blob: 59d7d46ff307ba2bc1a5aabde064432e20011376 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gerrit
import (
// A Change holds information for a single Gerrit change.
// This internally holds JSON encoded data,
// and only decodes what is needed.
type Change struct {
num int
data []byte
// ChangeInfo returns a [ChangeInfo] holding almost all the information
// about a [Change]. This does not include the file comments,
// which can be retrieved using the [Client.Comments] method.
func (c *Client) ChangeInfo(ch *Change) *ChangeInfo {
var ci ChangeInfo
c.unmarshal(ch, "change", &ci)
return &ci
// ChangeNumber returns the Gerrit change number.
// This is unique for a given Gerrit instance.
func (c *Client) ChangeNumber(ch *Change) int {
return ch.num
// Status returns the status of the change: NEW, MERGED, ABANDONED.
func (c *Client) ChangeStatus(ch *Change) string {
var status struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
c.unmarshal(ch, "status", &status)
return status.Status
// ChangeOwner returns the owner of the Gerrit change: the account that
// created the change.
func (c *Client) ChangeOwner(ch *Change) *AccountInfo {
var owner struct {
Owner json.RawMessage `json:"owner"`
c.unmarshal(ch, "owner", &owner)
return c.loadAccount(owner.Owner)
// ChangeSubmitter returns the account that submitted the change.
// If the change has not been submitted this returns nil.
func (c *Client) ChangeSubmitter(ch *Change) *AccountInfo {
var submitter struct {
Submitter json.RawMessage `json:"submitter"`
c.unmarshal(ch, "submitter", &submitter)
if len(submitter.Submitter) == 0 {
return nil
return c.loadAccount(submitter.Submitter)
// ChangeTimes holds relevant times for a [Change].
type ChangeTimes struct {
Created time.Time // when change was created
Updated time.Time // when change was updated, zero if never
Submitted time.Time // when change was submitted, zero if not
Abandoned time.Time // when change was abandoned, zero if not
// ChangeTimes returns the created, updated, submitted, and abandoned times
// for a change. If the change is not submitted or not abandoned,
// those times will be zero.
func (c *Client) ChangeTimes(ch *Change) ChangeTimes {
var times struct {
Created TimeStamp `json:"created"`
Updated TimeStamp `json:"updated"`
Submitted TimeStamp `json:"submitted"`
Status string `json:"status"`
c.unmarshal(ch, "times", &times)
created := times.Created.Time()
updated := times.Updated.Time()
submitted := times.Submitted.Time()
var abandoned time.Time
if times.Status == "ABANDONED" {
type message struct {
Date TimeStamp `json:"date"`
Message string `json:"message"`
var messages struct {
Messages []message `json:"messages"`
c.unmarshal(ch, "abandoned messages", &messages)
for _, msg := range slices.Backward(messages.Messages) {
if strings.HasPrefix(msg.Message, "Abandoned") {
abandoned = msg.Date.Time()
if abandoned.IsZero() {
c.slog.Error("gerrit change abandoned missing message", "num", ch.num, "data",
c.db.Panic("gerrit change abandoned missing message for %d", ch.num)
return ChangeTimes{
Created: created,
Updated: updated,
Submitted: submitted,
Abandoned: abandoned,
// ChangeSubject returns the subject of a [Change].
// This is the first line of the change description.
func (c *Client) ChangeSubject(ch *Change) string {
var subject struct {
Subject string `json:"subject"`
c.unmarshal(ch, "subject", &subject)
return subject.Subject
// ChangeMessages returns the messages on a [Change].
// These are the top-level messages created by clicking on
// the top REPLY button when reviewing a change.
// Inline file comments are returned by [Client.Comments].
func (c *Client) ChangeMessages(ch *Change) []ChangeMessageInfo {
var messages struct {
Messages []ChangeMessageInfo `json:"messages"`
c.unmarshal(ch, "messages", &messages)
return messages.Messages
// ChangeDescription returns the current description of the change.
func (c *Client) ChangeDescription(ch *Change) string {
type commitInfo struct {
Message string `json:"message"`
type revisionInfo struct {
Commit commitInfo `json:"commit"`
var revisions struct {
CurrentRevision string `json:"current_revision"`
Revisions map[string]revisionInfo `json:"revisions"`
c.unmarshal(ch, "current revision", &revisions)
rev, ok := revisions.Revisions[revisions.CurrentRevision]
if !ok {
c.slog.Error("gerrit no revision data for current revision", "num", ch.num, "data",, "currentRevision", revisions.CurrentRevision)
c.db.Panic("gerrit no revision data for current revision for %d", ch.num)
return rev.Commit.Message
// ChangeWorkInProgress reports whether the change is marked as
// work-in-progress.
func (c *Client) ChangeWorkInProgress(ch *Change) bool {
var workInProgress struct {
WorkInProgress bool `json:"work_in_progress"`
c.unmarshal(ch, "work in progress", &workInProgress)
return workInProgress.WorkInProgress
// ChangeReviewed returns a list of accounts that have reviewed this change.
