blob: 7a54a71aea166a5f15ad8df18c52c79936c1cdc5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package vulndbreqs supports recording the daily count of requests to the
// Vulnerability Database.
package vulndbreqs
import (
var startDate = civil.Date{Year: 2023, Month: time.January, Day: 1}
// ComputeAndStore computes Vuln DB request counts from the last date we have
// data for, and writes them to BigQuery.
func ComputeAndStore(ctx context.Context, vulndbBucketProjectID string, client *bigquery.Client) error {
rcs, err := ReadFromBigQuery(ctx, client)
if err != nil {
return err
have := map[civil.Date]bool{}
for _, rc := range rcs {
have[rc.Date] = true
today := civil.DateOf(time.Now())
// Compute requests for every day that we don't have, up until yesterday.
// Since today is not yet over, the request count for it will be short.
// Compute one day at a time, so if it fails after a few days we at least make some progress.
for d := startDate; d.Before(today); d = d.AddDays(1) {
if !have[d] {
// compute excludes both the start and end dates.
rcs, err := Compute(ctx, vulndbBucketProjectID, d.AddDays(-1), d.AddDays(1), 0)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(rcs) > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("got %d counts, wanted 0 or 1", len(rcs))
if len(rcs) == 0 {
rcs = []*RequestCount{{Date: d, Count: 0}}
// Write the new request counts to Bigquery.
log.Infof(ctx, "writing request count %d for %s", rcs[0].Count, rcs[0].Date)
if err := writeToBigQuery(ctx, client, rcs); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Compute queries the vulndb load balancer logs for all
// vuln DB requests between the given dates, exclusive of both.
// It returns request counts for each date, sorted from newest to oldest.
// If limit is positive, it reads no more than limit entries from the log (for testing only).
func Compute(ctx context.Context, vulndbBucketProjectID string, fromDate, toDate civil.Date, limit int) ([]*RequestCount, error) {
log.Infof(ctx, "computing request counts from %s to %s", fromDate, toDate)
client, err := logadmin.NewClient(ctx, vulndbBucketProjectID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer client.Close()
counts := map[civil.Date]int{}
it := newEntryIterator(ctx, client,
// This filter has three sections, marked with blank lines. It is more
// efficient to do as much filtering as possible in the logging API
// query, rather than in code.
// The first section of the filter selects the log of interest and
// filters on general properties like severity.
// The second section filters on URL. Its first line makes sure
// we're looking at a vulnDB URL. The other lines filter out
// URLs we don't care about. We only want URLs that refer to
// modules, but we can't write that directly; instead, we have to
// exclude some URLs. (The syntax `-FIELD=VALUE` means "FIELD
// does not equal VALUE; a colon instead of an `=` means substring.)
// The third section selects the time of interest, based on the argument
// times. It formats the times as dates like "2022-08-10". We want
// the filter to be exclusive on both ends, so we use "<" for the end date,
// and add one day to the start date.
// Count each log entry we see, bucketing by date.
// The timestamps are in order from oldest to newest
// (
var logErr error
n := 1
for {
entry, err := it.Next()
if err != nil {
if err != iterator.Done {
logErr = err
if limit > 0 && n > limit {
// Convert the counts map to a slice of VulnDBRquestCounts.
var rcs []*RequestCount
dates := maps.Keys(counts)
// Sort from newest to oldest.
slices.SortFunc(dates, func(d1, d2 civil.Date) bool { return d1.After(d2) })
// If we encountered an error, try to make partial progress by returning
// at least one day's worth of data.
if logErr != nil {
if len(dates) > 1 {
// The last date may have partial data, so drop it.
dates = dates[:len(dates)-1]
log.Warnf(ctx, "error when reading load balancer logs, partial progress: %v",
} else {
log.Errorf(ctx, logErr, "when reading load balancer logs, no progress")
return nil, logErr
for _, d := range dates {
rcs = append(rcs, &RequestCount{Date: d, Count: counts[d]})
log.Infof(ctx, "computed %d request counts", len(rcs))
return rcs, nil