blob: 87641a575e892b39023c0b887bcc28a16ee0c2a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package table
import (
// MapTables applies f to each Table in g and returns a new Grouping
// with the same group structure as g, but with the Tables returned by
// f.
func MapTables(g Grouping, f func(gid GroupID, table *Table) *Table) Grouping {
var out GroupingBuilder
for _, gid := range g.Tables() {
out.Add(gid, f(gid, g.Table(gid)))
return out.Done()
// MapCols applies f to a set of input columns to construct a set of
// new output columns.
// For each Table in g, MapCols calls f(in[0], in[1], ..., out[0],
// out[1], ...) where in[i] is column incols[i]. f should process the
// values in the input column slices and fill output columns slices
// out[j] accordingly. MapCols returns a new Grouping that adds each
// outcols[j] bound to out[j].
// If all of the input columns are constant for a given table, MapCols
// will call f with all slices of length 1. The input column slices
// will contain the constant column values and MapCols will bind each
// output column value out[i][0] as a constant.
func MapCols(g Grouping, f interface{}, incols ...string) func(outcols ...string) Grouping {
return func(outcols ...string) Grouping {
fv := reflect.ValueOf(f)
if fv.Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic(&generic.TypeError{fv.Type(), nil, "must be a function"})
ft := fv.Type()
if ft.NumIn() != len(incols)+len(outcols) {
panic(&generic.TypeError{ft, nil, fmt.Sprintf("has the wrong number of arguments; expected %d", len(incols)+len(outcols))})
if ft.NumOut() != 0 {
panic(&generic.TypeError{ft, nil, "has the wrong number of results; expected 0"})
// Create output column slices.
totalRows := 0
for _, gid := range g.Tables() {
t := g.Table(gid)
for _, incol := range incols {
if _, ok := t.Const(incol); !ok {
totalRows += g.Table(gid).Len()
break colloop
ocols := make([]reflect.Value, len(outcols))
for i := range ocols {
ocols[i] = reflect.MakeSlice(ft.In(i+len(incols)), totalRows, totalRows)
// Apply f to each group.
var out GroupingBuilder
args := make([]reflect.Value, len(incols)+len(outcols))
opos := 0
for _, gid := range g.Tables() {
t := g.Table(gid)
// Are all inputs are constants?
allConst := true
for _, incol := range incols {
if _, ok := t.Const(incol); !ok {
allConst = false
if allConst {
for i, incol := range incols {
cv, _ := t.Const(incol)
args[i] = reflect.MakeSlice(ColType(t, incol), 1, 1)
for i, ocol := range ocols {
args[i+len(incols)] = reflect.MakeSlice(ocol.Type(), 1, 1)
tb := NewBuilder(t)
for i, outcol := range outcols {
tb.AddConst(outcol, args[i+len(incols)].Index(0).Interface())
out.Add(gid, tb.Done())
// Prepare arguments.
for i, incol := range incols {
args[i] = reflect.ValueOf(t.MustColumn(incol))
for i, ocol := range ocols {
args[i+len(incols)] = ocol.Slice(opos, opos+t.Len())
opos += t.Len()
// Call f.
// Add output columns.
tb := NewBuilder(t)
for i, outcol := range outcols {
tb.Add(outcol, args[i+len(incols)].Interface())
out.Add(gid, tb.Done())
return out.Done()
// Rename returns g with column 'from' renamed to 'to'. The column
// retains its position.
func Rename(g Grouping, from, to string) Grouping {
return MapTables(g, func(_ GroupID, t *Table) *Table {
var nt Builder
for _, col := range t.Columns() {
if col == to {
ncol := col
if col == from {
ncol = to
if cv, ok := t.Const(col); ok {
nt.AddConst(ncol, cv)
} else {
nt.Add(ncol, t.Column(col))
return nt.Done()
// Remove returns g with column 'col' removed.
func Remove(g Grouping, col string) Grouping {
return MapTables(g, func(_ GroupID, t *Table) *Table {
var nt Builder
for _, col2 := range t.Columns() {
if col == col2 {
if cv, ok := t.Const(col2); ok {
nt.AddConst(col2, cv)
} else {
nt.Add(col2, t.Column(col2))
return nt.Done()