blob: 582175241e823804273f48dab17a9399d95d81d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package table implements ordered, grouped two dimensional relations.
// There are two related abstractions: Table and Grouping.
// A Table is an ordered relation of rows and columns. Each column is
// a Go slice and hence must be homogeneously typed, but different
// columns may have different types. All columns in a Table have the
// same number of rows.
// A Grouping generalizes a Table by grouping the Table's rows into
// zero or more groups. A Table is itself a Grouping with zero or one
// groups. Most operations take a Grouping and operate on each group
// independently, though some operations sub-divide or combine groups.
// The structures of both Tables and Groupings are immutable. They are
// constructed using a Builder or a GroupingBuilder, respectively, and
// then "frozen" into their respective immutable data structures.
package table
import (
// Rename Table to T?
// Make Table an interface? Then columns could be constructed lazily.
// Do all transformation functions as func(g Grouping) Grouping? That
// could be a "Transform" type that has easy methods for chaining. In
// a lot of cases, transformation functions could just return the
// Transform returned by another function (like MapTables).
// Make an error type for "unknown column".
// A Table is an immutable, ordered two dimensional relation. It
// consists of a set of named columns. Each column is a sequence of
// values of a consistent type or a constant value. All (non-constant)
// columns have the same length.
// The zero value of Table is the "empty table": it has no rows and no
// columns. Note that a Table may have one or more columns, but no
// rows; such a Table is *not* considered empty.
// A Table is also a trivial Grouping. If a Table is empty, it has no
// groups and hence the zero value of Table is also the "empty group".
// Otherwise, it consists only of the root group, RootGroupID.
type Table struct {
cols map[string]Slice
consts map[string]interface{}
colNames []string
len int
// A Builder constructs a Table one column at a time.
// The zero value of a Builder represents an empty Table.
type Builder struct {
t Table
// A Grouping is an immutable set of tables with identical sets of
// columns, each identified by a distinct GroupID.
// Visually, a Grouping can be thought of as follows:
// Col A Col B Col C
// ------ group /a ------
// 0 5.4 "x" 90
// 1 -.2 "y" 30
// ------ group /b ------
// 0 9.3 "a" 10
// Like a Table, a Grouping's structure is immutable. To construct a
// Grouping, use a GroupingBuilder.
// Despite the fact that GroupIDs form a hierarchy, a Grouping ignores
// this hierarchy and simply operates on a flat map of distinct
// GroupIDs to Tables.
type Grouping interface {
// Columns returns the names of the columns in this Grouping,
// or nil if there are no Tables or the group consists solely
// of empty Tables. All Tables in this Grouping have the same
// set of columns.
Columns() []string
// Tables returns the group IDs of the tables in this
// Grouping.
Tables() []GroupID
// Table returns the Table in group gid, or nil if there is no
// such Table.
Table(gid GroupID) *Table
// A GroupingBuilder constructs a Grouping one table a time.
// The zero value of a GroupingBuilder represents an empty Grouping
// with no tables and no columns.
type GroupingBuilder struct {
g groupedTable
colTypes []reflect.Type
type groupedTable struct {
tables map[GroupID]*Table
groups []GroupID
colNames []string
// A Slice is a Go slice value.
// This is primarily for documentation. There is no way to statically
// enforce this in Go; however, functions that expect a Slice will
// panic with a *generic.TypeError if passed a non-slice value.
type Slice interface{}
func reflectSlice(s Slice) reflect.Value {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(s)
if rv.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
panic(&generic.TypeError{rv.Type(), nil, "is not a slice"})
return rv
// NewBuilder returns a new Builder. If t is non-nil, it populates the
// new Builder with the columns from t.
func NewBuilder(t *Table) *Builder {
if t == nil {
return new(Builder)
b := Builder{Table{
cols: make(map[string]Slice),
consts: make(map[string]interface{}),
colNames: append([]string(nil), t.Columns()...),
len: t.len,
for k, v := range t.cols {
b.t.cols[k] = v
for k, v := range t.consts {
b.t.consts[k] = v
return &b
// Add adds a column to b, or removes the named column if data is nil.
