blob: ac85c502007f038af7f42699c4c355e34329ac1b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package worker
import (
type GovulncheckServer struct {
storedWorkStates map[[2]string]*govulncheck.WorkState
workVersion *govulncheck.WorkVersion
func newGovulncheckServer(ctx context.Context, s *Server) (*GovulncheckServer, error) {
var (
swv map[[2]string]*govulncheck.WorkState
err error
if s.bqClient != nil {
swv, err = govulncheck.ReadWorkStates(ctx, s.bqClient)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Infof(ctx, "read %d work versions", len(swv))
return &GovulncheckServer{
Server: s,
storedWorkStates: swv,
}, nil
func (h *GovulncheckServer) getWorkVersion(ctx context.Context) (_ *govulncheck.WorkVersion, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "GovulncheckServer.getWorkVersion")
if h.workVersion == nil {
lmt, err := dbLastModified(h.cfg.VulnDBDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
goEnv, err := internal.GoEnv()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
h.workVersion = &govulncheck.WorkVersion{
GoVersion: goEnv["GOVERSION"],
VulnDBLastModified: lmt,
WorkerVersion: h.cfg.VersionID,
SchemaVersion: govulncheck.SchemaVersion,
log.Infof(ctx, "govulncheck work version: %+v", h.workVersion)
return h.workVersion, nil
// dbLastModified computes the last modified time stamp of
// vulnerability database rooted at vulnDB.
// Follows the logic of
func dbLastModified(vulnDB string) (time.Time, error) {
dbFile := filepath.Join(vulnDB, "index/db.json")
b, err := os.ReadFile(dbFile)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
// dbMeta contains metadata about the database itself.
// Copy of
type dbMeta struct {
// Modified is the time the database was last modified, calculated
// as the most recent time any single OSV entry was modified.
Modified time.Time `json:"modified"`
var dbm dbMeta
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &dbm); err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
return dbm.Modified, nil