blob: d4034e73e61e87c7360d73068058b2d5dbf15ab7 [file] [log] [blame]
set -e
# This script deploys gaby to Cloud Run.
# It takes a single argument, the Firestore database name, which
# is also the suffix of the Cloud Run service name.
# Example:
# devel
# This command builds a docker container for gaby that refers the Firestore "devel"
# database, and deploys it as the Cloud Run service "gaby-devel".
# The script requires the OSCAR_PROJECT environment variable to be set to the project
# ID of the GCP project hosting Oscar.
# The script passes false for both the -enablesync and -enablechanges flags to gaby.
# Edit the script to pass true for one or both of them.
# You should avoid using this script to deploy to prod unless you know what you are doing.
# And you should avoid deploying anywhere from a workspace with uncommitted files;
# when debugging, it may be impossible to retrieve the exact source that produced the container.
# This script requires the following GCP permissions, and possibly others:
# Cloud Run Developer
if [[ $OSCAR_PROJECT = '' ]]; then
echo >&2 "set env var OSCAR_PROJECT to the ID of the GCP project"
exit 2
case $firestore_db in
echo >&2 "usage: $0 FIRESTORE_DB"
echo >&2 " FIRESTORE_DB must be one of: devel, prod"
exit 2
repo_root=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
set -x
docker build -f internal/gaby/Dockerfile \
-t $image \
--build-arg FIRESTORE_DB=$firestore_db \
--build-arg ENABLE_SYNC=false \
--build-arg ENABLE_CHANGES=false \
docker push $image
gcloud run deploy gaby-$firestore_db --image $image --quiet