blob: 1a807528ea2e9cb6e7eabcee74028078e25086e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package analysis provides functionality for manipulating
// inputs and outputs of analysis endpoints.
package analysis
import (
bq ""
type ScanRequest struct {
type ScanParams struct {
Binary string // name of analysis binary to run
BinaryVersion string // hex-encoded binary hash
Args string // command-line arguments to binary; split on whitespace
ImportedBy int // imported-by count of module in path
Insecure bool // if true, run outside sandbox
Serve bool // serve results back to client instead of writing them to BigQuery
JobID string // ID of job, if non-empty
type EnqueueParams struct {
Binary string // name of analysis binary to run
Args string // command-line arguments to binary; split on whitespace
Insecure bool // if true, run outside sandbox
Min int // minimum import-by count for a module to be included
File string // path to file containing modules; if missing, use DB
Suffix string // appended to task queue IDs to generate unique tasks
User string // user initiating enqueue
// Request implements queue.Task so it can be put on a TaskQueue.
var _ queue.Task = (*ScanRequest)(nil)
func (r *ScanRequest) Name() string { return r.Binary + "_" + r.Module + "@" + r.Version }
func (r *ScanRequest) Path() string { return r.ModuleURLPath.Path() }
func (r *ScanRequest) Params() string {
return scan.FormatParams(r.ScanParams)
func ParseScanRequest(r *http.Request, prefix string) (*ScanRequest, error) {
mp, err := scan.ParseModuleURLPath(strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, prefix))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ap := ScanParams{}
if err := scan.ParseParams(r, &ap); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ScanRequest{
ModuleURLPath: mp,
ScanParams: ap,
}, nil
// These structs were copied, with minor changes, from
// A JSONTree is a mapping from package ID to analysis name to result.
// Each result is either a jsonError or a list of JSONDiagnostic.
type JSONTree map[string]map[string]DiagnosticsOrError
// A JSONDiagnostic can be used to encode and decode
// analysis.Diagnostics to and from JSON.
type JSONDiagnostic struct {
Category string `json:"category,omitempty"`
Posn string `json:"posn"`
Message string `json:"message"`
SuggestedFixes []JSONSuggestedFix `json:"suggested_fixes,omitempty"`
// A JSONSuggestedFix describes an edit that should be applied as a whole or not
// at all. It might contain multiple TextEdits/text_edits if the SuggestedFix
// consists of multiple non-contiguous edits.
type JSONSuggestedFix struct {
Message string `json:"message"`
Edits []JSONTextEdit `json:"edits"`
// A JSONTextEdit describes the replacement of a portion of a file.
// Start and End are zero-based half-open indices into the original byte
// sequence of the file, and New is the new text.
type JSONTextEdit struct {
Filename string `json:"filename"`
Start int `json:"start"`
End int `json:"end"`
New string `json:"new"`
type jsonError struct {
Err string `json:"error"`
type DiagnosticsOrError struct {
Diagnostics []JSONDiagnostic
Error *jsonError
func (de *DiagnosticsOrError) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &de.Diagnostics); err == nil {
return nil
return json.Unmarshal(data, &de.Error)
// Definitions for BigQuery.
const TableName = "analysis"
// Note: before modifying AnalysisResult, make sure the change
// is a valid schema modification.
// The only supported changes are:
// - adding a nullable or repeated column
// - dropping a column
// - changing a column from required to nullable.
// See for details.
// Result is a row in the BigQuery analysis table. It corresponds to a
// result from the output for an analysis.
type Result struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `bigquery:"created_at"`
ModulePath string `bigquery:"module_path"`
Version string `bigquery:"version"`
SortVersion string `bigquery:"sort_version"`
CommitTime time.Time `bigquery:"commit_time"`
// The name of the analysis binary that was executed.
// A single binary may run multiple analyzers.
BinaryName string `bigquery:"binary_name"`
Error string `bigquery:"error"`
ErrorCategory string `bigquery:"error_category"`
WorkVersion // InferSchema flattens embedded fields
Diagnostics []*Diagnostic `bigquery:"diagnostic"`
func (r *Result) AddError(err error) {
if err == nil {
r.Error = err.Error()
r.ErrorCategory = derrors.CategorizeError(err)
func (r *Result) SetUploadTime(t time.Time) { r.CreatedAt = t }
// WorkVersion contains information that can be used to avoid duplicate work.
