blob: 01c2b2759471be61eed125885de2b0d48c5cae9e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package parse
import (
// A SyntaxError is an error produced by parsing a malformed expression.
type SyntaxError struct {
Query string // The original query string
Off int // Byte offset of the error in Query
Msg string // Error message
func (e *SyntaxError) Error() string {
// Translate byte offset to a rune offset.
pos := 0
for i, r := range e.Query {
if i >= e.Off {
if unicode.IsGraphic(r) {
return fmt.Sprintf("syntax error: %s\n\t%s\n\t%*s^", e.Msg, e.Query, pos, "")
type errorTracker struct {
qOrig string
err *SyntaxError
func (t *errorTracker) error(q string, msg string) {
off := len(t.qOrig) - len(q)
if t.err == nil {
t.err = &SyntaxError{t.qOrig, off, msg}
// A tok is a single token in the filter/projection lexical syntax.
type tok struct {
// Kind specifies the category of this token. It is either 'w'
// or 'q' for an unquoted or quoted word, respectively, 'r'
// for a regexp, an operator character, or 0 for the
// end-of-string token.
Kind byte
Off int // Byte offset of the beginning of this token
Tok string // Literal token contents; quoted words are unescaped
Regexp *regexp.Regexp
type tokenizer struct {
q string
errt *errorTracker
func newTokenizer(q string) tokenizer {
return tokenizer{q, &errorTracker{q, nil}}
func isOp(ch rune) bool {
return ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == ':' || ch == '@' || ch == ','
// At the beginning of a word, we accept "-" and "*" as operators,
// but in the middle of words we treat them as part of the word.
func isStartOp(ch rune) bool {
return isOp(ch) || ch == '-' || ch == '*'
func isSpace(q string) int {
if q[0] == ' ' {
return 1
r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(q)
if unicode.IsSpace(r) {
return size
return 0
// keyOrOp returns the next key or operator token.
// A key may be a bare word or a quoted word.
func (t *tokenizer) keyOrOp() (tok, tokenizer) {
// valueOrOp returns the next value or operator token.
// A value may be a bare word, a quoted word, or a regexp.
func (t *tokenizer) valueOrOp() (tok, tokenizer) {
// end asserts that t has reached the end of the token stream. If it
// has not, it returns a tokenizer the reports an error.
func (t *tokenizer) end() tokenizer {
if tok, _ := t.keyOrOp(); tok.Kind != 0 {
_, t2 := t.error("unexpected " + strconv.Quote(tok.Tok))
return t2
return *t
func (t *tokenizer) next(allowRegexp bool) (tok, tokenizer) {
for len(t.q) > 0 {
if isStartOp(rune(t.q[0])) {
return t.tok(t.q[0], t.q[:1], t.q[1:])
} else if n := isSpace(t.q); n > 0 {
t.q = t.q[n:]
} else if allowRegexp && t.q[0] == '/' {
return t.regexp()
} else if t.q[0] == '"' {
return t.quotedWord()
} else {
return t.bareWord()
// Add an EOF token. This eliminates the need for lots of
// bounds checks in the parser and gives the EOF a position.
return t.tok(0, "", "")
func (t *tokenizer) tok(kind byte, token string, rest string) (tok, tokenizer) {
off := len(t.errt.qOrig) - len(t.q)
return tok{kind, off, token, nil}, tokenizer{rest, t.errt}
func (t *tokenizer) error(msg string) (tok, tokenizer) {
t.errt.error(t.q, msg)
// Move to the end.
return t.tok(0, "", "")
func (t *tokenizer) quotedWord() (tok, tokenizer) {
pos := 1 // Skip initial "
for pos < len(t.q) && (t.q[pos] != '"' || t.q[pos-1] == '\\') {
if pos == len(t.q) {
return t.error("missing end quote")
// Parse the quoted string.
word, err := strconv.Unquote(t.q[:pos+1])
if err != nil {
return t.error("bad escape sequence")
return t.tok('q', word, t.q[pos+1:])
func (t *tokenizer) bareWord() (tok, tokenizer) {
// Consume until a space or operator. We only take "-"
// as an operator immediately following another space
// or operator so things like "foo-bar" work as
// expected.
end := len(t.q)
for i, r := range t.q {
if unicode.IsSpace(r) || isOp(r) {
end = i
word := t.q[:end]
if word == "AND" {
return t.tok('A', word, t.q[end:])
} else if word == "OR" {
return t.tok('O', word, t.q[end:])
return t.tok('w', word, t.q[end:])
// quoteWord returns a string that tokenizes as the word s.
func quoteWord(s string) string {
if len(s) == 0 {
return `""`
for i, r := range s {
switch r {
case '"', ' ', '\a', '\b':
return strconv.Quote(s)
if isOp(r) || unicode.IsSpace(r) || (i == 0 && (r == '-' || r == '*')) {
return strconv.Quote(s)
// No quoting necessary.
return s
func (t *tokenizer) regexp() (tok, tokenizer) {
expr, rest, err := regexpParseUntil(t.q[1:], "/")
if err == errNoDelim {
return t.error("missing close \"/\"")
} else if err != nil {
return t.error(err.Error())
r, err := regexp.Compile(expr)
if err != nil {
return t.error(err.Error())
// To avoid confusion when "/" appears in the regexp itself,
// we require space or an operator after the close "/".
q2 := rest[1:]
if !(q2 == "" || unicode.IsSpace(rune(q2[0])) || isStartOp(rune(q2[0]))) {
t.q = q2
return t.error("regexp must be followed by space or an operator (unescaped \"/\"?)")
tok, next := t.tok('r', expr, q2)
tok.Regexp = r
return tok, next
var errNoDelim = errors.New("unterminated regexp")
// regexpParseUntil parses a regular expression from the beginning of str
// until the string delim appears at the top level of the expression.
// It returns the regular expression prefix of str and the remainder of str.
// If successful, rest will always begin with delim.
// If delim does not appear at the top level of str, it returns str, "", errNoDelim.
// TODO: There are corner cases this doesn't get right. Replace it
// with a standard library call if #44254 is implemented.
func regexpParseUntil(str, delim string) (expr, rest string, err error) {
cs := 0
cp := 0
for i := 0; i < len(str); {
if cs == 0 && cp == 0 && strings.HasPrefix(str[i:], delim) {
return str[:i], str[i:], nil
switch str[i] {
case '[':
case ']':
if cs--; cs < 0 { // An unmatched ']' is legal.
cs = 0
case '(':
if cs == 0 {
case ')':
if cs == 0 {
case '\\':
return str, "", errNoDelim