blob: 17d765f66d74781368bd41f3b4290802d95df10b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package benchseries
import (
// ""
// ""
type ChartOptions int
type Point struct {
numHash, denHash string
values plotter.Values
changes []float64
changeBVID []benchValID
// because there are holes in that data, the benchmark index can be larger than the valueIndex
type benchValID struct {
benchIndex, valueIndex int
const pointRad = 5
func Chart(cs []*ComparisonSeries, pngDir, pdfDir, svgDir string, logScale bool, threshold float64, boring bool) {
doDir := func(s string) {
if s != "" {
os.MkdirAll(s, 0777)
for _, g := range cs {
var allValues []float64
// When boring runs are omitted, this is where the interesting parts go.
selectedPoints := []*Point{}
// select a subset of the points, inserting "..." whenever there is a gap.
for i, s := range g.Series {
values := make(plotter.Values, 0, len(g.Benchmarks))
changes := make([]float64, 0, len(g.Benchmarks))
changeBenches := make([]benchValID, 0, len(g.Benchmarks)) // which benchmarks changed?
for j := range g.Benchmarks {
sum := g.Summaries[i][j]
if sum.Defined() {
ch := math.NaN()
v := sum.Center
if math.IsInf(v, 0) {
if i > 0 {
psum := g.Summaries[i-1][j]
if psum.Defined() {
ch = psum.HeurOverlap(sum, threshold)
changes = append(changes, ch)
changeBenches = append(changeBenches, benchValID{j, len(values)})
values = append(values, v)
allValues = append(allValues, v)
hp := g.HashPairs[s]
selectedPoints = append(selectedPoints, &Point{numHash: hp.NumHash, denHash: hp.DenHash, values: values, changes: changes, changeBVID: changeBenches})
if len(selectedPoints) == 0 {
// Want lines that grab most of the data; it's outliers we worry about
lav := len(allValues)
const Nth = 25
lapNth := (lav + (Nth / 2)) / Nth
minLine := allValues[lapNth]
maxLine := allValues[lav-lapNth-1]
pl := plot.New()
pl.Title.Text = g.Unit
pl.Title.TextStyle.Font.Size = 40
pl.Y.Label.Text = "tip measure / baseline measure"
if logScale {
pl.Y.Scale = plot.LogScale{}
// TODO perhaps these are not the best lines for a log scale.
pl.Y.Tick.Marker = ratioLines(minLine, maxLine, allValues[0], allValues[lav-1])
} else {
pl.Y.Tick.Marker = ratioLines(minLine, maxLine, allValues[0], allValues[lav-1])
pl.Y.Tick.Label.Font.Size = 20
grid := plotter.NewGrid()
grid.Vertical.Color = nil
w := vg.Points(10)
var nominalX []string
var boxes []plot.Plotter
for i, sp := range selectedPoints {
perm := absSortedPermFor(sp.changes)
rmsChange := norm(sp.changes, 2)
sp.changes = permute(sp.changes, perm)
l := len(sp.changes)
movers := make(map[int]bool)
moves := []directedColor{}
for k := 1; k <= 5; k++ {
if l-k < 0 {
ch := sp.changes[l-k]
c := math.Abs(ch)
noteMove := func(clr color.Color) {
index := sp.changeBVID[perm[l-k]].valueIndex
bi := sp.changeBVID[perm[l-k]].benchIndex
prevIndex := -1
for _, psp := range selectedPoints[i-1].changeBVID {
if psp.benchIndex == bi {
prevIndex = psp.valueIndex
// it should not be the case that a move was recorded, yet there was no match for prevIndex
movers[index] = true
moves = append(moves, directedColor{prev: selectedPoints[i-1].values.Value(prevIndex), index: index, change: ch, clr: clr})
if c >= 100 {
} else if c > 5 {
} else if c > 4 {
} else if c > 3 {
} else {
p := sp.values
b, err := MyNewBoxPlot(w, float64(i), p, moves, movers)
if err != nil {
b.bp.BoxStyle.Color = color.Black
b.bp.GlyphStyle.Radius = pointRad
boxes = append(boxes, b)
if rmsChange > 6 {
b.bp.BoxStyle.Color = red(0xff)
b.bp.FillColor = red(0x50)
} else if rmsChange > 4 {
b.bp.BoxStyle.Color = purple(0xFF)
b.bp.FillColor = purple(0x50)
} else if percentile(sp.changes, 1) > 4 {
b.bp.BoxStyle.Color = blue(0xff)
b.bp.FillColor = blue(0x50)
label := sp.numHash + "/" + sp.denHash
nominalX = append(nominalX, label)
pl.X.Tick.Width = vg.Points(0.5)
pl.X.Tick.Length = vg.Points(8)
pl.X.Tick.Label.Rotation = -math.Pi / 8
pl.X.Tick.Label.YAlign = draw.YTop
pl.X.Tick.Label.XAlign = draw.XLeft
pl.X.Tick.Label.Font.Size = 15
// Force the unit ratio onto the graph to ensure there is a scale.
