾", ID: "readme-heading-1"},
{Level: 2, Text: "Heading 🚀", ID: "readme-heading-2"},
{Level: 1, Text: "Heading", ID: "readme-heading-3"},
} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
processReadmes := map[string]func(ctx context.Context, u *internal.Unit) (frontendReadme *Readme, err error){
"goldmark": ProcessReadme,
"markdown": ProcessReadmeMarkdown,
for processFuncName, processFunc := range processReadmes {
t.Run(processFuncName, func(t *testing.T) {
wantHTML := test.wantHTML
if processFuncName == "markdown" {
if == "Github markdown emoji markup is properly rendered" {
t.Skip("github markdown emoji is not yet supported with the markdown package")
if == "body has more than one child" {
// The markdown package treats the newline differently when there's an incomplete tag.
wantHTML = `<p><img src=""/></p>` +
`<p><img src=""/></p>`
test.unit.Readme = test.readme
readme, err := processFunc(ctx, test.unit)
if err != nil {
gotHTML := strings.TrimSpace(readme.HTML.String())
if diff := cmp.Diff(wantHTML, gotHTML); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Readme(%v) html mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", test.unit.UnitMeta, diff)
if diff := cmp.Diff(test.wantOutline, readme.Outline, cmp.Options{
}); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Readme(%v) outline mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", test.unit.UnitMeta, diff)
func TestReadmeLinks(t *testing.T) {
ctx := experiment.NewContext(context.Background())
unit := sample.UnitEmpty(sample.PackagePath, sample.ModulePath, sample.VersionString)
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
contents string
want []link
name: "no links",
contents: `
# Heading
Some stuff.
want: nil,
name: "simple links",
contents: `
# Heading
Some stuff.
## Links
Here are some links:
- [a](http://a)
- [b](http://b)
1. [c](http://c)
want: []link{
{"http://a", "a"},
{"http://b", "b"},
{"http://c", "c"},
name: "ignore links not in a list",
contents: `
# Links
Try [a](http://a).
- [b](http://b)
want: []link{
{"http://b", "b"},
name: "ignore extra text",
contents: `
# Links
- Try [a](http://a).
- [b](http://b)
want: []link{
{"http://b", "b"},
name: "ignore sub-headings",
contents: `
# Links
- [a](http://a)
## Sub
- [b](http://b)
## Links
- [c](http://c)
want: []link{{"http://a", "a"}},
name: "ignore nested links",
contents: `
# Links
- [a](http://a)
- [b](http://b)
- [c](http://c)
want: []link{
{"http://a", "a"},
{"http://c", "c"},
name: "two links sections",
contents: `
# Links
- [a](http://a)
# Links
- [b](http://b)
want: []link{{"http://a", "a"}},
} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
processReadmes := map[string]func(ctx context.Context, u *internal.Unit) (frontendReadme *Readme, err error){
"goldmark": ProcessReadme,
"markdown": ProcessReadmeMarkdown,
for name, processFunc := range processReadmes {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
unit.Readme = &internal.Readme{
Filepath: "",
Contents: unindent(test.contents),
got, err := processFunc(ctx, unit)
if err != nil {
if diff := cmp.Diff(test.want, got.Links); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
// unindent removes indentation from s. It assumes that s starts with an initial
// newline followed by one or more indented lines.
func unindent(s string) string {
i := strings.IndexFunc(s, func(r rune) bool { return !unicode.IsSpace(r) })
if i < 0 {
return s
indent := s[:i]
return strings.ReplaceAll(s, indent, "\n")[1:]
func TestUnindent(t *testing.T) {
s := `
- b
got := unindent(s)
want := "a\n - b\nc\n\t"
if got != want {
t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", got, want)