// Note that this is not identical to ChangeInfo.Reviewers,
// which includes both reviewers and people CC'ed.
func (c *Client) ChangeReviewed(ch *Change) []*AccountInfo {
var reviewers struct {
Reviewers map[string][]json.RawMessage `json:"reviewers"`
c.unmarshal(ch, "reviewed", &reviewers)
revs := reviewers.Reviewers["REVIEWER"]
if len(revs) == 0 {
return nil
ret := make([]*AccountInfo, 0, len(revs))
for _, rev := range revs {
ret = append(ret, c.loadAccount(rev))
return ret
// ChangeLabels returns a map from label names to LabelInfo values.
func (c *Client) ChangeLabels(ch *Change) map[string]*LabelInfo {
var labels struct {
Labels map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"labels"`
c.unmarshal(ch, "labels", &labels)
ret := make(map[string]*LabelInfo, len(labels.Labels))
for name, msg := range labels.Labels {
ret[name] = c.unmarshalLabel(ch, msg)
return ret
// ChangeLabel returns information about a label.
// It returns nil if that label is not present.
func (c *Client) ChangeLabel(ch *Change, label string) *LabelInfo {
var labels struct {
Labels map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"labels"`
c.unmarshal(ch, "labels", &labels)
msg, ok := labels.Labels[label]
if !ok {
return nil
return c.unmarshalLabel(ch, msg)
// unmarshalLabel unmarshals a LabelInfo.
func (c *Client) unmarshalLabel(ch *Change, input json.RawMessage) *LabelInfo {
type approvalInfo struct {
Value int `json:"value,omitempty"`
PermittedVotingRange VotingRangeInfo `json:"permitted_voting_range,omitempty"`
Date TimeStamp `json:"date,omitempty"`
Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"`
PostSubmit bool `json:"post_submit,omitempty"`
type labelInfo struct {
Optional bool `json:"optional,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
Approved json.RawMessage `json:"approved,omitempty"`
Rejected json.RawMessage `json:"rejected,omitempty"`
Recommended json.RawMessage `json:"recommended,omitempty"`
Disliked json.RawMessage `json:"disliked,omitempty"`
Blocking bool `json:"blocking,omitempty"`
Value int `json:"value,omitempty"`
DefaultValue int `json:"default_value,omitempty"`
Votes []int `json:"votes,omitempty"`
All []json.RawMessage `json:"all,omitempty"`
Values map[string]string `json:"values,omitempty"`
var li labelInfo
if err := json.Unmarshal(input, &li); err != nil {
c.slog.Error("gerrit label info decode failure", "num", ch.num, "data",, "err", err)
c.db.Panic("gerrit label info decode failure", "num", ch.num, "err", err)
all := make([]*ApprovalInfo, 0, len(li.All))
for _, aai := range li.All {
ac := c.loadAccount(aai)
var jai approvalInfo
if err := json.Unmarshal(aai, &jai); err != nil {
c.slog.Error("gerrit label approval decode failure", "num", ch.num, "data",, "err", err)
c.db.Panic("gerrit label approval decode failure", "num", ch.num, "err", err)
bai := &ApprovalInfo{
AccountInfo: ac,
Value: jai.Value,
PermittedVotingRange: jai.PermittedVotingRange,
Date: jai.Date,
Tag: jai.Tag,
PostSubmit: jai.PostSubmit,
all = append(all, bai)
return &LabelInfo{
Optional: li.Optional,
Description: li.Description,
Approved: c.loadAccount(li.Approved),
Rejected: c.loadAccount(li.Rejected),
Recommended: c.loadAccount(li.Recommended),
Disliked: c.loadAccount(li.Disliked),
Blocking: li.Blocking,
Value: li.Value,
DefaultValue: li.DefaultValue,
Votes: li.Votes,
All: all,
Values: li.Values,
// ChangeCommitAuthor returns the author of a given patch set number
// of a change. If the patch set number does not exist or the information
// is missing, this returns nil.
func (c *Client) ChangeCommitAuthor(ch *Change, patchset int) *GitPersonInfo {
var revisions struct {
Revisions map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"revisions"`
c.unmarshal(ch, "revisions", &revisions)
for _, rev := range revisions.Revisions {
var number struct {
Number int `json:"_number"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(rev, &number); err != nil {
c.slog.Error("gerrit revision number decode failure", "num", ch.num, "data",, "err", err)
c.db.Panic("gerrit revision number decode failure", "num", ch.num, "err", err)
if number.Number != patchset {
type commitInfo struct {
Author *GitPersonInfo `json:"author"`
var commit struct {
Commit *commitInfo `json:"commit"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(rev, &commit); err != nil {
c.slog.Error("gerrit revision commit decode failure", "num", ch.num, "data",, "err", err)
c.db.Panic("gerrit revision commit decode failure", "num", ch.num, "err", err)
if commit.Commit == nil {
return nil
return commit.Commit.Author
return nil
// ChangeHashTags returns the list of hashtags set on the change.
func (c *Client) ChangeHashtags(ch *Change) []string {
var hashtags struct {
Hashtags []string `json:"hashtags"`
c.unmarshal(ch, "hashtags", &hashtags)
return hashtags.Hashtags
// ChangeCommentCounts returns the total number of comments and the
// nmber of unresolved comments.
func (c *Client) ChangeCommentCounts(ch *Change) (total, unresolved int) {
var counts struct {
TotalCommentCount int `json:"total_comment_count"`
UnresolvedCommentCount int `json:"unresolved_comment_count"`
c.unmarshal(ch, "comment counts", &counts)
return counts.TotalCommentCount, counts.UnresolvedCommentCount
// unmarshal unmarshals into a value. If the unmarshal fails, it
// crashes with an error.
func (c *Client) unmarshal(ch *Change, msg string, val any) {
if err := json.Unmarshal(, val); err != nil {
c.slog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("gerrit %s decode failure", msg), "num", ch.num, "data",, "err", err)
c.db.Panic(fmt.Sprintf("gerrit %s decode failure", msg), "num", ch.num, "err", err)