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| <h1>Go Wiki: Go-Release-Cycle</h1> |
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| <p>This wiki page is maintained by the Go team. Please |
| <a href="https://groups.google.com/group/golang-dev" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">send comments to golang-dev</a> or |
| <a href="https://go.dev/issue" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">file issues</a> instead of making changes directly.</p> |
| <p>Short link: <a href="https://go.dev/s/release" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://go.dev/s/release</a>.</p> |
| <h2 id="overview">Overview</h2> |
| <p>Go is released every six months. Each release cycle is broken down into a |
| development phase lasting about 4 months, followed by a 3-month period of |
| testing and polishing called the release freeze. If everything goes well, work |
| on the next release begins before the previous release has shipped, resulting in |
| an overlap of about a month.</p> |
| <p>After the initial release of a version, it is supported with minor releases that |
| fix severe bugs and security issues.</p> |
| <h2 id="timeline">Timeline</h2> |
| <p>The current release cycle is aligned to start in mid-January and mid-July of |
| each year. The target milestones for a release cycle are as described below. We |
| try to hit the targets as closely as possible, while still delivering a quality |
| release.</p> |
| <p>To give the team time to prepare, and to address unexpected problems, we prefer |
| to do release work early or mid-week. That means that exact dates will vary year |
| to year, so milestones are specified as weeks in a particular month. Week 1 is |
| the week starting on the first Monday of the month. All dates are subject to |
| change based on the year’s holiday timings.</p> |
| <p><img src="images/release-cycle.svg" alt="release"></p> |
| <h4 id="january--july-week-1-planning-for-release-begins">January / July week 1: Planning for release begins.</h4> |
| <p>Planning of major work for upcoming release cycle is announced on |
| <a href="https://groups.google.com/group/golang-dev" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">golang-dev</a>.</p> |
| <p>Example: <a href="https://groups.google.com/g/golang-dev/c/V8ez4YunkeE" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Go 1.20</a></p> |
| <h4 id="january--july-week-3-release-work-begins">January / July week 3: Release work begins.</h4> |
| <p>Once the prior release has entered its final stabilization period, the tree |
| opens for general development. All kinds of development are welcome during this |
| period. It’s preferable for large or particularly risky changes to land well |
| before the end of the development window, so that there’s time to fix any |
| problems that arise with them.</p> |
| <h4 id="may--november-week-4-release-freeze-begins">May / November week 4: Release freeze begins.</h4> |
| <p>This milestone begins the second part of the release cycle, the release freeze. |
| The release freeze applies to the entire main repository as well as to the code |
| in subrepositories that is needed to build the binaries included in the release, |
| particularly vet and all its dependencies in the tools subrepository.</p> |
| <p>During the freeze, only bug fixes, test-only changes, and doc updates |
| are accepted. On occasion new work may be done during the freeze, but |
| only in exceptional circumstances and typically only if the work was |
| proposed and approved before the cutoff. Such changes must be low |
| risk. See <a href="#freeze-exceptions">freeze exceptions</a> below.</p> |
| <p>This part of the release cycle is focused on improving the quality of the |
| release, by testing it and fixing bugs that are found. However, every fix must |
| be evaluated to balance the benefit of a possible fix against the cost of now |
| having not as well tested code (the fix) in the release. Early in the release |
| cycle, the balance tends toward accepting a fix. Late in the release cycle, the |
| balance tends toward rejecting a fix, unless a case can be made that the fix is |
| both low risk and high reward.</p> |
| <p>Examples of low risk changes appropriate late in the cycle include changes to |
| documentation and fixes to new features being introduced in the current release |
| (since there is no chance of introducing a regression compared to an earlier |
| release).</p> |
| <p>Shortly after the freeze begins, nearly all known bugs should have been fixed or |
| explicitly postponed (either to the next release or indefinitely). The remainder |
| should usually be tracked as release blockers and worked on urgently.</p> |
| <h4 id="june--december-week-2-release-candidate-1-issued">June / December week 2: Release candidate 1 issued.</h4> |
| <p>A release candidate is meant to be as close as possible to the actual release |
| bits. Issuing a release candidate is an indication that the Go team has high |
| confidence that the tree is free of critical bugs. In particular, because Google |
| continuously tracks the development version of Go, by the time a release |
| candidate is issued, a close approximation of it will have been running in |
| production at Google for at least a week or two.</p> |
| <p>Once a release candidate is issued, only documentation changes and changes to |
