blob: 7976bcfb2798cc2d00b8cf055cc63c18b0f85613 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package log implements event handlers for logging.
package log
import (
// NewLineHandler returns an event Handler that writes log events one per line
// in an easy-to-read format:
// time level message label1=value1 label2=value2 ...
func NewLineHandler(w io.Writer) event.Handler {
return &lineHandler{w: w}
type lineHandler struct {
mu sync.Mutex // ensure a log line is not interrupted
w io.Writer
// Event implements event.Handler.Event for log events.
func (h *lineHandler) Event(ctx context.Context, ev *event.Event) context.Context {
if ev.Kind != event.LogKind {
return ctx
var msg, level string
var others []string
for _, lab := range ev.Labels {
switch lab.Name {
case "msg":
msg = lab.String()
case "level":
level = strings.ToUpper(lab.String())
others = append(others, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", lab.Name, lab.String()))
var s string
if len(others) > 0 {
s = " " + strings.Join(others, " ")
if level != "" {
level = " " + level
fmt.Fprintf(h.w, "%s%s %s%s\n", ev.At.Format("2006/01/02 15:04:05"), level, msg, s)
return ctx
type Labels []event.Label
func With(kvs ...interface{}) Labels {
return Labels(nil).With(kvs...)
func (ls Labels) With(kvs ...interface{}) Labels {
if len(kvs)%2 != 0 {
panic("args must be key-value pairs")
for i := 0; i < len(kvs); i += 2 {
ls = append(ls, pairToLabel(kvs[i].(string), kvs[i+1]))
return ls
func pairToLabel(name string, value interface{}) event.Label {
if d, ok := value.(time.Duration); ok {
return event.Duration(name, d)
v := reflect.ValueOf(value)
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
return event.String(name, v.String())
case reflect.Bool:
return event.Bool(name, v.Bool())
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
return event.Int64(name, v.Int())
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
return event.Uint64(name, v.Uint())
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return event.Float64(name, v.Float())
return event.Value(name, value)
func (l Labels) logf(ctx context.Context, s severity.Level, format string, args ...interface{}) {
event.Log(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), append(l, s.Label())...)
func (l Labels) Debugf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
l.logf(ctx, severity.Debug, format, args...)
func (l Labels) Infof(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
l.logf(ctx, severity.Info, format, args...)
func (l Labels) Warningf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
l.logf(ctx, severity.Warning, format, args...)
func (l Labels) Errorf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
l.logf(ctx, severity.Error, format, args...)
var (
mu sync.Mutex
logger interface {
log(context.Context, logging.Severity, interface{})
} = stdlibLogger{}
// currentLevel holds current log level.
// No logs will be printed below currentLevel.
currentLevel = logging.Default
type (
// traceIDKey is the type of the context key for trace IDs.
traceIDKey struct{}
// labelsKey is the type of the context key for labels.
labelsKey struct{}
// Set the log level
func SetLevel(v string) {
defer mu.Unlock()
currentLevel = toLevel(v)
func getLevel() logging.Severity {
defer mu.Unlock()
return currentLevel
// NewContextWithTraceID creates a new context from ctx that adds the trace ID.
func NewContextWithTraceID(ctx context.Context, traceID string) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, traceIDKey{}, traceID)
// NewContextWithLabel creates a new context from ctx that adds a label that will
// appear in the log entry.
func NewContextWithLabel(ctx context.Context, key, value string) context.Context {
oldLabels, _ := ctx.Value(labelsKey{}).(map[string]string)
// Copy the labels, to preserve immutability of contexts.
newLabels := map[string]string{}
for k, v := range oldLabels {
newLabels[k] = v
newLabels[key] = value
return context.WithValue(ctx, labelsKey{}, newLabels)
// stdlibLogger uses the Go standard library logger.
type stdlibLogger struct{}
func (stdlibLogger) log(ctx context.Context, s logging.Severity, payload interface{}) {
var extras []string
traceID, _ := ctx.Value(traceIDKey{}).(string) // if not present, traceID is ""
if traceID != "" {
extras = append(extras, fmt.Sprintf("traceID %s", traceID))
if labels, ok := ctx.Value(labelsKey{}).(map[string]string); ok {
extras = append(extras, fmt.Sprint(labels))
var extra string
if len(extras) > 0 {
extra = " (" + strings.Join(extras, ", ") + ")"
log.Printf("%s%s: %+v", s, extra, payload)
// Infof logs a formatted string at the Info level.
func Infof(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
logf(ctx, logging.Info, format, args)
// Warningf logs a formatted string at the Warning level.
func Warningf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
logf(ctx, logging.Warning, format, args)
// Errorf logs a formatted string at the Error level.
func Errorf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
logf(ctx, logging.Error, format, args)
// Debugf logs a formatted string at the Debug level.
func Debugf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
logf(ctx, logging.Debug, format, args)
// Fatalf logs formatted string at the Critical level followed by exiting the program.
func Fatalf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
logf(ctx, logging.Critical, format, args)
func logf(ctx context.Context, s logging.Severity, format string, args []interface{}) {
doLog(ctx, s, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
// Info logs arg, which can be a string or a struct, at the Info level.
func Info(ctx context.Context, arg interface{}) { doLog(ctx, logging.Info, arg) }
// Warning logs arg, which can be a string or a struct, at the Warning level.
func Warning(ctx context.Context, arg interface{}) { doLog(ctx, logging.Warning, arg) }
// Error logs arg, which can be a string or a struct, at the Error level.
func Error(ctx context.Context, arg interface{}) { doLog(ctx, logging.Error, arg) }
// Debug logs arg, which can be a string or a struct, at the Debug level.
func Debug(ctx context.Context, arg interface{}) { doLog(ctx, logging.Debug, arg) }
// Fatal logs arg, which can be a string or a struct, at the Critical level followed by exiting the program.
func Fatal(ctx context.Context, arg interface{}) {
doLog(ctx, logging.Critical, arg)
func doLog(ctx context.Context, s logging.Severity, payload interface{}) {
if getLevel() > s {
l := logger
l.log(ctx, s, payload)
func die() {
// toLevel returns the logging.Severity for a given string.
// Possible input values are "", "debug", "info", "warning", "error", "fatal".
// In case of invalid string input, it maps to DefaultLevel.
func toLevel(v string) logging.Severity {
v = strings.ToLower(v)
switch v {
case "":
// default log level will print everything.
return logging.Default
case "debug":
return logging.Debug
case "info":
return logging.Info
case "warning":
return logging.Warning
case "error":
return logging.Error
case "fatal":
return logging.Critical
// Default log level in case of invalid input.
log.Printf("Error: %s is invalid LogLevel. Possible values are [debug, info, warning, error, fatal]", v)
return logging.Default