// Given two WorkVersion values v1 and v2 for the same module path and version,
// if v1 == v2 then it is not necessary to scan the module.
type WorkVersion struct {
// A hash of the binary executed.
BinaryVersion string `bigquery:"binary_version"`
BinaryArgs string `bigquery:"binary_args"` // args passed to binary
// The version of the currently running code. This tracks changes in the
// logic of module scanning and processing.
WorkerVersion string `bigquery:"worker_version"`
// The version of the bigquery schema.
SchemaVersion string ` bigquery:"schema_version"`
// A Diagnostic is a single analyzer finding.
type Diagnostic struct {
// The package ID as reported by the analysis binary.
PackageID string `bigquery:"package_id"`
AnalyzerName string `bigquery:"analyzer_name"`
Error string `bigquery:"error"`
// These fields are from internal/worker.JSONDiagnostic.
Category string `bigquery:"category"`
Position string `bigquery:"position"`
Message string `bigquery:"message"`
Source bq.NullString `bigquery:"source"`
// SchemaVersion changes whenever the analysis schema changes.
var SchemaVersion string
func init() {
s, err := bigquery.InferSchema(Result{})
if err != nil {
SchemaVersion = bigquery.SchemaVersion(s)
bigquery.AddTable(TableName, s)
// WorkVersionKey is the key for a WorkVersion.
// Always compare two WorkVersions with the same key.
type WorkVersionKey struct {
Module string
Version string
Binary string
// ReadWorkVersion reads the most recent WorkVersion in the analysis table
// for module_path at version for binary.
func ReadWorkVersion(ctx context.Context, c *bigquery.Client, module_path, version, binary string) (wv *WorkVersion, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "ReadWorkVersion")
const qf = `
SELECT module_path, version, binary_name, binary_version, binary_args, worker_version, schema_version
FROM %s WHERE module_path="%s" AND version="%s" AND binary_name="%s" ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1
query := fmt.Sprintf(qf, "`"+c.FullTableName(TableName)+"`", module_path, version, binary)
iter, err := c.Query(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = bigquery.ForEachRow(iter, func(r *Result) bool {
// Should be reached at most once.
wv = &r.WorkVersion
return true
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return wv, nil
// JSONTreeToDiagnostics converts a jsonTree to a list of diagnostics for BigQuery.
// It ignores the suggested fixes of the diagnostics.
func JSONTreeToDiagnostics(jsonTree JSONTree) []*Diagnostic {
var diags []*Diagnostic
// Sort for determinism.
pkgIDs := maps.Keys(jsonTree)
for _, pkgID := range pkgIDs {
amap := jsonTree[pkgID]
aNames := maps.Keys(amap)
for _, aName := range aNames {
diagsOrErr := amap[aName]
if diagsOrErr.Error != nil {
diags = append(diags, &Diagnostic{
PackageID: pkgID,
AnalyzerName: aName,
Error: diagsOrErr.Error.Err,
} else {
for _, jd := range diagsOrErr.Diagnostics {
diags = append(diags, &Diagnostic{
PackageID: pkgID,
AnalyzerName: aName,
Category: jd.Category,
Position: jd.Posn,
Message: jd.Message,
return diags
func ReadResults(ctx context.Context, c *bigquery.Client, binaryName, binaryVersion, binaryArgs string) (_ []*Result, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "ReadResults")
q := bigquery.PartitionQuery{
From: c.FullTableName(TableName),
PartitionOn: "module_path, version",
Where: fmt.Sprintf("binary_name='%s' AND binary_version='%s' AND binary_args='%s'",
binaryName, binaryVersion, binaryArgs),
OrderBy: "created_at DESC",
iter, err := c.Query(ctx, q.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res []*Result
err = bigquery.ForEachRow(iter, func(r *Result) bool {
res = append(res, r)
return true
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil