blob: 7277b2b74395867669d282661f3d9f722281a5f1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package benchproc
import (
// A Filter filters benchmarks and benchmark observations.
type Filter struct {
// match is the filter function that implements this filter.
match filterFn
// filterFn is a filter function. If it matches individual measurements,
// it returns a non-nil mask (and the bool result is ignored). If it
// matches whole results, it returns a nil mask and a single boolean
// match result.
type filterFn func(res *benchfmt.Result) (mask, bool)
// NewFilter constructs a result filter from a boolean filter
// expression, such as ".name:Copy /size:4k". See "go doc
//" for a description of filter
// syntax.
// To create a filter that matches everything, pass "*" for query.
func NewFilter(query string) (*Filter, error) {
q, err := parse.ParseFilter(query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Recursively walk the filter expression, "compiling" it into
// a filterFn.
// We cache extractor functions since it's common to see the
// same key multiple times.
extractors := make(map[string]extractor)
var walk func(q parse.Filter) (filterFn, error)
walk = func(q parse.Filter) (filterFn, error) {
var err error
switch q := q.(type) {
case *parse.FilterOp:
subs := make([]filterFn, len(q.Exprs))
for i, sub := range q.Exprs {
subs[i], err = walk(sub)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return filterOp(q.Op, subs), nil
case *parse.FilterMatch:
if q.Key == ".unit" {
return func(res *benchfmt.Result) (mask, bool) {
// Find the units this matches.
m := newMask(len(res.Values))
for i := range res.Values {
if q.MatchString(res.Values[i].Unit) || (res.Values[i].OrigUnit != "" && q.MatchString(res.Values[i].OrigUnit)) {
return m, false
}, nil
if q.Key == ".config" {
return nil, &parse.SyntaxError{query, q.Off, ".config is only allowed in projections"}
// Construct the extractor.
ext := extractors[q.Key]
if ext == nil {
ext, err = newExtractor(q.Key)
if err != nil {
return nil, &parse.SyntaxError{query, q.Off, err.Error()}
extractors[q.Key] = ext
// Make the filter function.
return func(res *benchfmt.Result) (mask, bool) {
return nil, q.Match(ext(res))
}, nil
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown query node type %T", q))
f, err := walk(q)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Filter{f}, nil
func filterOp(op parse.Op, subs []filterFn) filterFn {
switch op {
case parse.OpNot:
sub := subs[0]
return func(res *benchfmt.Result) (mask, bool) {
m, x := sub(res)
if m == nil {
return nil, !x
return m, false
case parse.OpAnd:
return func(res *benchfmt.Result) (mask, bool) {
var m mask
for _, sub := range subs {
m2, x := sub(res)
if m2 == nil {
if !x {
// Short-circuit
return nil, false
} else if m == nil {
m = m2
} else {
return m, true
case parse.OpOr:
return func(res *benchfmt.Result) (mask, bool) {
var m mask
for _, sub := range subs {
m2, x := sub(res)
if m2 == nil {
if x {
// Short-circuit
return nil, true
} else if m == nil {
m = m2
} else {
return m, false
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown query op %v", op))
// Note: Right now the two methods below always return a nil error, but
// the intent is to add more complicated types to projection expressions
// (such as "commit") that may filter out results they can't parse with
// an error (e.g., "unknown commit hash").
// Apply rewrites res.Values to keep only the measurements that match
// the Filter f and reports whether any measurements remain.
// Apply returns true if all or part of res.Values is kept by the filter.
// Otherwise, it sets res.Values to an empty slice and returns false
// to indicate res was completely filtered out.
// If Apply returns false, it may return a non-nil error
// indicating why the result was filtered out.
func (f *Filter) Apply(res *benchfmt.Result) (bool, error) {
m, err := f.Match(res)
return m.Apply(res), err
// Match returns the set of res.Values that match f.
// In contrast with the Apply method, this does not modify the Result.
// If the Match is empty, it may return a non-nil error
// indicating why the result was filtered out.
func (f *Filter) Match(res *benchfmt.Result) (Match, error) {
m, x := f.match(res)
return Match{len(res.Values), m, x}, nil
type mask []uint32
func newMask(n int) mask {
return mask(make([]uint32, (n+31)/32))
func (m mask) set(i int) {
m[i/32] |= 1 << (i % 32)
func (m mask) and(n mask) {
for i := range m {
m[i] &= n[i]
func (m mask) or(n mask) {
for i := range m {
m[i] |= n[i]
func (m mask) not() {
for i := range m {
m[i] = ^m[i]
// A Match records the set of result measurements that matched a filter
// query.
type Match struct {
// n is the number of bits in this match.
n int
// m and x record the result of a filterFn. See filterFn for
// their meaning.
m mask
x bool
// All reports whether all measurements in a result matched the query.
func (m *Match) All() bool {
if m.m == nil {
return m.x
for i, x := range m.m {
// Set all bits above m.n.
if x|(0xffffffff<<(m.n-i*32)) != 0xffffffff {
return false
return true
// Any reports whether any measurements in a result matched the query.
func (m *Match) Any() bool {
if m.m == nil {
return m.x
for i, x := range m.m {
// Zero all bits above m.n.
if x&^(0xffffffff<<(m.n-i*32)) != 0 {
return true
return false
// Test reports whether measurement i of a result matched the query.
func (m *Match) Test(i int) bool {
if i < 0 || i >= m.n {
return false
} else if m.m == nil {
return m.x
return m.m[i/32]&(1<<(i%32)) != 0
// Apply rewrites res.Values to keep only the measurements that match m.
// It reports whether any Values remain.
func (m *Match) Apply(res *benchfmt.Result) bool {
if m.All() {
return true
if !m.Any() {
res.Values = res.Values[:0]
return false
j := 0
for i, val := range res.Values {
if m.Test(i) {
res.Values[j] = val
res.Values = res.Values[:j]
return j > 0