// If b already has a column with the given name, Add replaces it. If
// data is non-nil, it must have the same length as any existing
// columns or Add will panic.
func (b *Builder) Add(name string, data Slice) *Builder {
if data == nil {
// Remove the column.
if _, ok := b.t.cols[name]; !ok {
if _, ok := b.t.consts[name]; !ok {
// Nothing to remove.
return b
delete(b.t.cols, name)
delete(b.t.consts, name)
for i, n := range b.t.colNames {
if n == name {
copy(b.t.colNames[i:], b.t.colNames[i+1:])
b.t.colNames = b.t.colNames[:len(b.t.colNames)-1]
return b
// Are we replacing an existing column?
_, replace := b.t.cols[name]
if !replace {
_, replace = b.t.consts[name]
// Check the column and add it.
rv := reflectSlice(data)
dataLen := rv.Len()
if len(b.t.cols) == 0 || (replace && len(b.t.cols) == 1) {
if b.t.cols == nil {
b.t.cols = make(map[string]Slice)
// First non-constant column (possibly replacing the
// only non-constant column).
b.t.cols[name] = data
b.t.len = dataLen
} else if b.t.len != dataLen {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot add column %q with %d elements to table with %d rows", name, dataLen, b.t.len))
} else {
b.t.cols[name] = data
if replace {
// Make sure it's not in constants.
delete(b.t.consts, name)
} else {
b.t.colNames = append(b.t.colNames, name)
return b
// AddConst adds a constant column to b whose value is val. If b
// already has a column with this name, AddConst replaces it.
// A constant column has the same value in every row of the Table. It
// does not itself have an inherent length.
func (b *Builder) AddConst(name string, val interface{}) *Builder {
// Are we replacing an existing column?
_, replace := b.t.cols[name]
if !replace {
_, replace = b.t.consts[name]
if b.t.consts == nil {
b.t.consts = make(map[string]interface{})
b.t.consts[name] = val
if replace {
// Make sure it's not in cols.
delete(b.t.cols, name)
} else {
b.t.colNames = append(b.t.colNames, name)
return b
// Has returns true if b has a column named "name".
func (b *Builder) Has(name string) bool {
if _, ok := b.t.cols[name]; ok {
return true
if _, ok := b.t.consts[name]; ok {
return true
return false
// Done returns the constructed Table and resets b.
func (b *Builder) Done() *Table {
if len(b.t.colNames) == 0 {
return new(Table)
t := b.t
b.t = Table{}
return &t
// Len returns the number of rows in Table t.
func (t *Table) Len() int {
return t.len
// Columns returns the names of the columns in Table t, or nil if this
// Table is empty.
func (t *Table) Columns() []string {
return t.colNames
// Column returns the slice of data in column name of Table t, or nil
// if there is no such column. If name is a constant column, this
// returns a slice with the constant value repeated to the length of
// the Table.
func (t *Table) Column(name string) Slice {
if c, ok := t.cols[name]; ok {
// It's a regular column or a constant column with a
// cached expansion.
return c
if cv, ok := t.consts[name]; ok {
// Expand the constant column and cache the result.
expanded := slice.Repeat(cv, t.len)
t.cols[name] = expanded
return expanded
return nil
// MustColumn is like Column, but panics if there is no such column.
func (t *Table) MustColumn(name string) Slice {
if c := t.Column(name); c != nil {
return c
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown column %q", name))
// Const returns the value of constant column name. If this column
// does not exist or is not a constant column, Const returns nil,
// false.
func (t *Table) Const(name string) (val interface{}, ok bool) {
cv, ok := t.consts[name]
return cv, ok
// isEmpty returns true if t is an empty Table, meaning it has no rows
// or columns.
func (t *Table) isEmpty() bool {
return t.colNames == nil
// Tables returns the groups IDs in this Table. If t is empty, there
// are no group IDs. Otherwise, there is only RootGroupID.
func (t *Table) Tables() []GroupID {
if t.isEmpty() {
return []GroupID{}
return []GroupID{RootGroupID}
// Table returns t if gid is RootGroupID and t is not empty; otherwise
// it returns nil.
func (t *Table) Table(gid GroupID) *Table {
if gid == RootGroupID && !t.isEmpty() {
return t
return nil
// NewGroupingBuilder returns a new GroupingBuilder. If g is non-nil,
// it populates the new GroupingBuilder with the tables from g.