if pl.Y.Min > 1 {
pl.Y.Min = 1
if pl.Y.Max < 1 {
pl.Y.Max = 1
// Heuristic width and height
width := 1.5 * float64(2+len(selectedPoints))
height := width / 3
if pl.Y.Max > 1 && pl.Y.Max-1 > 2*(math.Max(maxLine, minLine)-1) ||
pl.Y.Min < 1 && 1-pl.Y.Min > 2*(1-math.Min(maxLine, minLine)) {
height = height * 1.5
if height < 5 {
height = 5
dpi := 300
// // Override heuristics if demanded
// if *flagWidth != 0 {
// width = *flagWidth
// }
// if *flagHeight != 0 {
// height = *flagHeight
// }
// Scale down dpi to conform to twitter limits
initialWidth := float64(dpi) * width / 2.54
if initialWidth > 8190 {
dpi = int(math.Trunc(float64(dpi) * 8190 / initialWidth))
//fmt.Printf("%s: W=%f, H=%f, DPI=%d, PYM=%f, PYm=%f, Ml=%f, ml=%f\n", filename, width, height, dpi,
// p.Y.Max, p.Y.Min, maxLine, minLine)
filename := strings.ReplaceAll(g.Unit, "/", "-per-")
do := func(dir, sfx string, can vg.CanvasWriterTo) {
file := filepath.Join(dir, filename) + "." + sfx
f, err := os.Create(file)
if err != nil {
_, err = can.WriteTo(f)
if err != nil {
if pngDir != "" {
do(pngDir, "png", vgimg.PngCanvas{Canvas: vgimg.NewWith(vgimg.UseWH(vg.Length(width)*vg.Centimeter, vg.Length(height)*vg.Centimeter),
vgimg.UseDPI(dpi), vgimg.UseBackgroundColor(color.White))})
// if pdfDir != "" {
// do(pdfDir, "pdf", vgpdf.Canvas{Canvas: vgimg.NewWith(vgimg.UseWH(vg.Length(width)*vg.Centimeter, vg.Length(height)*vg.Centimeter),
// vgimg.UseDPI(dpi), vgimg.UseBackgroundColor(color.White))})
// }
// if svgDir != "" {
// do(svgDir, "svg", vgsvg.Canvas{Canvas: vgimg.NewWith(vgimg.UseWH(vg.Length(width)*vg.Centimeter, vg.Length(height)*vg.Centimeter),
// vgimg.UseDPI(dpi), vgimg.UseBackgroundColor(color.White))})
// }
// Other formats, including default PNG
//if err := p.Save(20*vg.Inch, 5*vg.Inch, filepath.Join(dir, filename)+".png"); err != nil {
// panic(err)
//if err := p.Save(20*vg.Inch, 5*vg.Inch, filepath.Join(dir, filename)+".svg"); err != nil {
// panic(err)
//if err := p.Save(20*vg.Inch, 5*vg.Inch, filepath.Join(dir, filename)+".pdf"); err != nil {
// panic(err)
func red(alpha uint8) color.Color {
return color.NRGBA{0xFF, 0, 0, alpha}
func green(alpha uint8) color.Color {
return color.NRGBA{0, 0xFF, 0, alpha}
func blue(alpha uint8) color.Color {
return color.NRGBA{0, 0, 0xFF, alpha}
func purple(alpha uint8) color.Color {
return color.NRGBA{0x99, 0, 0xFF, alpha}
type directedColor struct {
prev float64
index int
change float64
clr color.Color
type MyBoxPlot struct {
bp *plotter.BoxPlot
movers map[int]bool
moves []directedColor
func MyNewBoxPlot(w vg.Length, loc float64, values plotter.Valuer, moves []directedColor, movers map[int]bool) (*MyBoxPlot, error) {
b, err := plotter.NewBoxPlot(w, loc, values)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &MyBoxPlot{bp: b, moves: moves, movers: movers}, nil
// Plot draws the BoxPlot on Canvas c and Plot plt.
