blob: 0aafc9b3e909f6fbfeb2b45eb3d38d6bb8c17e6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package search performs nearest neigbors searches over
// vector databases, allowing the caller to specify filters
// for the results.
package search
import (
// QueryRequest is a [Query] request.
// It includes the document to search for neighbors of, and
// (optional) result filters.
type QueryRequest struct {
// Options are the results filters that can be passed to the search
// functions as part of a [QueryRequest] or [VectorRequest].
// TODO(tatianabradley): Make kinds case insensitive.
type Options struct {
Threshold float64 // lowest score to keep; default 0. Max is 1.
Limit int // max results (fewer if Threshold is set); 0 means use a fixed default
AllowKind []string // kinds of documents to keep; empty means keep all
DenyKind []string // kinds of documents to remove; empty means remove none
// Result is a single result of a search ([Query] or [Vector]).
// It represents a single document in a vector database which is a
// nearest neighbor of the request.
type Result struct {
Kind string // kind of document: issue, doc page, etc.
Title string
// Query performs a nearest neighbors search for the request's document
// over the given vector database, respecting the options set in [QueryRequest].
// It embeds the request's document onto the vector space using the given embedder.
// It expects that vdb is a vector database containing embeddings of
// the documents in dc, embedded using embed.
func Query(ctx context.Context, vdb storage.VectorDB, dc *docs.Corpus, embed llm.Embedder, req *QueryRequest) ([]Result, error) {
vecs, err := embed.EmbedDocs(ctx, []llm.EmbedDoc{req.EmbedDoc})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("EmbedDocs: %w", err)
vec := vecs[0]
return vector(vdb, dc, vec, &req.Options), nil
// VectorRequest is a [Vector] request.
// It includes the vector to search for neighbors of, and
// (optional) result filters.
type VectorRequest struct {
// Vector performs a nearest neighbors search for the request's vector
// over the given vector database, respecting the options set in [VectorRequest].
// It expects that vdb is a vector database containing embeddings of
// the documents in dc, embedded using the same embedder used to create
// the request's vector.
func Vector(vdb storage.VectorDB, dc *docs.Corpus, req *VectorRequest) []Result {
return vector(vdb, dc, req.Vector, &req.Options)
// Validate returns an error if any of the options is invalid.
func (o *Options) Validate() error {
if o.Limit < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("limit must be >= 0 (got: %d)", o.Limit)
if o.Threshold < 0 || o.Threshold > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("threshold must be >= 0 and <= 1 (got: %.3f)", o.Threshold)
for _, allow := range o.AllowKind {
if _, ok := kinds[allow]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized allow kind %q (case-sensitive)", allow)
for _, deny := range o.DenyKind {
if _, ok := kinds[deny]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized deny kind %q (case-sensitive)", deny)
return nil
func vector(vdb storage.VectorDB, dc *docs.Corpus, vec llm.Vector, opts *Options) []Result {
limit := defaultLimit
if opts.Limit > 0 {
limit = opts.Limit
// Search uses normalized dot product, so higher numbers are better.
// Max is 1, min is 0.
threshold := 0.0
if opts.Threshold > 0 {
threshold = opts.Threshold
// By defaut, allow all kinds of documents.
allowKind := func(string) bool { return true }
if len(opts.AllowKind) != 0 {
allowKind = containsFunc(opts.AllowKind)
// By defaut, deny no kinds of documents.
denyKind := func(string) bool { return false }
if len(opts.DenyKind) != 0 {
denyKind = containsFunc(opts.DenyKind)
var srs []Result
for _, r := range vdb.Search(vec, limit) {
if r.Score < threshold {
kind := docIDKind(r.ID)
if !allowKind(kind) || denyKind(kind) {
title := ""
if d, ok := dc.Get(r.ID); ok {
title = d.Title
srs = append(srs, Result{
Kind: kind,
Title: title,
VectorResult: r,
return srs
func containsFunc(s []string) func(string) bool {
m := make(map[string]bool)
for _, k := range s {
m[k] = true
return func(s string) bool { return m[s] }
// Round rounds r.Score to three decimal places.
func (r *Result) Round() {
r.Score = math.Round(r.Score*1e3) / 1e3
// IDIsURL reports whether the Result's ID is a valid absolute URL.
func (r *Result) IDIsURL() bool {
return isURL(r.ID)
// isURL reports whether the string is a valid absolute URL.
func isURL(s string) bool {
// Use [url.ParseRequestURI] as it only accepts absolute URLs
// ([url.Parse] accepts relative URLs too).
_, err := url.ParseRequestURI(s)
return err == nil
// Maximum number of search results to return by default.
const defaultLimit = 20
// Recognized kinds of documents.
const (
KindGitHubIssue = "GitHubIssue"
KindGitHubDiscussion = "GitHubDiscussion"
KindGoWiki = "GoWiki"
KindGoDocumentation = "GoDocumentation"
KindGoReference = "GoReference"
KindGoBlog = "GoBlog"
KindGoDevPage = "GoDevPage"
KindGoGerritChange = "GoGerritChange"
KindGoogleGroupConversation = "GoogleGroupsConversation"
// Unknown document.
KindUnknown = "Unknown"
// Set of recognized document kinds.
var kinds = map[string]bool{
KindGitHubIssue: true,
KindGitHubDiscussion: true,
KindGoWiki: true,
KindGoDocumentation: true,
KindGoBlog: true,
KindGoDevPage: true,
KindUnknown: true,
KindGoGerritChange: true,
KindGoogleGroupConversation: true,
// docIDKind determines the kind of document from its ID.
// It returns the empty string if it cannot do so.
// The function assumes that we only care about the Go project.
func docIDKind(id string) string {
u, err := url.Parse(id)
if err != nil {
return KindUnknown
hp := path.Join(u.Host, u.Path)
switch {
case githubRE.MatchString(hp):
return githubKind(hp, u.Fragment)
case strings.HasPrefix(hp, ""):
return KindGoWiki
case strings.HasPrefix(hp, ""):
return KindGoDocumentation
case strings.HasPrefix(hp, ""):
return KindGoReference
case strings.HasPrefix(hp, ""):
return KindGoBlog
case strings.HasPrefix(hp, ""):
return KindGoDevPage
case strings.HasPrefix(hp, ""):
return KindGoGerritChange
case goGoogleGroupConversation(hp):
return KindGoogleGroupConversation
return KindUnknown
func githubKind(hostPath string, fragment string) string {
// We don't currently recognize Github URLs with fragments.
if fragment != "" {
return KindUnknown
s := githubRE.FindStringSubmatch(hostPath)
if len(s) != 3 { // malformed
return KindUnknown
project, api := s[1], s[2]
// Project must be "golang/go", except in tests.
if project != "golang/go" && !testing.Testing() {
return KindUnknown
switch api {
case "issues":
return KindGitHubIssue
case "discussions":
return KindGitHubDiscussion
return KindUnknown
// Matches GitHub URLs in any project of the form
var githubRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^github\.com/([\w-]+/[\w-]+)/([\w-]+)/\d+$`)
func goGoogleGroupConversation(hostPath string) bool {
s := googleGroupRE.FindStringSubmatch(hostPath)
if len(s) != 2 { // malformed
return false
// Group must be "golang-*".
if !strings.HasPrefix(s[1], "golang-") {
return false
return true
// Matches Google Groups conversation URLs for any group of the
// form
var googleGroupRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^groups\.google\.com/g/([\w-]+)/c/[\w-]+$`)