blob: e2db6c9999f5511af9c9b49f46c709b422df308b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package discussion
import (
func TestDiscussions(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
c := testGQLClient(t)
owner := "tatianab"
repo := "scratch"
// Restrict items per page to ensure pagination works.
restore := maxItemsPerPage
maxItemsPerPage = 2
t.Cleanup(func() { maxItemsPerPage = restore })
var got []*Discussion
for d, err := range c.discussions(ctx, owner, repo) {
if err != nil {
got = append(got, d)
want := []*Discussion{
URL: "",
Number: 51,
Author: github.User{Login: "tatianab"},
Title: "A general discussion",
CreatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:08:25Z",
UpdatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:30:38Z",
LastEditedAt: "2024-10-07T16:30:38Z",
Body: "Some locked topic of discussion.",
UpvoteCount: 1,
Locked: true,
ActiveLockReason: "RESOLVED",
Labels: nil,
URL: "",
Number: 52,
Author: github.User{Login: "tatianab"},
Title: "A third discussion",
CreatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:09:40Z",
UpdatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:20:27Z",
LastEditedAt: "2024-10-07T16:20:27Z",
Body: "So much discussing to do.\r\n\r\nThere's always more to talk about.",
UpvoteCount: 1,
Locked: false,
ActiveLockReason: "",
Labels: nil,
URL: "",
Number: 50,
Author: github.User{Login: "tatianab"},
Title: "Welcome to discussions",
CreatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:06:05Z",
UpdatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:07:27Z",
LastEditedAt: "",
Body: "This is an example of a discussion.\r\n",
UpvoteCount: 1,
Locked: false,
ActiveLockReason: "",
Labels: []github.Label{{Name: "other"}},
if diff := cmp.Diff(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("discussions() mismatch (-want, +got):\n%s", diff)
func TestComments(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
// Restrict items per page to ensure pagination works.
restore := maxItemsPerPage
maxItemsPerPage = 2
t.Cleanup(func() { maxItemsPerPage = restore })
c := testGQLClient(t)
owner := "tatianab"
repo := "scratch"
var got []*Comment
for c, err := range c.comments(ctx, owner, repo) {
if err != nil {
got = append(got, c)
want := []*Comment{
URL: "",
DiscussionURL: "",
ReplyToURL: "",
Author: github.User{Login: "tatianab"},
CreatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:08:32Z",
UpdatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:08:33Z",
Body: "A comment",
URL: "",
DiscussionURL: "",
ReplyToURL: "",
Author: github.User{Login: "tatianab"},
CreatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:08:39Z",
UpdatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:08:40Z",
Body: "Another comment!",
URL: "",
DiscussionURL: "",
ReplyToURL: "",
Author: github.User{Login: "tatianab"},
CreatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:08:47Z",
UpdatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:08:48Z",
Body: "Yet another comment.",
URL: "",
DiscussionURL: "",
ReplyToURL: "",
Author: github.User{Login: "tatianab"},
CreatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:08:59Z",
UpdatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:09:00Z",
Body: "A reply",
URL: "",
DiscussionURL: "",
ReplyToURL: "",
Author: github.User{Login: "tatianab"},
CreatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:09:08Z",
UpdatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:09:10Z",
Body: "A second reply",
URL: "",
DiscussionURL: "",
ReplyToURL: "",
Author: github.User{Login: "tatianab"},
CreatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:09:15Z",
UpdatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:09:15Z",
Body: "A third reply",
URL: "",
DiscussionURL: "",
ReplyToURL: "",
Author: github.User{Login: "tatianab"},
CreatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:09:48Z",
UpdatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:09:49Z",
Body: "A comment.",
URL: "",
DiscussionURL: "",
ReplyToURL: "",
Author: github.User{Login: "tatianab"},
CreatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:07:01Z",
UpdatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:07:02Z",
Body: "This is a discussion comment.",
URL: "",
DiscussionURL: "",
ReplyToURL: "",
Author: github.User{Login: "tatianab"},
CreatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:07:10Z",
UpdatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:07:10Z",
Body: "This is a discussion reply.",
URL: "",
DiscussionURL: "",
ReplyToURL: "",
Author: github.User{Login: "tatianab"},
CreatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:07:19Z",
UpdatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:07:20Z",
Body: "This is another reply.",
URL: "",
DiscussionURL: "",
ReplyToURL: "",
Author: github.User{Login: "tatianab"},
CreatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:07:27Z",
UpdatedAt: "2024-10-07T16:07:28Z",
Body: "Another comment.",
if diff := cmp.Diff(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("comments() mismatch (-want, +got):\n%s", diff)
func testGQLClient(t *testing.T) *gqlClient {
check := testutil.Checker(t)
fname := fmt.Sprintf("testdata/gql/%s.httprr", t.Name())
if _, err := os.Stat(fname); err != nil {
dir := filepath.Dir(fname)
check(os.MkdirAll(dir, os.ModePerm))
_, err := os.Create(fname)
return testGQLClientFromFile(t, fname)
func testGQLClientFromFile(t *testing.T, fname string) *gqlClient {
sdb := secret.DB(secret.Map{"": "user:pass"})
recording, err := httprr.Recording(fname)
if err != nil {
if recording {
sdb = secret.Netrc()
ac := authClient(context.Background(), sdb)
rr, err := httprr.Open(fname, ac.Transport)
testutil.Check(t, err)
c := newGQLClient(rr.Client())
return c