| address critical bugs should be made. In general the bar for bug fixes at this |
| point is even slightly higher than the bar for bug fixes in a minor release. We |
| may prefer to issue a release with a known but very rare crash than to issue a |
| release with a new but not production-tested fix.</p> |
| <p>If critical bugs are reported and fixed, additional release candidates may be |
| issued, but typically not more than one every two weeks.</p> |
| <p>Again, a release candidate is meant to be bug-free, as much as possible. |
| Organizations are encouraged to deploy it in production settings after |
| appropriate organization-specific testing.</p> |
| <p>The calm period between a release candidate and the final release is a good time |
| for additional testing or for discussing the next release (see the planning |
| milestone above).</p> |
| <h4 id="july--january-week-3-work-on-the-next-release-begins">July / January week 3: Work on the next release begins</h4> |
| <p>While the current release is being stabilized, the tree reopens for work on the |
| next. During this period, fixes intended for the current release need to be |
| <a href="https://go.dev/wiki/MinorReleases#making-cherry-pick-cls" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">cherry-picked onto the release branch</a>. |
| Unlike cherry-picks for minor releases, these changes don’t need a backport |
| issue and don’t need to be approved by the release team. As long as they’re |
| permitted by the <a href="#may--november-week-4-release-freeze-begins">freeze policy</a>, |
| they can be reviewed and submitted like any other CL.</p> |
| <h4 id="august--february-week-2-release-issued">August / February week 2: Release issued.</h4> |
| <p>Finally, the release itself!</p> |
| <p>A release should not contain significant changes since the last release |
| candidate: it is important that all code in the release has been well tested. |
| Issuing a release is an indication that release testing has confirmed the |
| release candidate’s high confidence that the tree is free of critical bugs.</p> |
| <p>Even if a release goes smoothly and there’s spare time, we prefer to stay on |
| schedule. Extra testing can only improve the stability of a release, and it also |
| gives developers working on the Go release more time to think about and plan the |
| next release before code changes start pouring in again.</p> |
| <p>By the time of the final release, Google will have been using this version of Go |
| for nearly two months. While Google’s successful use does not guarantee the |
| absence of problems, our experience has been that it certainly helps improve the |
| quality of the release. We strongly encourage other organizations to test |
| release candidates as aggressively as they are able and to report problems that |
| they find.</p> |
| <p>Once a release is stabilized, work on the next release, including code reviews |
| and submission of new code, can begin, and the cycle repeats. Note that if a |
| release is delayed, work on the next release may be delayed as well.</p> |
| <h2 id="release-maintenance">Release Maintenance</h2> |
| <p>A minor release is issued to address one or more critical problems for which |
| there is no workaround (typically related to stability or security). The only |
| code changes included in the release are the fixes for the specific critical |
| problems. Important documentation-only changes and safe test updates (such as |
| disabling tests), may also be included as well, but nothing more. Minor releases |
| preserve backwards compatibility as much as possible, and don’t introduce new |
| APIs.</p> |
| <p>Minor releases to address problems (including security issues) for Go 1.x stop |
| once Go 1.x+2 is released. For more about security updates, see the |
| <a href="https://go.dev/security" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">security policy</a>.</p> |
| <p>See also the <a href="https://go.dev/wiki/MinorReleases" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">MinorReleases</a> wiki page.</p> |
| <h2 id="freeze-exceptions">Freeze Exceptions</h2> |
| <p>Fix CLs that are |
| <a href="#may--november-week-4-release-freeze-begins">permitted by the freeze policy</a> do |
| not need a freeze exception.</p> |
| <p>Any exceptions to the freeze must be communicated to and explicitly approved by |
| the Go Release Team before the freeze. If you’d like to request an exception, |
| please file an issue in the issue tracker with “[freeze exception]” as a suffix |
| and include “CC @golang/release” (<a href="https://go.dev/issue/42747" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">example</a>). We |
| will address any requests on a case-by-case basis with a strong preference for |
| not permitting changes after the freeze.</p> |
| <h2 id="historical-note">Historical note</h2> |
| <p>A version of this schedule, with a shorter development window, was originally |
| adopted for the Go 1.7 release in 2016. After years of difficult releases, |
| testing and process improvements in 2022 and 2023 led to a timely 1.19 release. |
| For 1.20, the development window was expanded with a late freeze and early thaw. |
| These changes were formalized for the 1.21 release. We anticipate continuing to |
| ship on time.</p> |
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