blob: 3a4d6fbd549a1e33f0e0ab84920be725a7f8027c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package githubdocs implements converting GitHub issues into text docs
// for [].
package githubdocs
import (
// Sync writes to dc docs corresponding to each issue in gh that is
// new since the last call to Sync.
// If an issue is edited on GitHub, it will appear new in gh and
// the new text will be written to dc, replacing the old issue text.
// Only the issue body (what looks like the top comment in the UI)
// is saved as a document.
// The document ID for each issue is its GitHub URL: "<org>/<repo>/issues/<n>".
func Sync(ctx context.Context, lg *slog.Logger, dc *docs.Corpus, gh *github.Client) {
w := gh.EventWatcher("githubdocs")
for e := range w.Recent() {
if e.API != "/issues" {
lg.Debug("githubdocs sync", "issue", e.Issue, "dbtime", e.DBTime)
issue := e.Typed.(*github.Issue)
title := cleanTitle(issue.Title)
text := cleanBody(issue.Body)
dc.Add(fmt.Sprintf("", e.Project, e.Issue), title, text)
// Restart causes the next call to Sync to behave as if
// it has never sync'ed any issues before.
// The result is that all issues will be reconverted to doc form
// and re-added.
// Docs that have not changed since the last addition to the corpus
// will appear unmodified; others will be marked new in the corpus.
func Restart(lg *slog.Logger, gh *github.Client) {
// cleanTitle should clean the title for indexing.
// For now we assume the LLM is good enough at Markdown not to bother.
func cleanTitle(title string) string {
return title
// cleanBody should clean the body for indexing.
// For now we assume the LLM is good enough at Markdown not to bother.
// In the future we may want to make various changes like inlining
// the programs associated with playground URLs,
// and we may also want to remove any HTML tags from the Markdown.
func cleanBody(body string) string {
return body