blob: d8fd692237f75850d17caa81e71723ba90089a51 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package benchfmt
import (
func TestResultSetConfig(t *testing.T) {
r := &Result{}
check := func(want ...string) {
var kv []string
for _, cfg := range r.Config {
kv = append(kv, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", cfg.Key, cfg.Value))
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, kv) {
t.Errorf("want %q, got %q", want, kv)
// Check the index.
for i, cfg := range r.Config {
gotI, ok := r.ConfigIndex(string(cfg.Key))
if !ok {
t.Errorf("key %s missing from index", cfg.Key)
} else if i != gotI {
t.Errorf("key %s index: want %d, got %d", cfg.Key, i, gotI)
if len(r.Config) != len(r.configPos) {
t.Errorf("index size mismatch: %d file configs, %d index length", len(r.Config), len(r.configPos))
// Basic key additions.
r.SetConfig("a", "b")
check("a: b")
r.SetConfig("x", "y")
check("a: b", "x: y")
r.SetConfig("z", "w")
check("a: b", "x: y", "z: w")
// Update value.
r.SetConfig("x", "z")
check("a: b", "x: z", "z: w")
// Delete key.
r.SetConfig("a", "") // Check swapping
check("z: w", "x: z")
r.SetConfig("x", "") // Last key
check("z: w")
r.SetConfig("c", "") // Non-existent
check("z: w")
// Add key after deletion.
r.SetConfig("c", "d")
check("z: w", "c: d")
func TestResultGetConfig(t *testing.T) {
r := &Result{}
check := func(key, want string) {
got := r.GetConfig(key)
if want != got {
t.Errorf("for key %s: want %s, got %s", key, want, got)
check("x", "")
r.SetConfig("x", "y")
check("x", "y")
r.SetConfig("a", "b")
check("a", "b")
check("x", "y")
r.SetConfig("a", "")
check("a", "")
check("x", "y")
// Test a literal.
r = &Result{
Config: []Config{{Key: "a", Value: []byte("b")}},
check("a", "b")
check("x", "")
func TestResultValue(t *testing.T) {
r := &Result{
Values: []Value{{42, "ns/op", 42e-9, "sec/op"}, {24, "B/op", 0, ""}},
check := func(unit string, want float64) {
got, ok := r.Value(unit)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("missing unit %s", unit)
} else if want != got {
t.Errorf("for unit %s: want %v, got %v", unit, want, got)
check("ns/op", 42)
check("B/op", 24)
_, ok := r.Value("B/sec")
if ok {
t.Errorf("unexpectedly found unit %s", "B/sec")
func TestBaseName(t *testing.T) {
check := func(fullName string, want string) {
got := string(Name(fullName).Base())
if got != want {
t.Errorf("BaseName(%q) = %q, want %q", fullName, got, want)
check("Test", "Test")
check("Test-42", "Test")
check("Test/foo", "Test")
check("Test/foo-42", "Test")
func TestNameParts(t *testing.T) {
check := func(fullName string, base string, parts ...string) {
got, gotParts := Name(fullName).Parts()
fail := string(got) != string(base)
if len(gotParts) != len(parts) {
fail = true
} else {
for i := range parts {
if parts[i] != string(gotParts[i]) {
fail = true
if fail {
t.Errorf("FullName(%q) = %q, %q, want %q, %q", fullName, got, gotParts, base, parts)
check("Test", "Test")
// Gomaxprocs
check("Test-42", "Test", "-42")
// Subtests
check("Test/foo", "Test", "/foo")
check("Test/foo=42/bar=24", "Test", "/foo=42", "/bar=24")
// Both
check("Test/foo=123-42", "Test", "/foo=123", "-42")
// Looks like gomaxprocs, but isn't
check("Test/foo-bar", "Test", "/foo-bar")
check("Test/foo-1/bar", "Test", "/foo-1", "/bar")
// Trailing slash
check("Test/foo/", "Test", "/foo", "/")
// Empty name
check("", "")
check("/a/b", "", "/a", "/b")