blob: 85c48204b66dbd5ddff9aff519af3837d3523e85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package db_test
import (
. ""
// Most of the db package is tested via the end-to-end-tests in perf/storage/app.
func TestSplitQueryWords(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
q string
want []string
{"hello world", []string{"hello", "world"}},
{"hello\\ world", []string{"hello world"}},
{`"key:value two" and\ more`, []string{"key:value two", "and more"}},
{`one" two"\ three four`, []string{"one two three", "four"}},
{`"4'7\""`, []string{`4'7"`}},
} {
have := SplitQueryWords(test.q)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(have, test.want) {
t.Errorf("splitQueryWords(%q) = %+v, want %+v", test.q, have, test.want)
// TestNewUpload verifies that NewUpload and InsertRecord wrote the correct rows to the database.
func TestNewUpload(t *testing.T) {
db, cleanup := dbtest.NewDB(t)
defer cleanup()
u, err := db.NewUpload(context.Background())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewUpload: %v", err)
br := benchfmt.NewReader(strings.NewReader(`
key: value
BenchmarkName 1 ns/op
r, err := br.Next()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("BenchmarkReader.Next: %v", err)
if err := u.InsertRecord(r); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("InsertRecord: %v", err)
rows, err := DBSQL(db).Query("SELECT UploadId, RecordId, Name, Value FROM RecordLabels")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("sql.Query: %v", err)
defer rows.Close()
want := map[string]string{
"key": "value",
"name": "Name",
i := 0
for rows.Next() {
var uploadid, recordid int64
var name, value string
if err := rows.Scan(&uploadid, &recordid, &name, &value); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("rows.Scan: %v")
if uploadid != 1 {
t.Errorf("uploadid = %d, want 1", uploadid)
if recordid != 0 {
t.Errorf("recordid = %d, want 0", recordid)
if want[name] != value {
t.Errorf("%s = %q, want %q", name, value, want[name])
if i != len(want) {
t.Errorf("have %d labels, want %d", i, len(want))
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("rows.Err: %v", err)
func TestQuery(t *testing.T) {
db, cleanup := dbtest.NewDB(t)
defer cleanup()
u, err := db.NewUpload(context.Background())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewUpload: %v", err)
for i := 0; i < 1024; i++ {
r := &benchfmt.Result{Labels: make(map[string]string), NameLabels: make(map[string]string), Content: "BenchmarkName 1 ns/op"}
for j := uint(0); j < 10; j++ {
r.Labels[fmt.Sprintf("label%d", j)] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", i/(1<<j))
r.NameLabels["name"] = "Name"
if err := u.InsertRecord(r); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("InsertRecord: %v", err)
tests := []struct {
q string
want []int // nil means we want an error
{"label0:0", []int{0}},
{"label1:0", []int{0, 1}},
{"label0:5 name:Name", []int{5}},
{"label0:0 label0:5", []int{}},
{"bogus query", nil},
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run("query="+test.q, func(t *testing.T) {
q := db.Query(test.q)
if test.want == nil {
if q.Next() {
t.Fatal("Next() = true, want false")
if err := q.Err(); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Err() = nil, want error")
defer func() {
if err := q.Close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Close: %v", err)
for i, num := range test.want {
if !q.Next() {
t.Fatalf("#%d: Next() = false", i)
r := q.Result()
if r.Labels["label0"] != fmt.Sprintf("%d", num) {
t.Errorf("result[%d].label0 = %q, want %d", i, r.Labels["label0"], num)
if r.NameLabels["name"] != "Name" {
t.Errorf("result[%d].name = %q, want %q", i, r.NameLabels["name"], "Name")
if err := q.Err(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Err() = %v, want nil", err)