func NewGroupingBuilder(g Grouping) *GroupingBuilder {
if g == nil {
return new(GroupingBuilder)
b := GroupingBuilder{groupedTable{
tables: make(map[GroupID]*Table),
groups: append([]GroupID(nil), g.Tables()...),
colNames: append([]string(nil), g.Columns()...),
}, nil}
for _, gid := range g.Tables() {
t := g.Table(gid)
b.g.tables[gid] = t
if b.colTypes == nil {
b.colTypes = colTypes(t)
return &b
func colTypes(t *Table) []reflect.Type {
colTypes := make([]reflect.Type, len(t.colNames))
for i, col := range t.colNames {
if c, ok := t.cols[col]; ok {
colTypes[i] = reflect.TypeOf(c).Elem()
} else {
colTypes[i] = reflect.TypeOf(t.consts[col])
return colTypes
// Add adds a Table to b, or removes a table if t is nil. If t is the
// empty Table, this is a no-op because the empty Table contains no
// groups. If gid already exists, Add replaces it. Table t must have
// the same columns as any existing Tables in this Grouping and they
// must have identical types; otherwise, Add will panic.
// TODO This doesn't make it easy to combine two Groupings. It could
// instead take a Grouping and reparent it.
func (b *GroupingBuilder) Add(gid GroupID, t *Table) *GroupingBuilder {
if t == nil {
if _, ok := b.g.tables[gid]; !ok {
// Nothing to remove.
return b
delete(b.g.tables, gid)
for i, g2 := range b.g.groups {
if g2 == gid {
copy(b.g.groups[i:], b.g.groups[i+1:])
b.g.groups = b.g.groups[:len(b.g.groups)-1]
return b
if t != nil && t.isEmpty() {
// Adding an empty table has no effect.
return b
if len(b.g.groups) == 1 && b.g.groups[0] == gid {
// We're replacing the only group. This is allowed to
// change the shape of the Grouping.
b.g.tables[gid] = t
b.g.colNames = t.Columns()
b.colTypes = colTypes(t)
return b
} else if len(b.g.groups) == 0 {
b.g.tables = map[GroupID]*Table{gid: t}
b.g.groups = []GroupID{gid}
b.g.colNames = t.Columns()
b.colTypes = colTypes(t)
return b
// Check that t's column names match.
matches := true
if len(t.colNames) != len(b.g.colNames) {
matches = false
} else {
for i, n := range t.colNames {
if b.g.colNames[i] != n {
matches = false
if !matches {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("table columns %q do not match group columns %q", t.colNames, b.g.colNames))
// Check that t's column types match.
for i, col := range b.g.colNames {
t0 := b.colTypes[i]
var t1 reflect.Type
if c, ok := t.cols[col]; ok {
t1 = reflect.TypeOf(c).Elem()
} else if cv, ok := t.consts[col]; ok {
t1 = reflect.TypeOf(cv)
if t0 != t1 {
panic(&generic.TypeError{t0, t1, fmt.Sprintf("for column %q are not the same", col)})
// Add t.
if _, ok := b.g.tables[gid]; !ok {
b.g.groups = append(b.g.groups, gid)
b.g.tables[gid] = t
return b
// Done returns the constructed Grouping and resets b.
func (b *GroupingBuilder) Done() Grouping {
if len(b.g.groups) == 0 {
return new(groupedTable)
g := b.g
b.g = groupedTable{}
return &g
func (g *groupedTable) Columns() []string {
return g.colNames
func (g *groupedTable) Tables() []GroupID {
return g.groups
func (g *groupedTable) Table(gid GroupID) *Table {
return g.tables[gid]
// ColType returns the type of column col in g. This will always be a
// slice type, even if col is a constant column. ColType panics if col
// is unknown.
// TODO: If I introduce a first-class representation for a grouped
// column, this should probably be in that.
func ColType(g Grouping, col string) reflect.Type {
tables := g.Tables()
if len(tables) == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown column %q", col))
t0 := g.Table(tables[0])
if cv, ok := t0.Const(col); ok {
return reflect.SliceOf(reflect.TypeOf(cv))
return reflect.TypeOf(t0.MustColumn(col))