func (p *MyBoxPlot) Plot(c draw.Canvas, plt *plot.Plot) {
b := p.bp
trX, trY := plt.Transforms(&c)
x := trX(b.Location)
px := trX(b.Location - 1)
if !c.ContainsX(x) {
x += b.Offset
px += b.Offset
med := trY(b.Median)
q1 := trY(b.Quartile1)
q3 := trY(b.Quartile3)
aLow := trY(b.AdjLow)
aHigh := trY(b.AdjHigh)
pts := []vg.Point{
{X: x - b.Width/2, Y: q1},
{X: x - b.Width/2, Y: q3},
{X: x + b.Width/2, Y: q3},
{X: x + b.Width/2, Y: q1},
{X: x - b.Width/2 - b.BoxStyle.Width/2, Y: q1},
box := c.ClipLinesY(pts)
if b.FillColor != nil {
c.FillPolygon(b.FillColor, c.ClipPolygonY(pts))
c.StrokeLines(b.BoxStyle, box...)
medLine := c.ClipLinesY([]vg.Point{
{X: x - b.Width/2, Y: med},
{X: x + b.Width/2, Y: med},
c.StrokeLines(b.MedianStyle, medLine...)
cap := b.CapWidth / 2
whisks := c.ClipLinesY(
[]vg.Point{{X: x, Y: q3}, {X: x, Y: aHigh}},
[]vg.Point{{X: x - cap, Y: aHigh}, {X: x + cap, Y: aHigh}},
[]vg.Point{{X: x, Y: q1}, {X: x, Y: aLow}},
[]vg.Point{{X: x - cap, Y: aLow}, {X: x + cap, Y: aLow}},
c.StrokeLines(b.WhiskerStyle, whisks...)
for _, out := range b.Outside {
y := trY(b.Value(out))
if c.ContainsY(y) {
c.DrawGlyphNoClip(b.GlyphStyle, vg.Point{X: x, Y: y})
for _, dc := range p.moves {
clr := dc.clr
y := trY(b.Value(dc.index))
py := trY(dc.prev)
if c.ContainsY(y) && c.ContainsY(py) {
c.SetLineStyle(draw.LineStyle{Color: clr, Width: vg.Points(1)})
p := make(vg.Path, 0, 3)
p.Move(vg.Point{X: px, Y: py})
p.Line(vg.Point{X: x, Y: y})
func (b *MyBoxPlot) DataRange() (float64, float64, float64, float64) { return b.bp.DataRange() }
func (b *MyBoxPlot) GlyphBoxes(plt *plot.Plot) []plot.GlyphBox { return b.bp.GlyphBoxes(plt) }
func (b *MyBoxPlot) OutsideLabels(labels plotter.Labeller) (*plotter.Labels, error) {
return b.bp.OutsideLabels(labels)
const (
cosπover4 = vg.Length(.707106781202420)
sinπover6 = vg.Length(.500000000025921)
cosπover6 = vg.Length(.866025403769473)
// CrossGlyph is a glyph that draws a big X.
// this version draws a heavier X.
type CrossGlyph struct{}
// DrawGlyph implements the Glyph interface.
func (CrossGlyph) DrawGlyph(c *draw.Canvas, sty draw.GlyphStyle, pt vg.Point) {
c.SetLineStyle(draw.LineStyle{Color: sty.Color, Width: vg.Points(1)})
r := sty.Radius * cosπover4
p := make(vg.Path, 0, 2)
p.Move(vg.Point{X: pt.X - r, Y: pt.Y - r})
p.Line(vg.Point{X: pt.X + r, Y: pt.Y + r})
p = p[:0]
p.Move(vg.Point{X: pt.X - r, Y: pt.Y + r})
p.Line(vg.Point{X: pt.X + r, Y: pt.Y - r})
type TriDown struct{}
// DrawGlyph implements the Glyph interface.
