blob: 42ee375594fd94b1902aae86a0286fb75bb963e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package benchproc
// A KeyHeader represents a slice of Keys, combined into a forest of
// trees by common Field values. This is intended to visually present a
// sequence of Keys in a compact form; primarily, as a header on a
// table.
// All Keys must have the same Projection. The levels of the tree
// correspond to the Fields of the Projection, and the depth of the tree
// is exactly the number of Fields. A node at level i represents a
// subslice of the Keys that all have the same values as each other for
// fields 0 through i.
// For example, given four keys:
// K[0] = a:1 b:1 c:1
// K[1] = a:1 b:1 c:2
// K[2] = a:2 b:2 c:2
// K[3] = a:2 b:3 c:3
// the KeyHeader is as follows:
// Level 0 a:1 a:2
// | / \
// Level 1 b:1 b:2 b:3
// / \ | |
// Level 2 c:1 c:2 c:2 c:3
// K[0] K[1] K[2] K[3]
type KeyHeader struct {
// Keys is the sequence of keys at the leaf level of this tree.
// Each level subdivides this sequence.
Keys []Key
// Levels are the labels for each level of the tree. Level i of the
// tree corresponds to the i'th field of all Keys.
Levels []*Field
// Top is the list of tree roots. These nodes are all at level 0.
Top []*KeyHeaderNode
// KeyHeaderNode is a node in a KeyHeader.
type KeyHeaderNode struct {
// Field is the index into KeyHeader.Levels of the Field represented
// by this node. This is also the level of this node in the tree,
// starting with 0 at the top.
Field int
// Value is the value that all Keys have in common for Field.
Value string
// Start is the index of the first Key covered by this node.
Start int
// Len is the number of Keys in the sequence represented by this node.
// This is also the number of leaf nodes in the subtree at this node.
Len int
// Children are the children of this node. These are all at level Field+1.
// Child i+1 differs from child i in the value of field Field+1.
Children []*KeyHeaderNode
// NewKeyHeader computes the KeyHeader of a slice of Keys by combining
// common prefixes of fields.
func NewKeyHeader(keys []Key) *KeyHeader {
if len(keys) == 0 {
return &KeyHeader{}
fields := commonProjection(keys).FlattenedFields()
var walk func(parent *KeyHeaderNode)
walk = func(parent *KeyHeaderNode) {
level := parent.Field + 1
if level == len(fields) {
field := fields[level]
var node *KeyHeaderNode
for j, key := range keys[parent.Start : parent.Start+parent.Len] {
val := key.Get(field)
if node != nil && val == node.Value {
// Add this key to the current node.
} else {
// Start a new node.
node = &KeyHeaderNode{level, val, parent.Start + j, 1, nil}
parent.Children = append(parent.Children, node)
for _, child := range parent.Children {
root := &KeyHeaderNode{-1, "", 0, len(keys), nil}
return &KeyHeader{keys, fields, root.Children}