blob: ae70c2c3dd3e8484e1a84f80b1c8405de3cb71e7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package storage
import (
func TestMemDB(t *testing.T) {
db := MemDB()
TestDB(t, db)
TestDBLock(t, db)
func TestMemVectorDB(t *testing.T) {
db := MemDB()
TestVectorDB(t, func() VectorDB { return MemVectorDB(db, testutil.Slogger(t), "") })
type maybeDB struct {
maybe bool
type maybeBatch struct {
db *maybeDB
func (db *maybeDB) Batch() Batch {
return &maybeBatch{db: db, Batch: db.DB.Batch()}
func (b *maybeBatch) MaybeApply() bool {
return b.db.maybe
// Test that when db.Batch.MaybeApply returns true,
// the memvector Batch MaybeApply applies the memvector ops.
func TestMemVectorBatchMaybeApply(t *testing.T) {
db := &maybeDB{DB: MemDB()}
vdb := MemVectorDB(db, testutil.Slogger(t), "")
b := vdb.Batch()
b.Set("apple3", embed("apple3"))
if _, ok := vdb.Get("apple3"); ok {
t.Errorf("Get(apple3) succeeded before batch apply")
b.MaybeApply() // should not apply because the db Batch does not apply
if _, ok := vdb.Get("apple3"); ok {
t.Errorf("Get(apple3) succeeded after MaybeApply that didn't apply")
db.maybe = true
b.MaybeApply() // now should apply
if _, ok := vdb.Get("apple3"); !ok {
t.Errorf("Get(apple3) failed after MaybeApply that did apply")