blob: 7b652f1e4ea834603d39c3609ce78d369bcd34b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package benchstat
import (
// A Scaler is a function that scales and formats a measurement.
// All measurements within a given table row are formatted
// using the same scaler, so that the units are consistent
// across the row.
type Scaler func(float64) string
// NewScaler returns a Scaler appropriate for formatting
// the measurement val, which has the given unit.
func NewScaler(val float64, unit string) Scaler {
if hasBaseUnit(unit, "ns/op") || hasBaseUnit(unit, "ns/GC") {
return timeScaler(val)
var format string
var scale float64
var suffix string
prescale := 1.0
if hasBaseUnit(unit, "MB/s") {
prescale = 1e6
switch x := val * prescale; {
case x >= 99500000000000:
format, scale, suffix = "%.0f", 1e12, "T"
case x >= 9950000000000:
format, scale, suffix = "%.1f", 1e12, "T"
case x >= 995000000000:
format, scale, suffix = "%.2f", 1e12, "T"
case x >= 99500000000:
format, scale, suffix = "%.0f", 1e9, "G"
case x >= 9950000000:
format, scale, suffix = "%.1f", 1e9, "G"
case x >= 995000000:
format, scale, suffix = "%.2f", 1e9, "G"
case x >= 99500000:
format, scale, suffix = "%.0f", 1e6, "M"
case x >= 9950000:
format, scale, suffix = "%.1f", 1e6, "M"
case x >= 995000:
format, scale, suffix = "%.2f", 1e6, "M"
case x >= 99500:
format, scale, suffix = "%.0f", 1e3, "k"
case x >= 9950:
format, scale, suffix = "%.1f", 1e3, "k"
case x >= 995:
format, scale, suffix = "%.2f", 1e3, "k"
case x >= 99.5:
format, scale, suffix = "%.0f", 1, ""
case x >= 9.95:
format, scale, suffix = "%.1f", 1, ""
format, scale, suffix = "%.2f", 1, ""
if hasBaseUnit(unit, "B/op") || hasBaseUnit(unit, "bytes/op") || hasBaseUnit(unit, "bytes") {
suffix += "B"
if hasBaseUnit(unit, "MB/s") {
suffix += "B/s"
scale /= prescale
return func(val float64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(format+suffix, val/scale)
func timeScaler(ns float64) Scaler {
var format string
var scale float64
switch x := ns / 1e9; {
case x >= 99.5:
format, scale = "%.0fs", 1
case x >= 9.95:
format, scale = "%.1fs", 1
case x >= 0.995:
format, scale = "%.2fs", 1
case x >= 0.0995:
format, scale = "%.0fms", 1000
case x >= 0.00995:
format, scale = "%.1fms", 1000
case x >= 0.000995:
format, scale = "%.2fms", 1000
case x >= 0.0000995:
format, scale = "%.0fµs", 1000*1000
case x >= 0.00000995:
format, scale = "%.1fµs", 1000*1000
case x >= 0.000000995:
format, scale = "%.2fµs", 1000*1000
case x >= 0.0000000995:
format, scale = "%.0fns", 1000*1000*1000
case x >= 0.00000000995:
format, scale = "%.1fns", 1000*1000*1000
format, scale = "%.2fns", 1000*1000*1000
return func(ns float64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(format, ns/1e9*scale)
// hasBaseUnit reports whether s has unit unit.
// For now, it reports whether s == unit or s ends in -unit.
func hasBaseUnit(s, unit string) bool {
return s == unit || strings.HasSuffix(s, "-"+unit)