func (TriDown) DrawGlyph(c *draw.Canvas, sty draw.GlyphStyle, pt vg.Point) {
c.SetLineStyle(draw.LineStyle{Color: sty.Color, Width: vg.Points(1)})
r := sty.Radius * cosπover4
p := make(vg.Path, 0, 3)
p.Move(vg.Point{X: pt.X - r, Y: pt.Y + r})
p.Line(vg.Point{X: pt.X, Y: pt.Y - r})
p = p[:0]
p.Move(vg.Point{X: pt.X + r, Y: pt.Y + r})
p.Line(vg.Point{X: pt.X, Y: pt.Y - r})
p = p[:0]
p.Move(vg.Point{X: pt.X - r, Y: pt.Y})
p.Line(vg.Point{X: pt.X + r, Y: pt.Y})
type TriUp struct{}
// DrawGlyph implements the Glyph interface.
func (TriUp) DrawGlyph(c *draw.Canvas, sty draw.GlyphStyle, pt vg.Point) {
c.SetLineStyle(draw.LineStyle{Color: sty.Color, Width: vg.Points(1)})
r := sty.Radius * cosπover4
p := make(vg.Path, 0, 3)
p.Move(vg.Point{X: pt.X - r, Y: pt.Y - r})
p.Line(vg.Point{X: pt.X, Y: pt.Y + r})
p = p[:0]
p.Move(vg.Point{X: pt.X + r, Y: pt.Y - r})
p.Line(vg.Point{X: pt.X, Y: pt.Y + r})
p = p[:0]
p.Move(vg.Point{X: pt.X - r, Y: pt.Y})
p.Line(vg.Point{X: pt.X + r, Y: pt.Y})
type Lines struct {
ticks []plot.Tick
// roundish finds a roundish fraction less than x, and the number of digits for formatting.
// x is distance from 1.0, so 1 +/- roundish(x) gives a good location for a grid line.
func roundish(x float64) (float64, int) {
if !(x > 0) { // catch NaN also.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Roundish(%.9g <= 0)", x))
if x >= 1 {
return math.Trunc(x), 0
if x >= 0.5 {
return 0.5, 1
if x >= 0.25 {
return 0.25, 2
if x >= 0.2 {
return 0.2, 1
if x >= 0.1 {
return 0.1, 1
x, n := roundish(x * 10)
return x / 10, n + 1
func reverseTicks(ticks []plot.Tick) []plot.Tick {
l := len(ticks)
for i := 0; i < l/2; i++ {
ticks[i], ticks[l-i-1] = ticks[l-i-1], ticks[i]
return ticks
func ratioLines(low, high, min, max float64) Lines {
if high <= 1 {
if low == 1 {
// TODO this is a degenerate case
return Lines{ticks: []plot.Tick{one}}
step, k := roundish(1 - low)
var ticks []plot.Tick
for t := 1.0; t > min; t -= step {
ticks = append(ticks, tick(t, k))
return Lines{ticks: reverseTicks(ticks)}
} else if low >= 1 {
step, k := roundish(high - 1)
k++ // for 1.frac
var ticks []plot.Tick
for t := 1.0; t < max; t += step {
ticks = append(ticks, tick(t, k))
return Lines{ticks: ticks}
rmin, kmin := roundish(1 - low)
rmax, k := roundish(high - 1)
if rmax < rmin {
rmax = rmin
k = kmin
k++ // for 1.frac
step := rmax
var ticks []plot.Tick
for t := 1.0; t > min; t -= step {
ticks = append(ticks, tick(t, k))
ticks = reverseTicks(ticks)
for t := 1.0 + step; t < max; t += step {
ticks = append(ticks, tick(t, k))
return Lines{ticks: ticks}
func tick(x float64, k int) plot.Tick {
return plot.Tick{Value: x, Label: fmt.Sprintf("%.[2]*[1]g", x, k)}
var one = plot.Tick{
Value: 1.0, Label: "1.0",
func (u Lines) Ticks(min, max float64) []plot.Tick {
return u.ticks