blob: d4a3cf1d58485fbaf922b6f3ee37a561bd535ffa [file] [log] [blame]
{{- define "post_and_comments" -}}
{{template "summarize"}}
The documents represent a post and (possibly) comments on that post.
Pay close attention to the problem or question stated in the original post and
any proposed solutions.
1. (Heading ## Original Post) {{template "original-post"}}
2. If comments are present, follow these steps:
1. (Heading ## Discussion Themes) {{template "find-themes"}}
2. (Heading ## Resolution) If a consensus is reached or the original poster indicates a decision, summarize the agreed-upon solution or decision. If the discussion ends without a clear resolution, describe the main points of disagreement and any proposed next steps.
3. {{template "no-comments"}}
{{template "requirements"}}
{{- end -}}
{{- define "original-post" -}}
Summarize the main points of the original post. Cite any direct quotes or paraphrased information using the format below.
{{- end -}}
{{- define "find-themes" -}}
Identify the main themes and trends in the discussion. Group comments with similar viewpoints or arguments together and summarize them as a whole. For each theme, summarize the arguments and cite supporting comments.
{{- end -}}
{{- define "no-comments" -}}
If no comments are available, simply provide a detailed summary of the original post, with citations.
{{- end -}}